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Авантуристички обилазак - Западни обод Великог кањона са Скивалк-ом (АДВ)

Путујте авионом директно до западног руба Великог кањона на 10-минутну вожњу хеликоптером до платоа близу дна Великог кањона. <бр><бр>Следећа станица је светски познати Скивалк. Ово архитектонско чудо протеже се 65 стопа преко ивице кањона, са дубином од 4000 стопа тачно испод ваших ногу. <бр><бр>Непосредно испред Скивалк-а доживећете Хуалапаи индијанску културу кроз наступе Индијанаца (повремено) и индијанско село са древним настамбама које су саградила локална племена традиционалним методама. Ова област кањона, позната као Еагле Поинт.<бр><бр>Следећа станица у обиласку биће Гуано Поинт. Ова локација нуди једно од најсликовитијих места за уживање у ручку (обезбеђен обиласком) у простору за јело на отвореном на платоу окруженом са три стране величанственим Великим кањоном. Након ручка, уживајте у лаганој шетњи стазом која се протеже до кањона и уживајте у спектакуларним погледима и могућностима фотографисања
Цити: Пхоеник
Sat 26 Oct
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Са почетком у $985.00
Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $985.00
Шта је укључено
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Гласс Скивалк
Шатл Западног Рима
Вожња хеликоптером
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<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> ли><ли>Минимално 3 путника по тури. 2 путника могу резервисати, али могу бити подложни доплати од 275 УСД ако минимум није испуњен.*<ли>Све тежине путника МОРАЈУ бити обавештене у тренутку резервације. Путници који теже 285 лбс или више морају да плате додатна доплата од 200 УСД директно при пријави.<ли>Никакви лични предмети као што су мобилни телефони, камере, ранчеви и торбице нису дозвољени на Скивалк-у; бесплатни ормарићи су доступни за складиштење.<ли>Овај обилазак није погодан за путнике који имају потешкоћа да ходају. <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са потешкоћама у кретању
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Скивалк
Сликовити, испричани лет авионом до Западног руба, хеликоптер до кањона, хеликоптер до врха, Стаклена шетница, ручак у Гуано Поинту и повратак авионом у Феникс
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (141)
Apr 2019
Apart from the last 10 minutes of yesterday we had an awesome day...my son and I both had to use sick bags just as we were coming back into Sedona! Lol I found the tour on trip adviser and after a couple of emails back and forward between Australia and Arizona we knew that this was the trip of a lifetime. It’s hard to pick a favourite bit of the tour as the scenery was awesome from start to finish, our Pilot/ tour guide Henry was fantastic and we loved his sense of humour. I think we were a little spoilt because it was just the four of us and apart from the queue for lunch and the queue for photos on the airwalk we were straight into everything. The food for lunch was probably my least favourite part, but who could argue with the view while eating it. Definitely lived up to, and even surpassed our expectations, even with a little air sickness.
Apr 2019
I cannot recommend this company and ots beyond accomadationing services enough! To start, I am not a huge planner because my life is so uncertain and unpredictable in my line of business. I messaged Westwind Air and IMMEDIATELY recieved a phone call back from Val. She had fantastic news for me… they still had 2 available openings for the time amd date I preferred, with less then 18 hours motice I had given her regarding the Grand Canyon West Rim tour. Where do I begin? Let's start with my arrival to Deer Valley Airport where we depart. I was greeted by Val herself, with snacks refreshments and a phone charger ( which is standard for anyone waiting at the lounge) I arrived an hour early expecting things to be a little busy, but I was checked in-and-out within one minute! Wow! Delightful! Soon after we were given about 5 minute notification for departure anyone who needs to use the bathroom now's your chance even the bathroom was amazing! If there is anything you forgot to do or bring before you came to West wind air service they had already thought of it! Now, on to the amazing adventure. Henry would be our pilot for the day and accompanying us on the tour. Considering this was the 1st time I had ever flown on a 10 passenger plane I requested to sit next to the pilot, permission granted! Thanks Val again! Perhaps a once in a lifetime experience? And off we flew with a guided tour via headsets from Phoenix to the West rim of the Grand Canyon. Once we arrived at the Grand Canyon airport we were immediately escorted over to of the helicopters. Again, no wait, quick effecient we were off in a helicopter escorting us down to The Colorado River Pontoon Boat excusion. Off the heli, now we hop on a boat. Id say we waited a total of 1 minute? We were then greeted by our pontoon boat captain who drove us on a little tour down the river, with insight and information about the wonderous Canyon. Terrible that I cannot remember his name, I think Leo. Super friendly and took pictures of everyone on the boat. After our boat ride we ran backup to the helicopter and requested once again to sit front row with the pilot.. Permission granted! I video the entire flights backup the Canyon including views and the Colorado River. Helicopter brings us back where the bus is waiting.. to take us to The West Rim GLASS skywalk! I can't emagine if I had tried to experience this on my own, As the lines were tremendous but Henry and westwind air had an alternate plan .. there would be no waiting for our party of 8! What? Impressive! After our walk on glass over the Grand Canyon we would hop back on the bus to enjoy lunch overlooking yet another part of the Canyon. Surprising lane the ones that was included was probably one of the better meals I've had on this entire trip and the scenery was outrageous after launch we had time to hike the Canyon take some pictures taken the view just an overall amazing experience! It does not end there! Back on the plane to which I gave up my piloting position to another member of the party and a quick flight back to Deer Valley West when air service were Valerie is awaiting us, with PHOTOS she had taken before take off next to the plane! This was the most well organized planned out thoughtful accommodating service oriented company and trip Ive done to date. You can not imagine, that in 7 hours, one could do all of this and be back for dinner! Take off at 11 am, back by 615 I am looking for an opportunity to come back out to Arizona again and would hands down absolutely do this day again! Thank you so much to West Wind amd its associates for making my first trip to the Grand Canyon unforgettable!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Thank you for the wonderful review! Val is definitely one of our shining stars and we appreciate your comments. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Apr 2019
The view and experience were superb. The helicopter and boat ride add a dimension to the Grand Canyon that are beyond expectation. Rob, our pilot was fantastic. This day trip was Great!

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