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Авантуристички обилазак - Западни обод Великог кањона са Скивалк-ом (АДВ)

Путујте авионом директно до западног руба Великог кањона на 10-минутну вожњу хеликоптером до платоа близу дна Великог кањона. <бр><бр>Следећа станица је светски познати Скивалк. Ово архитектонско чудо протеже се 65 стопа преко ивице кањона, са дубином од 4000 стопа тачно испод ваших ногу. <бр><бр>Непосредно испред Скивалк-а доживећете Хуалапаи индијанску културу кроз наступе Индијанаца (повремено) и индијанско село са древним настамбама које су саградила локална племена традиционалним методама. Ова област кањона, позната као Еагле Поинт.<бр><бр>Следећа станица у обиласку биће Гуано Поинт. Ова локација нуди једно од најсликовитијих места за уживање у ручку (обезбеђен обиласком) у простору за јело на отвореном на платоу окруженом са три стране величанственим Великим кањоном. Након ручка, уживајте у лаганој шетњи стазом која се протеже до кањона и уживајте у спектакуларним погледима и могућностима фотографисања
Цити: Пхоеник
Sun 27 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $985.00
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $985.00
Шта је укључено
Повратни лет авионом
Гласс Скивалк
Шатл Западног Рима
Вожња хеликоптером
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> ли><ли>Минимално 3 путника по тури. 2 путника могу резервисати, али могу бити подложни доплати од 275 УСД ако минимум није испуњен.*<ли>Све тежине путника МОРАЈУ бити обавештене у тренутку резервације. Путници који теже 285 лбс или више морају да плате додатна доплата од 200 УСД директно при пријави.<ли>Никакви лични предмети као што су мобилни телефони, камере, ранчеви и торбице нису дозвољени на Скивалк-у; бесплатни ормарићи су доступни за складиштење.<ли>Овај обилазак није погодан за путнике који имају потешкоћа да ходају. <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са потешкоћама у кретању
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Скивалк
Сликовити, испричани лет авионом до Западног руба, хеликоптер до кањона, хеликоптер до врха, Стаклена шетница, ручак у Гуано Поинту и повратак авионом у Феникс
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (141)
Feb 2021
The trip was incredible and I'm glad that we booked. Everyone wore masks (8) and felt safe the whole time. The sights from plane and helicopter was worth every penny. I would recommend this trip to anyone. I booked with Travel Advisior and they give automatically give you a 24 hour cancellation which was assuring.
Feb 2021
It was incredible! Josh the plane pilot was so friendly and pointed out all the good spots to see below. Don't miss this ride!
Feb 2021
We booked this trip for 3 couples, all family. We booked through trip advisor/Westwind airlines. They were very accommodating, friendly and knowledgeable. John was our agent and he answered all our questions! On the day of our trip, We were greeted by Lindsey at the office and informed to use the bathroom, get some snacks and water for our day trip, and introduced to out pilot Josh. We were informed two young ladies would join our group and they were slot of fun. Westwind air was clean, staff very friendly and really took care of us! We loaded the plane and was off on time, precisely at 7:30 am. We arrived at the west rim about 8:30. We unloaded and we’re taken by bus to the west rim entrance, gift shops and restaurant. Josh took us to the gift center, bathrooms, and then we were lead up to the west rim skywalk. We packed away all our belongings and went out on the skywalk. The only disappointment of the day was the glass skywalk... it was dirty and the gentleman taking our photos was not into our group.. we came out with 12 photos of three couples... the two other gals included with our group had a photographer who was really into these ladies... this photographer took a lot of poses and pictures of these young ladies. After this session we went down to the gift shop at the skywalk rim and were given about a half hour to shop. We then were lead up together to the dining room, where we seated at three tables and given a choice of four menu options and drinks. The food was excellent. We spent about an hour here, then back to the gift shop. We then were bussed to Eagle point where we could hike and had beautiful views of the canyon and got some great panoramic photos. We then were bussed back to the terminal where we walked to the helicopter area. We were instructed by video of what to expect on the helicopter tour, and waited about 45 minutes or so for the helicopter. We were in the helicopter headed to the canyon basin. This was exhilarating and breathtaking... upon arrival we were let off the helicopter and walked down a slope and steps to the Colorado river where we boarded a pontoon boat and was taken on a guided tour down/of the Colorado river. Theresa, our tour guide was very informative and took a lot of time with our group. We then climbed back up the stairs to wait for the helicopter and again loaded and taken on a scenic ride back up the canyon side back to the terminal. It was the highlight of the trip! We then walked back to the terminal where our pilot Josh met us and we walked back to the plane terminal and loaded up and headed back to Phoenix. We arrived back at 3:30. It was a fun filled exciting day. The airplane flight was so gentle and smooth, as was the helicopter ride! We feel this was the best way to witness the Grand Canyon. We saw and experienced more in this 8 hour day then we ever could have on our own. All costs were included for entrance, skywalk rim, lunch, bussing, helicopter and boat ride. We did tip our pilot, our helicopter operator and boat guide. This was definitely worth the cost of the trip! Every aspect of the trip was well thought out, entertaining and accommodating!

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