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7-линија Мауи Зиплине Тоур на северној обали

Желите да промените темпо са сцене на плажи? Запутите се у крошње дрвећа за узбудљиву авантуру зиплине-а у историјској бази Другог светског рата под називом „Камп Мауи“ на северној обали Мауија. Професионални водичи ће вас водити кроз зиплине курс који садржи 7 линија, џиновске куле, ваздушне платформе и висеће мостове. Доживите забаву и забаву коју пружају НАЈБОЉИ водичи на Мауију, док уживате у невероватним погледима на бујни пејзаж Мауија. Такође ћете научити о историји Мауија Другог светског рата, локалној дивљини и култури током турнеје. Бирајте између временских термина доступних током дана, са укљученим свим упутствима за зиплинг и сигурносном опремом.
Цити: Мауи
Mon 28 Oct
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Са почетком у $153.12
Mon 28 Oct
Са почетком у $153.12
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Коментара (1000)
Aug 2018
My two teenage boys and I enjoyed our time going down the 7 zip-lines with our two wonderful guides, Screwloose and Moglie (sorry for the spelling hack job). The guides really made for a wonderful 2 hour zip-line adventure. The zip-lines increased in "difficulty" and one rather short one was for spinning and bouncing. In between were suspended bridges and ladders. We went when it was raining, but that didn't take any fun out of our trip. Although this was our first time zip-lining, we have rock climbed and understand the need to abide by strict safety protocols. Not once did I see anyone in our tour (8 people) not be on a safety line when transitioning between runs. They always made sure you were secured before unhooking you from a run. A photographer takes pictures on select runs. At the end of your tour, they will show you a short video of the photographs that were taken. The cost was a very reasonable $10 per person in your group. There were 3 of us so it was $30 or not buying the photos. They give you access to the photos to download. There were 40+ images of the three of us. I captured three of the runs with my GoPro. They have helmets where you can slide in your unit. I hand held mine but had it attached to my harness. They don't want anything that can possibly fall or drop during your time on the runs. Tip - Directions - I went the way of the instructions given to me on the ticket by the company but Waze would have worked just fine. Tip - Drive - this is a general recommendation regarding traffic, but give yourself extra time especially if you leave later in the day. Many roads are single lane so they can get backed up fairly easily. It's a good 40 minutes from Kaanapali but can easily take double that. Our start time was before 9a, so we did not encounter traffic. On our way back to the hotel, we saw a lot of traffic going the other way. Tip - helmet and gloves - They provide all the necessary equipment. I realize people don't take gloves on vacations, but some have baseball caps. I strongly recommend bringing a baseball cap to wear under their helmet. We didn't so our hair smelled pretty awful. It's in the wetter part of Maui, so humidity and our case rain was a problem. I'm not sure how often they clean them either. Wear a cap under the helmet! Tip - You can add your tip to your photo purchase when using your credit card. Location - This is a zip-line adventure with very little views. You go through some open fields and some between trees. You won't see waterfalls, rivers, etc. If you are looking for views on your zip-line other than trees, don't go here. We were looking for zip-line adventure and found it here. We would recommend this outfit to our family and friends.
Lily W
Aug 2018
Our guides Screw-Loose and Turtle were awesome. My 9 year old son loved it and I just tried not to pee my pants - I'm super scared of heights and the crew was so patient and supportive of both of us. Thank you for the memories - you guys rock!
Maria O
Aug 2018
Our zip lining adventure with Alan and Brittany was so much fun! Highly recommend! We are a family group of 8 with 4 teenagers and a 10 & 11 year old with different levels of adventure desired We all loved it. The scenery was gorgeous. The tree to tree style zip lining was really fun for all ages with chances to spin around and hang upside down for the more adventurous and smooth rides with beautiful views for the less adventurous. Also, Alan and Brittany were just great to spend a morning with! Our booking did not go through initially online and I am so glad that I called to make the reservation. It would have been a real loss to miss this fun adventure.

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