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7-линија Мауи Зиплине Тоур на северној обали

Желите да промените темпо са сцене на плажи? Запутите се у крошње дрвећа за узбудљиву авантуру зиплине-а у историјској бази Другог светског рата под називом „Камп Мауи“ на северној обали Мауија. Професионални водичи ће вас водити кроз зиплине курс који садржи 7 линија, џиновске куле, ваздушне платформе и висеће мостове. Доживите забаву и забаву коју пружају НАЈБОЉИ водичи на Мауију, док уживате у невероватним погледима на бујни пејзаж Мауија. Такође ћете научити о историји Мауија Другог светског рата, локалној дивљини и култури током турнеје. Бирајте између временских термина доступних током дана, са укљученим свим упутствима за зиплинг и сигурносном опремом.
Цити: Мауи
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $153.12
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $153.12
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Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
Сва неопходна опрема (кацига, рукавице, упртачи и опрема за кишу ако је потребно)
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Гости морају да носе затворене ципеле. Ципеле са затвореним прстима доступне су бесплатно на захтев<ли>Учесници морају да имају пет година и да имају између 40 и 270 фунти (19 килограма и 122 килограма)<ли>Малолетници морају да имају родитељ или старатељ потписују уговор о учешћу<ли>Будућим мајкама или онима који имају проблема са леђима или вратом није дозвољено на зиплајновима<ли>КЕКЦИЈА ЈЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ВРЕМЕНА ТУРНЕЈА
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Коментара (1000)
Apr 2015
Although my fear of heights tends to be very overwhelming, the guys at North Shore Zipling talked me through it. Tour Guides Dragon and Sketchy Dan were terrific. Zip lines are set amoungst an old military camp up in the rural side of Hikei. Beautiful views once you get up in the trees. Climbing up swinging bridges and vertical ladders presented an amazing challenge for someone with fear of height challenges. Getting to the platforms, standing on a 10x10 platform while the breezes blow you ever so slightly present a challenge with the best part jumping off the platform and racing sometimes at speeds of 40 mph to the next platform hanging in mid air attached to a cable. All completely safe as North Shore Zipline takes the utmost care for safety. You are completely secure at all times. The views spectacular, the guides caring, funny and certainly out to make sure you have a great time. Thanks Sketchy Dan and Dragon. Make sure to take a GPS with you to get to their location, made it easier to maneuver the winding mountain roads. I highly recommend if your in Maui. R. - San Diego
Shali B
Apr 2015
We just got back from our Maui trip and had a fabulous time with our 7 and 5 year olds. After our zipline experience, we found out that the photographer had left before we went ziplining due to a scheduling mixup entirely NOT NorthShore's fault. We were a bit disappointed as we had not brought our camera (in case it fell out of our pocket) but when we called NorthShore from the car to ask if we could come back to Zipline on 1 track so that we can get pictures they told us to book another full Zipline course on them. We did, had a great time, and when we were done, there was a photo CD (valued at $50USD) waiting for us at no charge. We were expecting to pay for our photos and had never thought they would be so kind as to offer that along with the full zipline course again. The guides were amazing and great with kids! McFly, Robin Hood, Heisenberger, and Dragon are the ones to ask for if you and your kids want plenty of fun and plenty of zipline tricks! The course is 7 ziplines, each one has a fun way to access the zipline which just adds to the adventure, and the pictures are fireplace mantle worthy! That there are companies still out there who stand by their commitment to customer service and fulfill that commitment when put to the test is all we need to fully recommend them. THIS IS A MUST DO ACTIVITY IN MAUI!!!! With kind regards, Shali, Dan, Danny, and Maiya from Chestermere Alberta
George K
Apr 2015
Our family of four (with two girls ages 13 and 10) had an absolute blast. Our guides, Wingnut (aka "Princess Peach" - really should keep that name instead...) and Pirate, did a fantastic job making a fun, humorous, entertaining and safe experience. Perfect weather and beautiful views of North Maui from high in tree tops. We recommend buying the CD of pictures at the end taken by the team - great shots to share with our family when we get back to mainland. See you next time we're back in Maui!

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