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Улаз: Ла Бреа Тар јаме и улазница за музеј

Откријте занимљивости једне од најнеобичнијих атракција Лос Анђелеса: Катранске јаме и музеј Ла Бреа помоћу ове улазнице. Уживајте у овом јединственом искуству које помаже у откључавању локалних мистерија леденог доба. Посетите активну локацију ископавања из леденог доба и гледајте како палеонтолози ископавају милионе фосила пред вашим очима. Од гледања сабљастих мачака, мамута, страшних вукова, џиновских лењивца и гледања научника како раде на ископаним фосилним костима — све се ради у музеју.
Цити: Лос Анђелес
Sat 09 Nov
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Sat 09 Nov
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Ла Бреа Тар јаме и музеј
Користите своју општу улазницу за улазак у Ла Бреа Тар јаме и музеј. Овде се ископавају фосили леденог доба тачно усред Л.А. Уживајте у овој заиста јединственој атракцији тако што ћете искусити све што она може да понуди. Одушевите се његовом отвореном Лаке Пит-у, који цури катраном; путују у прошлост међу праисторијским биљкама свог плеистоценског врта; и истражите његове активне локације за ископавање, где изгледа да багери свакодневно откривају нешто ново. Сам музеј има своје богатство понуде. Истражите фосиле праисторијских мамута, сабљастих мачака, вукова и копнених лењивца или искористите прилику да посматрате палеонтологе који раде у Фосилној лабораторији на њиховим најновијим налазима. За диван преглед резервишите место на обиласку багера, бесплатно уз улаз. Овај обилазак са водичем улази у историју катранских јама и објашњава како је толико масивних створења завршило овде заглављено. Такође ћете посетити Фосилну лабораторију, Јаму за посматрање и Пројекат 23, где багери непрекидно помажу да се открију мистерије праисторијског Л.А.
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Коментара (77)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Sep 2019
Kids loved this. Super interesting. They have water fill stations in the museum by the bathrooms. No food on property but staff very nicely provided a map with nearby food locations. The pit excavation was amazing. Where else can you see an active dig?!
Sep 2019
Where does oil come from? Deep beneath the ground. When it bubbles up to the surface, usually someone declares it an oil field, pumps are set up, and unless you work there, you won't see this in nature. The LaBrea tar pits are a terrible oil field (the quality of the tar/oil is not suitable for refining) but an amazing archaeological site. For the past 40,000 years or so, animals and other things have gotten stuck in the tar and preserved. For the past hundred years, we've been slowly digging them out. The museum has exhibits about those animals and the history of the tar pits (how indigenous people and others used the tar). I agree with other reviewers that the museum is not the best thing about the park - you'll have to decide if you want to see the 'preserved tar pit' and museum, or just see the amazing park. There is a parking lot (pay to park). Stay mostly on the paths and look out for little cones - those mark current asphalt "oozes", and you (or your kids) can lose a shoe to the sticky tar. So stay away from the cones, and be careful where you step. You can walk on the grass, even bring a picnic, but be aware that this is an actual active tar pit. Don't wear your best shoes, and be aware you might get a stain that will never come out. There's a large tar lake at one end of the park where you can see and smell the tar in all its glory, and see methane bubbles rising. The smell is not overwhelming, it's interesting. There are several smaller pits, and a tent where you can watch volunteers, scientists, and graduate students slowly excavating one of the pits. I found that fascinating, personally (but I'm a scientist). The park also has statues of some of the species recovered from the pits...nice photo spots. Guess how large a "giant ground sloth" is before you find the answer. And why do you think there's a picture of a camel there? Answers to these and other questions at the park (and in the museum). When we were there, there was also a (temporary) walk-in art exhibit that was interesting. Whether you're into science or not, this is a must-see. You almost certainly have never seen anything like this, and probably never will. It's amazing. If you're into science, spend the bucks and also visit the museum. About the museum, there are the cutest stuffed animals there. Probably not the most accurate representations, but adorable.
Sep 2019
This was my second trip to the tar pits, and I enjoyed it as much as the first time! It's a great visit because it's easy to access, clean and safe, and fascinating to see. One of my favorite parts is stopping to just watch the bubbles rise and pop. It's one thing to read about the how the earth works, but it's another to see it up close and personal. We also did the museum this time, and while small, it's still great to experience. Lots of examples of the animals that used to roam right in this area, and ultimately met their demise here. Also a very knowledgeable and friendly staff who were very willing to share facts.

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