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Породица Бендер наставља 50-годишњу традицију путовања у сафари возилима на отвореном северно од Короле дуж океана и пешчаних дина у трајању од 2 сата, у малој групи, уз дељење историје екскурзија и екологије. Заустављамо се ради неколико прилика за фотографисање и занимљивих места на путу, као и да укључимо приватни приступ Подручју заштите дивљих коња. Ова турнеја је такође укључивала професионалног и образованог водича коња који ће вас образовати о ономе што видите. Изаберите једно од 3 времена поласка када резервишете.<бр><бр>За сада ћемо дозволити максималан капацитет САМО за једну породицу или групу по домаћинству ако бораве заједно у истој кући за изнајмљивање. У супротном, максимум ће бити ДВАНАЕСТ (12) особа.<бр><бр>Ако имате више од 12 особа, позовите нас директно за смештај. <бр><бр>Нећемо моћи да дозволимо ниједној деци испод 40 фунти на турнеји.
Цити: Оутер Банкс
Tue 08 Oct
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Са почетком у $57.70
Tue 08 Oct
Са почетком у $57.70
Шта је укључено
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>НИСМО ОДГОВОРНИ АКО СЕ ЗАГЛАВИТЕ У САОБРАЋАЈУ. ЗАГЛАВЉЕЊЕ У САОБРАЋАЈУ НЕ ГАРАНТУЈЕ ПОВРАТАК.<ли>САОБРАЋАЈ ЈЕ Уобичајен. МОЛИМО ВРЕМЕ ДА ДОЂЕТЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ВРЕМЕНА ВАШЕГ ОБИЛАЗАЊА. <ли>ДЕЦА МЛАЂА 40 ФУНТА НЕ МОЖЕ ДА ДОЂЕ БИЛО ШТА. <ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике старије од 13 година.<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Код облачења је необичан.><ли>Цоролла Вилд Хорсе Фунд је замолио псе да их не доводи на турнеју. Само регистроване услужне животиње.<ли>СВАКЕ ПРОМЕНЕ ИЛИ ДОПУНЕ РЕЗЕРВАЦИЈА, УКЉУЧУЈУЋИ БРОЈ ОСОБА, ДАТУМ, ВРЕМЕ ИЛИ ПОПУСТ МОРАЈУ ДА СЕ ИЗВРШЕ ПРЕКО ВИАТОР-а. ЦОРОЛЛА ОУТБАЦК АДВЕНТУРЕС НЕ МОЖЕ ИЗМЕНИТИ РЕЗЕРВАЦИЈЕ БЕЗ ЗАХТЕВА ПУТУНИКА НА ВИАТОР-у.<ли>наша АДРЕСА је 1148 Оцеан Траил- Цоролла, НЦ 27927<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли> ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Царова Беацх
Плажа 4Кс4 у Цоролли којој се може приступити само возилом са погоном на 4 точка.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Apr 2022
We thoroughly enjoyed our tour. We knew that this time of the year is not always the best time to see the horses but we were very lucky to see 11 horses. Our tour guide was Kurt. He was very knowledgeable and kind. You can tell he loves the horses, his job and the OBX. We should all be so fortunate to love what we do. I would highly recommend this tour. You must realize that it was definitely cold on the drive back but that is to be expected. Thanks for a great time.
Apr 2022
We loved everything from beginning to end. They greeted us with smiles and were very friendly. They explained eveything, seemed genuinely interested in us as a family and gave a great tour. The reviews said to bundle up and we definitely did! we may have thought we were overdoing it but we needed every single bit of warmth for a ride in April. We saw 2 horses we got to see the back country up in corova, when we got back Edna who was an amazing tour guide also told us about the historic Corolla village to explore...we spent the rest day there and had a great time.
Apr 2022
We found Outback Adventures through an online forum for people traveling to OBX. My nine year old son thought it looked like fun, and we agreed. Reservations were easily made online and tickets were very reasonably priced. Outback adventures sent plenty of information on what to bring with us and what to expect during our tour. Waivers were completed paper-free online at our leisure. Directions to the business were also easily obtained. The business is located on a major road and was well-marked in signage. When we arrived, we were checked in and shown to a comfortable gazebo to await the tour. Bathroom facilities were also available in a small hut behind the business, and they were clean and well stocked. When it was time to board the truck, we were assisted by our guide. Seating along the bed of the truck was comfortable and equipped with safety bars and adjustable seatbelts. The tour left on time and made frequent stops for our tour guide to update us on where we were and what we could expect to see. The tour drove through small rental communities, sand dunes, beach frontage, and wooded areas. It also included a gated conservation area where we got our first glimpse of a wild Corolla horse, Theo. Though we only ended up seeing two horses, it was still an amazing experience. Our guide, Edna, was very well versed in island history, and much of the local wildlife. She explained in detail where the horses came from and how they live. We learned about their diets and familial structures, health and general living environments and habits. We also learned about the things that threaten them, the ways people can assist in protecting them, and how to continue to enjoy them going forward. There were several scenic stops where we were able to experience local environment, and the guide also frequently stopped to speak to wildlife fund representatives as well as competitor guides in search of the horses and even to discuss the general health and welfare of the horses we saw. It was ABUNDANTLY clear that the people involved in these excursions are extremely dedicated to the local wildlife. They truly care about these animals and are happy to share their experiences with guests. It was touching to partake in an activity where we knew very clearly and obviously that the employees loved their jobs. We highly recommend this activity for anyone visiting OBX!

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