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Авантуристички обилазак - Западни обод Великог кањона са Скивалк-ом (АДВ)

Путујте авионом директно до западног руба Великог кањона на 10-минутну вожњу хеликоптером до платоа близу дна Великог кањона. <бр><бр>Следећа станица је светски познати Скивалк. Ово архитектонско чудо протеже се 65 стопа преко ивице кањона, са дубином од 4000 стопа тачно испод ваших ногу. <бр><бр>Непосредно испред Скивалк-а доживећете Хуалапаи индијанску културу кроз наступе Индијанаца (повремено) и индијанско село са древним настамбама које су саградила локална племена традиционалним методама. Ова област кањона, позната као Еагле Поинт.<бр><бр>Следећа станица у обиласку биће Гуано Поинт. Ова локација нуди једно од најсликовитијих места за уживање у ручку (обезбеђен обиласком) у простору за јело на отвореном на платоу окруженом са три стране величанственим Великим кањоном. Након ручка, уживајте у лаганој шетњи стазом која се протеже до кањона и уживајте у спектакуларним погледима и могућностима фотографисања
Цити: Пхоеник
Sat 26 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $985.00
Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $985.00
Шта је укључено
Повратни лет авионом
Гласс Скивалк
Шатл Западног Рима
Вожња хеликоптером
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> ли><ли>Минимално 3 путника по тури. 2 путника могу резервисати, али могу бити подложни доплати од 275 УСД ако минимум није испуњен.*<ли>Све тежине путника МОРАЈУ бити обавештене у тренутку резервације. Путници који теже 285 лбс или више морају да плате додатна доплата од 200 УСД директно при пријави.<ли>Никакви лични предмети као што су мобилни телефони, камере, ранчеви и торбице нису дозвољени на Скивалк-у; бесплатни ормарићи су доступни за складиштење.<ли>Овај обилазак није погодан за путнике који имају потешкоћа да ходају. <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са потешкоћама у кретању
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Скивалк
Сликовити, испричани лет авионом до Западног руба, хеликоптер до кањона, хеликоптер до врха, Стаклена шетница, ручак у Гуано Поинту и повратак авионом у Феникс
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (141)
Patricia S
Nov 2018
We booked this trip to be the highlight of our week in Sedona: private flight from Sedona to the Canyon, Jet Helicopter tour, boat ride, Skywalk, the whole bit. Expensive but we expected a lifetime experience. Our pilot, Lloyd, was wonderful, and his plane ride over the canyon was probably the best part of the day, viewing the Canyon from above. The helicopter ride was a bust: a short trip down to the bottom of the Canyon, 4 adults squeezed into the back seat of a Chopper and the two in the center could not see a damn thing. I know as I was one of those people. My husband, at 6'4" was also jammed into the back seat while two "normal size" people were put in front where there was the most space. We have flown private helicopters in multiple vacation resorts in addition to using them for business travel and this equipment was nothing like the caliber of what we had expected. Being so jammed into it was a terrible experience. The good news was it was such a short trip, it didnt really provide a tour of the Canyon as we had expected - but we wouldnt have seen anything anyhow. the "boat ride" was a ten minute float upstream and down: nice but nothing spectacular, a paucity of narration by the captain. The Skywalk was beautiful and worthwhile, overlooking the canyon - and lunch was adequate. Lloyd took us on a short hike and really gave interesting info about the canyon, the history, etc. He was truly a gift for the day. All in all, this tour was extremely expensive and less than fulfilling.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Thank you for providing feedback on your tour to the West Rim. We are sorry you did not enjoy the heli/boat part of the tour as it is most people's favorite part, but we are happy to hear our pilot, Lowell took good care of you. The helicopter to the bottom is just a 10 minute ride down and about 10 minutes back up but is the only place in the whole of the Grand Canyon you can go to the bottom without going on your own two feet. The boat ride is about 15 minutes, just to get the perspective of seeing the canyon from the bottom up. This tour is a brief overview of the unique things that can only be done at the West Rim on the Hualapai land. Unfortunately helicopters are extremely weight sensitive and the lightest people tend to be put in the front of the craft for weight and balance issues and that is determined by the helicopter company and is not something we have any control over. Please call or email me personally to assist if you are able to return for another trip to Arizona. I am happy to help you determine which of the many tours we offer might be a more enjoyable option for you.
Oct 2018
We took this tour on Fri Oct 26 at 11 am from Phoenix. We were 4 adults and Ben was our pilot and guide. The trip was amazing! The end of October had perfect weather and only small crowds so we did not experience the log jam issues raised by other reviewers. The plane was comfortable and had great views. I sat in the back and was very comfortable. I am not small. Ben was an excellent pilot and pointed out several landmarks beyond what was provided in the audio narration. The helicopter to the Colorado river was smooth and the river boat ride had great views. We expected the Glass Skywalk to be a highlight but were disappointed that the venue is disrupted by being chaperoned by photographers which prevents everyone from admiring the views. Their photos have the skywalk railings in them which caused us not to be interested in buying them. Viewing and personal photos on the Skywalk property were amazing however. Guano Point views were also wonderful. During the entire trip our pilot Ben acted as our personal tour guide which was a great addition to this trip. The return flight was at Sunset and also had amazing views. The only thing we would have changed for this trip would have been bypassing the photographer line at the skywalk to avoid the interruption and delays. Re: the value it was well worth it. Our experience took 7.5 hours, had a round trip plane ride, a helicopter down to the Colorado river and back, a boat ride on the river, a bus ride to and from the Skywalk, access to the Skywalk, and a buffet lunch. It was a wonderful experience!
Aug 2018
Phenomenal trip. Excellent pilot and guide. Worth every penny. Breath taking scenery from air and ground at canyon. Highly recommend

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