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7-линија Мауи Зиплине Тоур на северној обали

Желите да промените темпо са сцене на плажи? Запутите се у крошње дрвећа за узбудљиву авантуру зиплине-а у историјској бази Другог светског рата под називом „Камп Мауи“ на северној обали Мауија. Професионални водичи ће вас водити кроз зиплине курс који садржи 7 линија, џиновске куле, ваздушне платформе и висеће мостове. Доживите забаву и забаву коју пружају НАЈБОЉИ водичи на Мауију, док уживате у невероватним погледима на бујни пејзаж Мауија. Такође ћете научити о историји Мауија Другог светског рата, локалној дивљини и култури током турнеје. Бирајте између временских термина доступних током дана, са укљученим свим упутствима за зиплинг и сигурносном опремом.
Цити: Мауи
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $153.12
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $153.12
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Гости морају да носе затворене ципеле. Ципеле са затвореним прстима доступне су бесплатно на захтев<ли>Учесници морају да имају пет година и да имају између 40 и 270 фунти (19 килограма и 122 килограма)<ли>Малолетници морају да имају родитељ или старатељ потписују уговор о учешћу<ли>Будућим мајкама или онима који имају проблема са леђима или вратом није дозвољено на зиплајновима<ли>КЕКЦИЈА ЈЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ВРЕМЕНА ТУРНЕЈА
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Коментара (1000)
Mar 2016
This was our first zipline experience. I was impressed with their attention to safety. There was never a time when anyone, including the guides, was without a safety line. They must go through this hundreds of times a day, and it's easy to lose track when it's so routine, but they were right on task. Our guides were Hannibal ("I love it when a plan comes together"), Honey Badger ("don't look her in the eyes"), and some guy who must be named Dan (Zippy Dan / Dapper Dan / Zipster...I lost track). They kept up a mostly amusing shtick throughout the safety instructions and tour, without it being too distracting. They did a good job keeping track of everyone's comfort level. Our group ranged from a 4-year-old to "almost 60". The youngster got some special attention, including a piggy-back ride from "Dan" up some of the ladders and tandem zips with a guide a couple of times. Those of us on the more timid end of the scale were treated respectfully. How was it? It was great! A bit outside of our normal comfort zone, but by the end we were jumping right off the platform. Looking forward to going again.
Mar 2016
I had a great time here. We were with guides Honey Badger, Hannibal and Zipster. I've never ziplined before, so I didn't know what to expect. We were given all the warnings of where not to place your hands at the introduction. Don't unhook yourselves. Got it. We're ready to go. I opted for the weenie look and held onto the yellow strap each time. I had a cold and low lung function, so I had trouble with one of the ladders, but the Zipster did his part in supporting me and giving me time to catch my breath, so I was in good hands. At no point were any of us made to feel inadequate. If one person wanted to wait longer or take a different position in line, that was fine. We had a five year old on our tour, and he was so much fun to watch. I worried about him on the moving ladder, but the staff was able to haul him up. He rode with one staffer on the first line, maybe so they could see if he panicked. Nope, the kid was cool. This place had seven lines, which I guess is unusual. It's on the site of Camp Maui, which was a military training camp, I think. This is the only zip line operation that accepts children under a certain weight and age. We were clipped to something at all times, even when just climbing a ladder. I'd urge everyone to give generous tips to these guides. They work hard to ensure your comfort and safety and they manage to make it look easy. Even our most fearful tour partner did the final jump.
Jeneen S
Mar 2016
While not our first trip to Maui, this was our first time ziplining. The crew at Northshore, Dude, Wingnut, and Rabbit made the experience amazing! Very funny people with the talent, experience and love of ziplining guarantee an adventure you'll never forget. Highly recommend Northshore over some of the more expensive, longer ziplines. The smaller groups make the experience more personal and enjoyable. Oh, and the Quick Drop (40 feet straight down) was a first for me!

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