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(9 ујутро) Бициклистичка тура Еаси Ридерс Халеакала ~ Проглашена за најбољу бициклистичку турнеју у универзуму

- Ми смо једина компанија за бициклистичке туре која још увек вози бициклом све до нивоа мора, до града Паиа.<бр><бр>- Не нудимо самосталне и невођене туре, нису безбедне, већина локалног становништва их презире , и чине да све бициклистичке туре изгледају лоше.<бр><бр>- Све наше кациге су лагане и удобне, а такође испуњавају највиши ниво квалитета и највиши ниво безбедности. Најежићете се када видите незграпне, наркоманске кациге које добијају други бициклисти спуста. Можете изабрати да користите кацигу за пуно лице или традиционалну полу-шкољку.<бр><бр>- Наша турнеја је фокусирана на квалитет, а не на квантитет, за разлику од наших конкурената који окупљају десетине, чак и стотине бициклиста на дневној бази.<бр <бр>- Код нас можете да возите темпом који желите, све друге туре са водичем чине да се цела група вози иза најспоријег возача. <бр><бр>- Лако имамо најбољи сигурносни рекорд на Халеакали. <бр><бр>- Имамо сјајан хумор и веома смо скромни.<бр><бр>- Сви наши бицикли су ручно направљени у САД, имају веома удобна седишта од 13" подстављена са опругом за сваки образ .
Цити: Мауи
Wed 26 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $250.00
Wed 26 Feb
Са почетком у $250.00
Шта је укључено
Кациге - Можете одабрати стил кациге који желите да користите. Можете користити кацигу за пуно лице или можете користити традиционалну бициклистичку кацигу. Ми смо једина компанија за бициклистичке туре која нуди оба стила.
Свежа, локална кафа
Имаћемо јакне, панталоне и рукавице које можете да користите ако желите да позајмите нешто за екскурзију.
Немамо соду или сок, али имамо гатораде и флаширану воду без додатних трошкова.
Климатизовано возило
Бицикл - Пружамо вам најсигурнији могући бицикл за ову екскурзију.
Флаширана вода - Гатораде - Свеже печене крофне на штапићу и Гуава Маласадас из пекаре Комода - Хлеб од свеже банане - Чипс од кромпира у стилу Мауи - Врсте плочице - Траил Мик - Воћне грицкалице
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Сви возачи морају да имају најмање 12 година и најмање 4' 10.<ли>Позовите или пошаљите поруку директно власника са питањима или недоумицама. Билли 808.344.9489<ли>Не препоручује се за било кога испод 4'10 висине или преко 300 фунти.<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо високо. -саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (203)
Apr 2022
The ride was awesome and the guides were very professional and attentive. Having the van fallow was and added safety. The bikes and helmets were in very good shape.
Apr 2022
Guide was rude. Spent significant time making fun of other guests- referred to a customer as “Shrek” because his head would not fit in helmet. WAs also insulting to my son for preferring to ride the ladies bike- which was smaller and easier to maneuver. Total jerk. Also had snide comments about the resort we were staying at. The ride itself was great. Get new guides who are not bitter at the world.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
WOW! Talk about rude, your review is the epitome of the new age Karen response. Allow me to retort… You talk about my guide being rude, take a look at yourself. Cue the worlds smallest violin…Instead of addressing your really sad and repressed feelings with the guides or with myself, the owner, you decide to bash my business online because your sense of humor is lame. First off..Shrek didn’t call me crying, nor did he leave a bad review because of a light hearted joke, a joke that lasted 2 seconds. Stop going all Will Smith on us! A joke that was made on a tour that you were not even a part of is included in your review, a tour that took place weeks before your tour. You are just grasping for something to be upset about. I have had dozens of guests refer to the their own heads as Shrek Sized over the years when fitting helmets, we got that joke from our clients with big heads. The joke wasn’t even about you or your son, or anyone you were with. You’re just looking for something to complain about. There are always gonna be people like you that are not happy unless they have something to be mad about. As for your son riding a girls frame bike and you not being able to take a joke about that. This is just another fine example of you not being able to understand dry humor and sarcasm. I bet you are hoot to kick it with. Not that it matters now, but I personally ride the girls frames bikes quite often, as do all of the guides. I even have a guide that is 6’8 and he rides a girls frame bike. We make fun of each other about, not because we are mean or insulting, but because we something you do not…a good sense of humor. Sounds like you spent a significant amount of time on our tour focusing on being butt-hurt and judging the guide, instead of relaxing and trying to enjoy yourself. Hopefully next time you can focus on having a good time and taking in some tour guide humor. If you keep spending your life looking for the negative in people that is all you are ever going to find, quit being so uptight and live a little. You must be very thankful for the Cancel Culture movement. Maybe Disney World would be a better fit for you, you can go to Magic Mountain and hold Mickeys hand while everyone tells you exactly what you want to hear. Everyone can ride the same ride, with the same sized everything, and then you can hear the same narrated speech that is unoriginal which will hopefully bring out that loving smile of yours. Send me a postcard! We provide a top notch service, there is a lot of sarcasm and jokes that we use to lighten the mood and to make light of awkward situations. Obviously we missed on the chance to address you personally because you hid your emotions, that would have been fun. Fact is that you’re only concerned about your perception of the conversations that you were not involved in. If you had a problem with the way someone was treating you or talking to your son, maybe you should try manning up and saying something instead of repressing your feelings and then going online to bash the business that provided a 5 Star Service. If you had told my guides how you felt they would have apologized profusely and sympathized with you. But now you get no sympathy whatsoever, and you deserve none. As for the joke that you call snide about the resort you were staying at. That resort is the best resort in all Hawaii, we have mad respect for that resort and for the guests who stay there, minus yourself. When anyone ever says they are staying there we reserve that response for that particular hotel, again this shows you inability to decipher humor from what you call “snide”. You are the first person to ever be offended by this joke and we have been using it for over a decade. Who do you think the problem is? Us or you? People love that joke, ya know why? Because it is funny. It is not malicious, snide yes, funny snide tho. You are being malicious and snide, but not funny snide. All in all, I must say…great job, sir. You have successfully bashed my business and lowered my rating all because your sense of humor is non existent. I think you should get back in the office as soon as possible and fill out those TPS Reports. Get a new attitude, stop calling people names like rude, and referring to people as bitter at the world. Have you ever heard of reflection or projection, or therapy? You might want to look into those, you’re pretty good at describing yourself. We are polite, fun and very safe when we conduct tours. I stand by my guide, he has worked for me for 12 years and this is first time any Karen has ever had anything negative to say about him. Get over yourself! One last thing to anyone reading this response: If you are reading this and my response upsets or offends I would ask that you please do not book our tour. There are plenty of bike companies out there with guides that are just starting out, with no real experience who are programmed to keep it dry, simple and focus solely on getting you up and down the mountain. Please DO book our tour if you are intelligent, understand sarcasm, like to have a good time and wish to be provided with a 5 Star experience that is original and not a cookie cutter experience with the herd. Sincerely, Billy Campbell Maui Easy Riders 808.344.9489 [email protected]
Mar 2022
This was one of the highlights of our Maui vacation. A 25 mile downhill ride through clouds, with spectacular scenery, pastures, horses, goats, birds, butterflies and fragrant eucalyptus. The donut treat in Makawao (very cute town on the way) made it one of my best overall biking experiences😊 Our guides, John, Colin and Gene were really helpful as we stopped along the way for some history or just to take in the views. Gene also provided ideas for other things to do around the island, which we really appreciated. The pace was great and very fun. I brought my own windbreaker (it was windy and chilly at the start as you go through the clouds) but they had some in the van as well as gloves (which we all used). They also had water and snacks. The bikes themselves were really great! Cruiser bikes that were perfect for the downhill ride. The brakes were excellent and they are heavy (good in the wind!). I felt very safe on it even on the winding turns and high-ish speeds. The seats were super comfy, too. It’s a single speed bike but you barely have to pedal the whole way. There are two very short uphills, one of which everyone walked their bikes up. Overall just an excellent experience. If you are on the fence about it…you should do it. It is worth it.

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