This experience was awesome for a total beginner like me. I am afraid of heights and for the sake of it let’s just say that I am a total coward. I am someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and the guides leading our tour were awesome to quickly catch on that and help me out throughout the tour. Also, the biggest part of the tour is your tour group. I met an awesome group - two couples- and their constant reassurance helped calm my nerves. I was the first one to go, until the last ride, in my group and the constant cheering from my tour group and the guides helped me confidently wheeze through those lines. All I can say is that the first two rides are will get your adrenaline going, if it is your first time, after that, wheeze through the rest of the tour like a champ. And I won’t spoil the end for you all. It is always good to have a little surprise to look forward to - hint: I was alone on this tour so I wasn’t able to get anyone to do it for me, but I had fun doing this to total strangers and the guides. And did I mention, they have an awesome photographer so, make sure to practice some awesome, cool, beautiful poses beforehand, or you can go all awesome and do something crazy or you can be like me and just smile while holding your scream real tight.