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3-сатни обилазак града Сијетла

As a military veteran, we honor veterans with a discount thanks for your service. Seniors 62 and upward, get your discount as well. Now this tour is like binge watching three episodes of your favorite program, minus the zombies & dragons. I do have a troll, a Space Needle, waterfall, giant Amazon spheres and Pixar UP House just like the movie floating houses (Sleepless in Seattle) We will even show you where Boeing 1st airplane took flight. If you have never seen Jurasick Park Pterodactyls come March - July to see them, I ain’t lying. This tour is both structured & spontaneous, guaranteed to learn and laugh.
Yes, you will see the famous sights, and unique neighborhoods as well.
Thank you Viator for awarding Seattle's Best Tours as a TOP 20 Experience in the USA in 2022 - 2023

Цити: Сеаттле
Sat 29 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $85.50
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $85.50
Шта је укључено
Локације преузимања: Тхе Вестин, Хиатт Регенци, Схератон, Фаирмонт.
Понекад су Сода & Беер доступни, није гарантовано, вода је увек доступна
Pick up Location: Hyatt Regency Seattle.
Sometimes Soda & Beer is available, not guaranteed, water always available
Pick up Location: Hyatt Regency Seattle.
Sometimes Soda & Beer is available, not guaranteed, water always available
Pick up Location: Hyatt Regency Seattle.
Додатне информације
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Operates in all weather conditions, please dress appropriately
  • We do NOT pick up at airport hotels, take the light rail to Westlake Station and walk 1.5 blocks to the Westin Valet Loading Zone on Westlake Avenue.
Шта да очекујете
Пионирски трг
Првобитни комшилук Сијетла, историјски округ, заустављање за фотографије у парку Ватерфалл Гарден, првој ватрогасној станици у Сијетлу и дому познате компаније за доставу пакета.
Пике Плаце Маркет
Пољопривредна пијаца је превише заузета да би се зауставила јер је потребно најмање неколико сати да се види. Можемо да вас пустимо на локацији након обиласка, само нас обавестите.
Свемирска игла
Светски позната свемирска игла (не укључује улаз) 5 минута за фотографије, можемо вас пустити овде на крају обиласка, само нас обавестите.
Лаке Унион
Да, биће брза станица за фотографије да бисте видели највише плутајућих домова у Сједињеним Државама. Сетите се Неспавани у Сијетлу Том Хенкс је живео у лебдећој кући, у филму који јесте.
Керри Парк
Ово је најбољи поглед на област Спаце Неедле/Довнтовн. Ако је време ведро, добићете прелепу фотографију планине Раиниер или како је први народи зову Моунт Тацома. 10 - 15 минута.
Музеј забавне културе
Музеј поред Спаце Неедле, тако да можете добити фотографију или вас оставити овде на крају обиласка. (види Спаце Неедле)
Фремонт Тролл
Фремонт Тролл, ово није гарантовано заустављање јер нема много простора за заустављање и њиме патролирају саобраћајни полицајци и суседи који се жале.
Међународни округ Кинеске четврти
Бићете вожени кроз Кинеску четврт/Јапан Товн, а ако сте тог јутра попили превише кафе, можда ће хотел Панама бити станица, тако да можете да користите објекат. Ово је прва дизајнирана јапанска зграда у Сијетлу и постоји пртљаг који је остао од Јапанаца јер су били присиљени напустити своје домове током рата. Ово је хотел из књиге: Хотел Он Тхе Цорнер оф Биттер & Свеет.
Ватерфалл Гарден Парк
Водопад усред Пионирског трга
ЦентуриЛинк Фиелд
Дом Сијетл Сихокса
Чихули башта и стакло
Гласс Арт
Амазонске сфере
Почетна страница Амазон.цом и прва Амазон продавница прехрамбених производа без плаћања.
Хирам М. Цхиттенден Лоцкс
Балард Лоцкс је оно што мештани зову. Ако је право доба године, видећете лососа како се враћа у слатководна језера где су рођени да се мресте. Можда фоке и фока на два, понекад орлови лове рибу и птичја јаја, па се гнезде плаве чапље које се налазе високо на дрвећу у џиновском гнезду. Вилд Кингдоме се састаје са Сијетлом.
Статуа Лењина
Статуа Владимира Лењина, комунистичког руског диктатора
Pioneer Square
Seattle Original Neighborhood, Historical District, Stop for photos at Waterfall Garden Park, Seattle first Fire Station, and Home of a famous parcel delivery company.
Pike Place Market
The Farmers Market is too busy to stop as it takes at least a couple hours to see it. We can let you off at the location after the tour, just let us know.
Space Needle
World Famous Space Needle (Does Not Include Entry) this is a drop off location, Photos of the Space Needle have been previously taken at this point. If guest want to conclude the tour at the Space Needle we will accomodate.
Lake Union
Yes, there will be a quick stop for photos to see the most floating homes in the United States. Remember Sleepless in Seattle Tom Hanks lived in a floating home, in the movie that is.
Kerry Park
This is the best view of the Space Needle/Downtown Area, If the weather is clear you will get a beautiful photo of Mount Rainier or as the First Nations call it Mount Tacoma. 10 - 15 minutes.
Museum of Pop Culture
The Museum in next to the Space Needle, so you can get a photo or get dropped off here at the end of the tour. (see Space Needle)
Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, this is not a guaranteed stop, if parking is available and gueste want to stop, we stop, as there isn't much room to stop and is patrolled by traffic cops and complaining neighbors.
Waterfall Garden Park
Waterfall in the middle of Pioneer Square
Lumen Field
Home of Seattle Seahawks
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Glass Art
Amazon Spheres
The Home of Amazon.com and the first Amazon no pay grocery store.
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks
The Ballard Locks are what the locals call it. If it is the right time of year, you will see salmon returning to the fresh water lakes where they were born to spawn. Possibly seals & a sealion on two, sometimes Eagles are hunting for fish & bird eggs, hence nesting Blue Herons perched high in trees on giant nest. Wild Kingdome meets Seattle.
Lenin Statue
Statue of Vladimir Lenin, Communist Russian Dictator
Chinatown International District
Drive through Chinatown, viewing the various restuarants and shopping.
Pioneer Square
Seattle Original Neighborhood, Historical District, Stop for photos at Waterfall Garden Park, Seattle first Fire Station, and Home of a famous parcel delivery company.
Pike Place Market
The Farmers Market is too busy to stop as it takes at least a couple hours to see it. We can let you off at the location after the tour, just let us know.
Space Needle
World Famous Space Needle (Does Not Include Entry) this is a drop off location, Photos of the Space Needle have been previously taken at this point. If guest want to conclude the tour at the Space Needle we will accomodate.
Lake Union
Yes, there will be a quick stop for photos to see the most floating homes in the United States. Remember Sleepless in Seattle Tom Hanks lived in a floating home, in the movie that is.
Kerry Park
This is the best view of the Space Needle/Downtown Area, If the weather is clear you will get a beautiful photo of Mount Rainier or as the First Nations call it Mount Tacoma. 10 - 15 minutes.
Museum of Pop Culture
The Museum in next to the Space Needle, so you can get a photo or get dropped off here at the end of the tour. (see Space Needle)
Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, this is not a guaranteed stop, if parking is available and gueste want to stop, we stop, as there isn't much room to stop and is patrolled by traffic cops and complaining neighbors.
Waterfall Garden Park
Waterfall in the middle of Pioneer Square
Lumen Field
Home of Seattle Seahawks
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Glass Art
Amazon Spheres
The Home of Amazon.com and the first Amazon no pay grocery store.
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks
The Ballard Locks are what the locals call it. If it is the right time of year, you will see salmon returning to the fresh water lakes where they were born to spawn. Possibly seals & a sealion on two, sometimes Eagles are hunting for fish & bird eggs, hence nesting Blue Herons perched high in trees on giant nest. Wild Kingdome meets Seattle.
Lenin Statue
Statue of Vladimir Lenin, Communist Russian Dictator
Chinatown International District
Drive through Chinatown, viewing the various restuarants and shopping.
Pioneer Square
Seattle Original Neighborhood, Historical District, Stop for photos at Waterfall Garden Park, Seattle first Fire Station, and Home of a famous parcel delivery company.
Pike Place Market
The Farmers Market is too busy to stop as it takes at least a couple hours to see it. We can let you off at the location after the tour, just let us know.
Space Needle
World Famous Space Needle (Does Not Include Entry) this is a drop off location, Photos of the Space Needle have been previously taken at this point. If guest want to conclude the tour at the Space Needle we will accomodate.
Lake Union
Yes, there will be a quick stop for photos to see the most floating homes in the United States. Remember Sleepless in Seattle Tom Hanks lived in a floating home, in the movie that is.
Kerry Park
This is the best view of the Space Needle/Downtown Area, If the weather is clear you will get a beautiful photo of Mount Rainier or as the First Nations call it Mount Tacoma. 10 - 15 minutes.
Museum of Pop Culture
The Museum in next to the Space Needle, so you can get a photo or get dropped off here at the end of the tour. (see Space Needle)
Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, this is not a guaranteed stop, if parking is available and gueste want to stop, we stop, as there isn't much room to stop and is patrolled by traffic cops and complaining neighbors.
Waterfall Garden Park
Waterfall in the middle of Pioneer Square
Lumen Field
Home of Seattle Seahawks
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Glass Art
Amazon Spheres
The Home of Amazon.com and the first Amazon no pay grocery store.
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks
The Ballard Locks are what the locals call it. If it is the right time of year, you will see salmon returning to the fresh water lakes where they were born to spawn. Possibly seals & a sealion on two, sometimes Eagles are hunting for fish & bird eggs, hence nesting Blue Herons perched high in trees on giant nest. Wild Kingdome meets Seattle.
Lenin Statue
Statue of Vladimir Lenin, Communist Russian Dictator
Chinatown International District
Drive through Chinatown, viewing the various restuarants and shopping.
Pioneer Square
Seattle Original Neighborhood, Historical District, Stop for photos at Waterfall Garden Park, Seattle first Fire Station, and Home of a famous parcel delivery company.
Pike Place Market
The Farmers Market is too busy to stop as it takes at least a couple hours to see it. We can let you off at the location after the tour, just let us know.
Space Needle
World Famous Space Needle (Does Not Include Entry) this is a drop off location, Photos of the Space Needle have been previously taken at this point. If guest want to conclude the tour at the Space Needle we will accomodate.
Lake Union
Yes, there will be a quick stop for photos to see the most floating homes in the United States. Remember Sleepless in Seattle Tom Hanks lived in a floating home, in the movie that is.
Kerry Park
This is the best view of the Space Needle/Downtown Area, If the weather is clear you will get a beautiful photo of Mount Rainier or as the First Nations call it Mount Tacoma. 10 - 15 minutes.
Museum of Pop Culture
The Museum in next to the Space Needle, so you can get a photo or get dropped off here at the end of the tour. (see Space Needle)
Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, this is not a guaranteed stop, if parking is available and gueste want to stop, we stop, as there isn't much room to stop and is patrolled by traffic cops and complaining neighbors.
Waterfall Garden Park
Waterfall in the middle of Pioneer Square
Lumen Field
Home of Seattle Seahawks
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Glass Art
Amazon Spheres
The Home of Amazon.com and the first Amazon no pay grocery store.
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks
The Ballard Locks are what the locals call it. If it is the right time of year, you will see salmon returning to the fresh water lakes where they were born to spawn. Possibly seals & a sealion on two, sometimes Eagles are hunting for fish & bird eggs, hence nesting Blue Herons perched high in trees on giant nest. Wild Kingdome meets Seattle.
Lenin Statue
Statue of Vladimir Lenin, Communist Russian Dictator
Chinatown International District
Drive through Chinatown, viewing the various restuarants and shopping.
Pioneer Square
Seattle Original Neighborhood, Historical District, Stop for photos at Waterfall Garden Park, Seattle first Fire Station, and Home of a famous parcel delivery company.
Pike Place Market
The Farmers Market is too busy to stop as it takes at least a couple hours to see it. We can let you off at the location after the tour, just let us know.
Space Needle
World Famous Space Needle (Does Not Include Entry) this is a drop off location, Photos of the Space Needle have been previously taken at this point. If guest want to conclude the tour at the Space Needle we will accomodate.
Lake Union
Yes, there will be a quick stop for photos to see the most floating homes in the United States. Remember Sleepless in Seattle Tom Hanks lived in a floating home, in the movie that is.
Kerry Park
This is the best view of the Space Needle/Downtown Area, If the weather is clear you will get a beautiful photo of Mount Rainier or as the First Nations call it Mount Tacoma. 10 - 15 minutes.
Museum of Pop Culture
The Museum in next to the Space Needle, so you can get a photo or get dropped off here at the end of the tour. (see Space Needle)
Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, this is not a guaranteed stop, if parking is available and gueste want to stop, we stop, as there isn't much room to stop and is patrolled by traffic cops and complaining neighbors.
Waterfall Garden Park
Waterfall in the middle of Pioneer Square
Lumen Field
Home of Seattle Seahawks
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Glass Art
Amazon Spheres
The Home of Amazon.com and the first Amazon no pay grocery store.
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks
The Ballard Locks are what the locals call it. If it is the right time of year, you will see salmon returning to the fresh water lakes where they were born to spawn. Possibly seals & a sealion on two, sometimes Eagles are hunting for fish & bird eggs, hence nesting Blue Herons perched high in trees on giant nest. Wild Kingdome meets Seattle.
Lenin Statue
Statue of Vladimir Lenin, Communist Russian Dictator
Chinatown International District
Drive through Chinatown, viewing the various restuarants and shopping.
Pioneer Square
Seattle Original Neighborhood, Historical District, Stop for photos at Waterfall Garden Park, Seattle first Fire Station, and Home of a famous parcel delivery company.
Pike Place Market
The Farmers Market is too busy to stop as it takes at least a couple hours to see it. We can let you off at the location after the tour, just let us know.
Space Needle
World Famous Space Needle (Does Not Include Entry) this is a drop off location, Photos of the Space Needle have been previously taken at this point. If guest want to conclude the tour at the Space Needle we will accomodate.
Lake Union
Yes, there will be a quick stop for photos to see the most floating homes in the United States. Remember Sleepless in Seattle Tom Hanks lived in a floating home, in the movie that is.
Kerry Park
This is the best view of the Space Needle/Downtown Area, If the weather is clear you will get a beautiful photo of Mount Rainier or as the First Nations call it Mount Tacoma. 10 - 15 minutes.
Museum of Pop Culture
The Museum in next to the Space Needle, so you can get a photo or get dropped off here at the end of the tour. (see Space Needle)
Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, this is not a guaranteed stop, if parking is available and gueste want to stop, we stop, as there isn't much room to stop and is patrolled by traffic cops and complaining neighbors.
Waterfall Garden Park
Waterfall in the middle of Pioneer Square
Lumen Field
Home of Seattle Seahawks
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Glass Art
Amazon Spheres
The Home of Amazon.com and the first Amazon no pay grocery store.
Hiram M. Chittenden Locks
The Ballard Locks are what the locals call it. If it is the right time of year, you will see salmon returning to the fresh water lakes where they were born to spawn. Possibly seals & a sealion on two, sometimes Eagles are hunting for fish & bird eggs, hence nesting Blue Herons perched high in trees on giant nest. Wild Kingdome meets Seattle.
Lenin Statue
Statue of Vladimir Lenin, Communist Russian Dictator
Chinatown International District
Drive through Chinatown, viewing the various restuarants and shopping.
Show 95 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
brandon l
Mar 2025
What an incredible way to see the city! Earl was fantastic and very personable. Shared many trivial facts about the city and sites. Navigating through the city is a feat in itself and Earl did it with ease all while making sure to stop at the most interesting and picturesque sites. Can’t recommend him enough. If you’re on the fence about it don’t be. Additionally, given the cost of Ubers and gas the price point is well worth it.
Jan 2025
If I could give this 10 stars, I would!! This tour with Earl was the highlight of our entire trip as he is enthusiastic about the city and makes you an instant friend. We learned so much and the hours flew by. A very accommodating tour and the best part seriously was this was a fresh presentation- Earl loves people and his job. A +++++++
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2025
I don't know how to respond to this except WOW, and thank you X10
Jan 2025
Here for work on the off season and wanted to get an overview of Seattle. Earl let me know I was the only one who booked the tour and asked if I’d like to cancel or go solo (just for context solo millennial female traveler). I didn’t mind doing it by myself so solo it was! Earl was AMAZING! So nice and absolutely hilarious. I had a blast with him. Learned a lot that I can apply to my downtime during my work trip. Couldn’t recommend him more highly. I do a lot of solo tours while on work trips and Earl was by far the best I’ve had.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2025
You make me want to take my own tour to see what it is like, when you have awesome guest it is easy to be a awesome guide. Peace and thank you.

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