This was a good experience until we got on the tour bus. The Guide, proceeded to give more of his family history than he did African American History. We learned more about his family, his fraternity, who was born where, where he lived, where he attended school, etc. The guide was also the front seat driver for the new bus driver who was unfamiliar with the route. He spent more time giving driving directions.
You can only see so many buildings through the bus window. The back and forth around Howard University Hospital and Howard University was a bit too much. Once you've seen a building, that's it. Move on. Being mindful of elderly who don't move as quick as younging's should be taken into consideration when given time to return back to the bus area. Most importantly the guide kept telling us that he had timed entry tickets to the AA museum, and he did, however, he cut into our time at the AA museum by not getting us there on time as promised. At one point I fell asleep on the tour bus because I was sooooo tired of hearing the same information repeated.
Booking was excellent. The pickup and drop off to the meeting spot to board the bus was smooth. I am not sure I learned more about our African American History other than Oprah donating millions to the AA Museum than I did before we started the guided tour.