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7-линија Мауи Зиплине Тоур на северној обали

Желите да промените темпо са сцене на плажи? Запутите се у крошње дрвећа за узбудљиву авантуру зиплине-а у историјској бази Другог светског рата под називом „Камп Мауи“ на северној обали Мауија. Професионални водичи ће вас водити кроз зиплине курс који садржи 7 линија, џиновске куле, ваздушне платформе и висеће мостове. Доживите забаву и забаву коју пружају НАЈБОЉИ водичи на Мауију, док уживате у невероватним погледима на бујни пејзаж Мауија. Такође ћете научити о историји Мауија Другог светског рата, локалној дивљини и култури током турнеје. Бирајте између временских термина доступних током дана, са укљученим свим упутствима за зиплинг и сигурносном опремом.
Цити: Мауи
Sun 03 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $153.12
Sun 03 Nov
Са почетком у $153.12
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Гости морају да носе затворене ципеле. Ципеле са затвореним прстима доступне су бесплатно на захтев<ли>Учесници морају да имају пет година и да имају између 40 и 270 фунти (19 килограма и 122 килограма)<ли>Малолетници морају да имају родитељ или старатељ потписују уговор о учешћу<ли>Будућим мајкама или онима који имају проблема са леђима или вратом није дозвољено на зиплајновима<ли>КЕКЦИЈА ЈЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ВРЕМЕНА ТУРНЕЈА
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Коментара (1000)
Mar 2020
Amazing experience all around. Ask for the dream team david and steve. Both guys were pros and safe but very fun and informative. Well worth it. David was a wealth of knowledge on both Hawaii and was cool enough to share personal history and tradition from his family which was much appreciated. Steve is a stand up comedian who happens to work at northshore zip line, genuinely funny and both were great to my family. Whatever they are paid...its not enough. If given the chance, go....! Thx again fellas
Mar 2020
My wife and I have never been zip lining and it’s something we always wanted to do. We thought, as our first time in Maui, we would check both off our list. We are extremely happy we choose North Shore Zipline Comp. “Bubba” and “ Gonzo” were great professionals and extremely easy going and funny, which helped us get over our nervousness. It was a blast and we had such a great time, we kept talking about it later that evening. I highly recommend anyone looking to check this off their bucket list to reserve your spot and do this with North Shore in Maui. Great staff and great time!!!
Mar 2020
We enjoyed the overall zip-line activity. Our guides were good, particularly Brittany and made our zip tour fun, even in a downpour that rolled in for most of the event. I only have only other zipline experience to compare with (Arbortrek in Vermont) and the zip lines were fairly similar in terms of number, length, and speed. We chose NorthShore based on availability and pricing to fit in with other planned activities on the day we went (i.e. last minute decision). Overall price was very good in comparison to other options although some other outfits offered more runs in their tours. I didn't do the math but I suspect even at a $/line NorthShore would come out about the most affordable. Where I was hoping for more was in the environment. The layout that makes is easy to complete the circuit by being very compact also ends up making the feel of the tour fairly mundane. If you prioritize not wanting to have to hike/walk or take a van ride to get to the start/finish, then NorthShore is fantastic for that. Another nice plus was the array of rain jackets available to borrow, which our group definitely needed and were thankful to have. My biggest "con" for NorthShore in comparison to my prior experience is that while they take photos, they are only available for purchase. Yes this is stated on the website (along with comments on if you want to bring your own camera) but the other place I've been posts them to social media so you can share/download. It's a picky thing I know, but most people don't carry a point and shoot camera anymore. I would have happily paid an extra $5pp and they still would have been one of the least expensive options and I suspect they'd make more money in the end given I don't think that many members of our tour paid for the photos. My last comment - apologies to our guides that when I went to grab my wallet fro the car after the tour, I couldn't find it and therefore couldn't tip them as they deserved! So, definitely a solid outfit and a good time but plan ahead and bring your own point and shoot camera.

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