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2-часовни приватни Хилтон Хеад, поподневно гледање делфина на једро

Ова двочасовна тура приватног поподневног једрења одвешће нас до Порт Ројал Соунда (генерално најбољи ветар за једрење на Хилтон Хеду) на северној страни острва. Током дана, ово је углавном испуњено узбудљивим ветровима за сјајно једрење, заједно са прелепим пејзажом и дивљим животињама као што су делфини, птице, ража и ламантин су неке од сјајних ствари које можемо да видимо на веома редовној основи. Ово је једрилица са једним трупом, што значи да ће се преокренути (потпуно нормално, али веома узбудљиво - дизајнирано да се не преврне!). Све ово без буке мотора у позадини - ми волимо да пловимо, а не моторно једро!!! <бр><бр>Желимо да нашем госту буде веома удобно на нашем броду познатом као "Кнот тхе Оффице" и стога, ако је некоме непријатно због лечења, можемо значајно да смањимо зарастање како бисмо осигурали да је свима удобно.<бр><бр><бр> бр>Ово је забавна и узбудљива активност, али у исто време веома опуштајућа и корисна.<бр><бр>Позовите нас директно да разговарамо о другим опцијама путовања једрењем
Цити: Хилтон Хеад Исланд
Tue 24 Dec
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Са почетком у $465.00
Tue 24 Dec
Са почетком у $465.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли> Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Перемо и чистимо све површине чамца између путовања једрима
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Коментара (88)
Jul 2021
My family recently chartered the "Knot the Office", and it was the highlight of our trip to Hilton Head Island. We had hoped for a relaxed excursion along the HHI waterways, some hands-on participation, and education on the Hilton Head area. That's exactly what we got. Captain Paul and First Mate Kevin were extremely welcoming and knowledgeable. We would recommend this charter to anyone. Thanks again guys!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you for the great review. We enjoyed having you guys on board and I know Kevin enjoyed having the help:) We look forward to sailing again soon with you
Jul 2021
A perfect day! We did an afternoon sail for our senior friend (who used to sail) and his family for his 85th Birthday. Captain Paul and Kevin were absolutely wonderful! Very personable and professional. We had beautiful views, learned some things about the area we didn't know and enjoyed a champagne toast! Thank you for going above and beyond to accommodate us and creating such a memorable birthday!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you for the great review. We enjoyed having you all on board and we were glad to be a part of your celebration. We look forward to sailing again soon with you!
Skyler A
Jul 2021
It was all great and wonderful until a sail came through and we had to cancel our trip. I figured since bad weather they would push back the later times to accommodate us, but we got our chairs set up on the front of the boat and then as soon as we got comfortable we was given the “decision” to go out for 15 minutes (due to the weather) it just cancel. This would have been my first time sail boating. Let’s just say that fun-o-meter was at 0.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Skyler, I apologize that you were not able to go out on your scheduled sail with us. Your description of events is slightly misconstrued. First off when we meet you at the dock I told you we had weather around us but felt we could go sail at the time. We took you down to the boat and just as we got to the boat my weather alert (weather radio) went off explaining we had a severe thunderstorm warning for our area. We did a safety brief and then as I mentioned to you before we would go out I would check the radar for the final decision. After the safety brief I checked all available weather apps and radars which was showing a severe weather cell moving our way. I showed you the radar which had the center of the storm over top of us in as little as 45 mins. As mentioned to you I told you we have a 60’ lighting rod on top of the boat and I was not interested in putting any of you or any of us in harms way. Safety of our guests is our upmost priority. I did mention to you that I was still willing to go out as we had a little time but explained that if this cell did not dissipate we would have no choice but to run in early and told you that if we were to do that we would prorate the trip. I also explained that the probability of us having to come in early based on the information that we had at the time would be very high. I also provided an option for you to go out on our power boat which happened to be available at the time as an option as we could potentially out run the storm and keep you 3 safe. I also gave you the option to cancel the trip and provide you with a full refund as we had other bookings for the remaining part of the day and were not able to just simply push back the time for our sail. You chose to cancel the sail and get a full refund in which we did and provided you with a full refund. Again our first priority is to keep our passengers safe and show them a good time. I am again sorry that a thunderstorm moved in and we were unable to take you 3 out, but just as you mentioned when you were leaving the boat - you stated that we cannot control the weather.

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