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Обилазак дивљих животиња Аљаске у заливу Качемак

Туре са Цолдватер Аљаском су прилагођене нашим путницима, прилагођене ономе што желе да виде. Наши чамци превозе само до шест путника што пружа сјајно лично искуство док уживате на води. Обиласци пружају јединствену комбинацију разгледања, посматрања дивљих животиња и пејзажа у прелепим водама залива Качемак на Аљасци.
Цити: Хомер
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $125.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $125.00
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Државни парк залива Качемак
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (67)
Jun 2022
Captain John knows how to provide a whale of a good time! This was supposed to be a water-taxi trip that turned into a Whale watching adventure! Captain John blessed us with taking the time to show us some whales that he spotted on our trip back from our hike to Grewingk glacier. He also stopped to show us some Puffins on the way back. On the way out, he showed us Harlequin ducks and a bald eagle that he spotted. He was such an enthusiastic nature lover that it became infectious on this boat ride. My wife and I were celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary on this trip and Captain John made it a memory of a lifetime with the highlight of seeing 2 humpback whales breaching at least 15 times with some of them being synchronized at the same time. These whales put on a magical show for us jumping, spinning, and swimming around the boat. Thank you Captain John for taking the extra time and the office staff for making this the best part of our trip! We will never forget this experience!!
Jun 2022
Awesome morning with. Captain Patrick! We loved our morning adventure and ride including the many facts Captain Pat shared with us regarding the wild life we saw! This was truly one of our Alaskan highlights and we recommend it highly! Also regarding our fab boat mates, Jenn, Jack and Shilo - first many congrats Jenn and Jack on your recent marriage and second - go Army! Folks - take this tour - best ever!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
This made my day to hear your tour was a highlight on your Alaskan adventure. I am also happy to see connections being made with other people while enjoying the beauty of Homer! Thank you for taking the time to share with us your experience.
Jun 2022
There's nothing like riding around Kachemak bay looking for wildlife or getting dropped off for an epic hike in the park, but somehow Coldwater made the experience that much more magical. Everyone from their office staff to their boat captains (shoutout to amazing dudes John and Patrick!) were professional, knowledge and genuinely stoked to help us get in a great adventure. We had an amazing experience chasing down a breaching humpback whale with John and spotting tons of birds, otters, sea lions and even harbor porpoises! Honestly, more than we thought we would ever see in just a few hours. Then Patrick picked us up from a couples days of hiking on our way out of Halibut cove, arriving exactly on the dot! Really doesn't get any more professional and enjoyable than this outfit. Great people, boats, rates and all around stoke! Don't go to Homer without booking a tour with them!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thank you! We appreciate you taking the time to share with us glimpses of your adventure and the shoutout to our wonderful crew!

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