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50-минутни обилазак коња и фијакера Централ парка за до 4 одрасле особе

Старомодни обилазак кочијом кроз Централ Парк је јединствен начин да уживате у Њујорку за посетиоце који први пут долазе, честе путнике, па чак и локалне становнике.<бр><бр>Било да разгледате, славите посебну прилику или частите своју породицу За забавну активност у граду, вожња кочијом кроз један од најпознатијих америчких јавних паркова сигурно ће створити трајне успомене за вас и ваше најмилије. <бр><бр>Централ Парк Царриагес је породично предузеће које послује од 1979. Веома смо узбуђени што можемо да поделимо нашу љубав према Њујорку и Централ Парку са вама!
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Wed 19 Feb
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Са почетком у $200.00
Wed 19 Feb
Са почетком у $200.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Централни парк
Обилазак Централ парка коњском запрегом
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Коментара (35)
Srihari G
Jul 2018
We made the reservation for Central Park Carriage online and we received email confirmation within the hour giving us information about the driver and where to meet him. An hour before the ride, the driver called me to check if I had any difficulty getting to the meeting spot. The driver came on time ar the location and took some nice photos before the ride. His name is John Phair and he is a very interesting and entertaining person. He showed us around the park while giving some tidbits of information. He seemed to be very knowledgeable in world affairs present and past and my teenage son was interested to hear his recount historical events as it related to the the central park. I would highly recommended it for anyone visiting NY with family for sightseeing. I would suggest making a reservation online before heading to the park.
Peggy E
Jun 2018
Dealing with the brothers (Cornelius and Patrick Byrne) that run this Family-owned,long-time Central Park horse-drawn carriage company was both Professional and delightful. They are passionate and proud of their company and their beautiful horses. 'Central Park Carriages' worked with us for an exactly-timed pick up at Tavern on the Green. When the carriage pulled up, it was SO elegant and cheerful!! And the driver, John, was dressed to the nines. John was very knowledgeable about the surroundings and city facts, and provided a lovely and fun tour (we learned so many tidbits from him),and his horse, Ely, was beautiful(and lovingly looked after. We could tell.) We even had a 'carrot ceremony' to give Ely his treat when our ride was completed. We all loved that, too. I highly recommend using 'Central Park Carriages' for your special event, or even just to make a special evening even more perfect. They did their very best to work with our requests, And were kind and quick and helpful at staying in touch, both through phone messages and email. It is DEFINITELY worth it to book your Central Park carriage ride through 'Central Park Carriages'. We highly recommend the ride and their experience. Oh, and the driver even had a blanket for us When the evening turned chilly. We felt spoiled, and LOVED the ride. It is Well-worth the money. We all were thrilled. Book it! Central Park Carriages will make it all easy and special for you.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Wow, thanks Peggy! So glad you enjoyed your ride! Eli says hi!

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