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7-линија Мауи Зиплине Тоур на северној обали

Желите да промените темпо са сцене на плажи? Запутите се у крошње дрвећа за узбудљиву авантуру зиплине-а у историјској бази Другог светског рата под називом „Камп Мауи“ на северној обали Мауија. Професионални водичи ће вас водити кроз зиплине курс који садржи 7 линија, џиновске куле, ваздушне платформе и висеће мостове. Доживите забаву и забаву коју пружају НАЈБОЉИ водичи на Мауију, док уживате у невероватним погледима на бујни пејзаж Мауија. Такође ћете научити о историји Мауија Другог светског рата, локалној дивљини и култури током турнеје. Бирајте између временских термина доступних током дана, са укљученим свим упутствима за зиплинг и сигурносном опремом.
Цити: Мауи
Mon 28 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $153.12
Mon 28 Oct
Са почетком у $153.12
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
Сва неопходна опрема (кацига, рукавице, упртачи и опрема за кишу ако је потребно)
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Гости морају да носе затворене ципеле. Ципеле са затвореним прстима доступне су бесплатно на захтев<ли>Учесници морају да имају пет година и да имају између 40 и 270 фунти (19 килограма и 122 килограма)<ли>Малолетници морају да имају родитељ или старатељ потписују уговор о учешћу<ли>Будућим мајкама или онима који имају проблема са леђима или вратом није дозвољено на зиплајновима<ли>КЕКЦИЈА ЈЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ВРЕМЕНА ТУРНЕЈА
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Коментара (1000)
Jul 2022
An amazing experience with Kai & Alicia! We would definitely do it again. We had some sprinkles, but there were amazing views. The location is in the middle of the lush forest. Kai gave us some history of the island and the language.
Jul 2022
If you are afraid of heights you may like this zipline. If you are not, you most likely will not enjoy it. The lines are well maintained and reliable/safe. The staff not so much. Every employee I spoke to had not been working there for a long period of time. The longest I met was 1 MONTH! The shortest was 4 days... The day-to-day operations are poorly run and it's clear the employees aren't the happiest aside from working in Maui. We overheard the employees talking to a shift leader about lunch breaks and their lunch times are inconsistent in length. Never good sign employees are treated well if they don't have the same set length of time for breaks every day. Due to a clear high turnover rate, operations outside of the lines are poorly run and they can't even figure out how to provide a discount code for when their photos on the last run don't upload. On top of not knowing what to do when photos aren't processed and sent over due to a common technical area with camera transmitting images. They have no system in place to provide proper customer support when an unfortunate situation occurs and photos are not transferred. Their customer service is texting a phone number that does the bare minimum and does not properly handle issues. During our zipline, we were told about the neighbors who complain about the company and it makes sense due to the poor management. I would also hate to have a poorly run zipline company next to my home with a constant influx of people from out of town and staff who don't stay long enough to be considered regular employees and not temps. The staff runs through the basic instruction before the line fast. It's like listening to a podcast at 3x speed. I was able to understand it but not everyone in my group was and I had to explain it to them. Not ideal to be paying for an experience to then have to explain what the guide said to others because he said it too fast. Then they get annoyed when people are confused at the first few runs... On top of all that, the zipline location was not ideal and the lines were low to the ground. If your phone dropped out of your pocket, it would survive the fall. If you somehow fall that is debatable as they did not provide instructions or check the helmets before you go on your first run. My helmet almost fell off while I was on the line. I caught it but not something you want to deal with while you are in the middle of a zipline. Overall, I do not recommend this business to anyone. I definitely won't be back and would rather skip ziplining than go back to a business that is a trainwreck of an operation. Oh, and their current goal is to have groups larger than what we had which means a more poorly run waste of money experience.
Jul 2022
The staff at this place is amazing! They made the experience so much better. We had a great time and I would love to go back again.

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