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Авантуристички обилазак - Западни обод Великог кањона са Скивалк-ом (АДВ)

Путујте авионом директно до западног руба Великог кањона на 10-минутну вожњу хеликоптером до платоа близу дна Великог кањона. <бр><бр>Следећа станица је светски познати Скивалк. Ово архитектонско чудо протеже се 65 стопа преко ивице кањона, са дубином од 4000 стопа тачно испод ваших ногу. <бр><бр>Непосредно испред Скивалк-а доживећете Хуалапаи индијанску културу кроз наступе Индијанаца (повремено) и индијанско село са древним настамбама које су саградила локална племена традиционалним методама. Ова област кањона, позната као Еагле Поинт.<бр><бр>Следећа станица у обиласку биће Гуано Поинт. Ова локација нуди једно од најсликовитијих места за уживање у ручку (обезбеђен обиласком) у простору за јело на отвореном на платоу окруженом са три стране величанственим Великим кањоном. Након ручка, уживајте у лаганој шетњи стазом која се протеже до кањона и уживајте у спектакуларним погледима и могућностима фотографисања
Цити: Пхоеник
Thu 24 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $985.00
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $985.00
Шта је укључено
Повратни лет авионом
Гласс Скивалк
Шатл Западног Рима
Вожња хеликоптером
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> ли><ли>Минимално 3 путника по тури. 2 путника могу резервисати, али могу бити подложни доплати од 275 УСД ако минимум није испуњен.*<ли>Све тежине путника МОРАЈУ бити обавештене у тренутку резервације. Путници који теже 285 лбс или више морају да плате додатна доплата од 200 УСД директно при пријави.<ли>Никакви лични предмети као што су мобилни телефони, камере, ранчеви и торбице нису дозвољени на Скивалк-у; бесплатни ормарићи су доступни за складиштење.<ли>Овај обилазак није погодан за путнике који имају потешкоћа да ходају. <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са потешкоћама у кретању
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Скивалк
Сликовити, испричани лет авионом до Западног руба, хеликоптер до кањона, хеликоптер до врха, Стаклена шетница, ручак у Гуано Поинту и повратак авионом у Феникс
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (141)
Melissa H
Jul 2022
My husband and I took our two daughters to the Grand Canyon this month, and decided to purchase 4 tickets to see the Skywalk on the West Rim. We paid $400 for the four of us which included admission, the Skywalk, and the meal ticket option. Unfortunately, I got sucked in by the artist depictions of this attraction before reading the more than one thousand negative reviews on here. READ AND BELIEVE THEM. We drove up from Kingman for our day with the Skywalk and arrived around 4 p.m. at the visitor center. The attraction closes at 6:30 The center itself was nothing impressive and reminded me of an airplane hangar. We went inside and were waited on by an apathetic girl working the booth who seemed like the life had been sucked out of her. She scanned our tickets, then told us the Skywalk was closed because of lightning and suggested we go and eat our meal first while waiting for the Skywalk to open. We walked outside where we met a second employee - I suddenly got the feeling, “What if the Skywalk never reopens today? Will we have to pay the admission fee AGAIN in order to return?” (Thank you Holy Spirit!) The second worker was actually helpful- I asked him if he thought the Skywalk would be reopening later, and he said, “No way, it’s closed down for the rest of the day - that’s what always happens when we get lightning storms, it was the same way yesterday.” I explained my predicament and asked if we would have to pay again to return another day, and he said “yes if your tickets are scanned.” We told him this was our only day to see the Skywalk and we would not be able to return another day. He then walked us inside to the first girl who had told us to get our meals first and mentioning nothing about the Skywalk never reopening that day - and explained our situation. She insisted there was nothing she could do to give us a refund, even though the attraction we came to see was shut down for the day and we had done NOTHING else in the Visitor Center. She told my husband to call the corporate office the next day to see about a refund. He called, and was told he would get a refund. A couple of days later - $200 showed up in his checking account, less than half of the money we paid - so he called to speak to someone at the tribal office and the person told him “your tickets were scanned so we could only refund you $200.” My husband told her we never had an option to do the skywalk and hadn’t accessed anything with our tickets, and she hung up on him!!! So we paid $216 to walk into the visitor’s center, find out the attraction we came to see was shut down, told to call corporate, then leftwith NOTHING.. no meal, no Skywalk. No NOTHING. But were charged over $200, promised a full refund, then treated rudely when we called to complain. I read many reviews about the condition of the Skywalk, it being scratched, and not really a 4000 foot drop off, nothing better than you can see from the National Park, also you are not allowed to take cell phones or your own pictures and they charge $65 for a pic. I did not actually see it, however I believe the over 1000 terrible reviews of people wishing they had researched the place more first. I WISH WE HAD READ THESE REVIEWS BEFORE WE BLEW ALL THAT MONE !! So mad at myself. Shame on you for exploiting people for something God freely gave everyone to enjoy.
Vanessa S
Jul 2022
We had a fabulous day at the Grand Canyon. Nick, our pilot, was friendly, knowledgeable and got us there safely. Thanks for a great day, kia ora.
Jun 2022
The tour itself was very nice however I had set up transportation from our hotel to the airport for our tour through Viator. And was assured per Viator staff that transportation would pick us up On the morning of the tour and that the transportation personnel would text us close to pick up. No one ever came and I had to call Viator and was just told sorry no one was able to pick us up and we had to scramble around at the last minute to get to the airport for our tour. I can’t understand how I could be told transportation was set up but no one came. I even double checked with you and spoke to one of your employees on 5/25/22 to be sure everything was in order and was assured by Eve that it was . Needless to say we won’t be booking any future tours with you.

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