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АЛЛ ИНЦЛУСИВЕ!Иелловстоне Опен Аир Тоурс оф Иелловстоне Натионал Парк

Обиласци Националног парка Иелловстоне на отвореном у прилагођеном Мерцедес кабриолету Цалацхе комбију су јединствено искуство. Овај комби може безбедно да прими до 15 путника на обиласку на отвореном. Ако још увек желите да путујете са новом нормом Цовида 19, али желите да останете безбедни, ово би можда била права тура за вас. Ово је веома пространо туристичко возило са пуно простора за друштвену дистанцу. Са кабриолетом ћете моћи да уђете на свеж ваздух док сте у луксузном Мерцедес комбију. Чак и ако пада киша или је хладно, и даље можете уживати у обиласку у пространом комбију са стакленим плафоном. Има довољно простора за свеж ваздух који циркулише кроз возило и ми предузимамо све мере предострожности да осигурамо вашу безбедност док сте на путу. једна од наших тура.<бр>Ова тура је мања групна тура. Заустављамо се на најпознатијим атракцијама Јелоустона, као и на некима ван утабаних путева.Свака тура је јединствена. Никад не знате да ли ћете гледати јединствен тренутак Натионал Геограпхиц-а или не !
Цити: Цоди
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $325.00
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ово туристичко возило можда није погодно за дечија аутоседишта.<ли>Маске за лице. обавезне за водиче на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку
Шта да очекујете
Ова турнеја почиње у 7 ујутру на овом јединственом обиласку Националног парка Јелоустон. Овај обилазак ће се одржати у Мерцедес комбију са кабриолетом. Ова тура се може зауставити на локацијама као што су: Велики кањон Националног парка Јелоустон, Мамут Хот Спрингс, Фирехоле Лаке Дриве, Тхе Фоунтаин Паинт Потс, Гибсон'с Фаллс, Олд Фаитхфул и још много тога. Ово возило је савршено за оне јединствене фотографије на којима не морате да бринете о препрекама из возила. У ДАНАШЊИМ ДАНИМА, УЗМИ БЕЗБЕДНА ОПЦИЈА ТУРА У ВОЗИЛУ НА ВЕЗИ!
Велико призматично пролеће
Гранд Присматиц је највећи минерални извор у Јелоустону. Живе боје су једноставно невероватне. Посетите ову прелепу локацију и сазнајте више о прелепим подлогама за бактерије у Јелоустону.
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Уживајте у гледању овог спектакуларног водопада од 300 стопа у једном од најлепших окружења Северне Америке.
Иелловстоне Гејзири - Подручје блатног вулкана
Ово је геолошки феномен који се мора видети у Националном парку Јелоустон.
Велики кањон Јелоустона
Погледајте једно од најспектакуларнијих локација Јелоустона. Овај кањон привлачи гледаоце од 1800-их и апсолутно одузима дах.
Фоунтаин Паинт Пот
Прављење блата на лонцима за фарбање фонтана је тако занимљива геолошка активност која ће вам сигурно навести да размишљате о томе на чему заправо стојите.
Норрис Геисер Басин
Овај базен је као ниједан други. Погледајте спектакуларну представу коју су поставили термофили. Прелепе боје и вулканска активност чине ову станицу заиста посебном посластицом.
Олд Фаитхфул
Не можете да одете у Јелоустон и да се не зауставите код старих верника. Сви смо чули за то. Хајде сада да одемо тамо и сазнамо шта се дешава и шта чини Олд Фаитхфул тако посебним.
Мамут Хот Спрингс
Вратите се корак у прошлост у Маммотх Хот Спрингс. Ова област има све. Историју, пејзаж, дивље животиње и терасе од травертина. Ово морате видети.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (21)
Jun 2022
The tour was very good and park was very beautiful. The snacks and lunch were also very good. Didn’t go to parts of the park where the bears are so that was disappointing especially since the Viator customer service had us upgrade to the more expensive package. We went back to park the next day and did the upper loop and seen 6 bears (black no grizzlies). The other dislike was the tour guide Dave asked everyone for their park passes so the tour company didn’t have to pay. That to me was immoral and should not have been asked. The park prices were included with the tour. I feel I should have 60.00 refunded.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hi Jim. I’m sorry that you feel this way.There are a few things to discuss about your review.For one thing we have no control over a third party booking system and what they told you or scheduled for you.By going through a third party booking system typically you are being charged about 30-35% higher price due to their commission rates instead of if you booked directly through the company it’s self.The people that you talk to are not from here and have no idea of what the tour consists of because I’m constantly on the phone with them telling them to stop promising people things that are impossible.Sometimes they tell guests that we can pick them up 6 hours away from where we are.So you probably paid a lot more going through them than actually speaking with someone from our company.I have no idea what they promised you because they are just sales people trying to earn a commission.And about the passes.We have not raised our prices this year with all of the inflation.Our fuel prices have doubled,our rent on our building has gone up,the price of your food,snacks and beverages has gone up and wages have gone up.So instead of raising our prices like everybody else has then the guests that actually speak to our office have been asking our guests to help us out a bit so that we aren’t having to double the price of tours due to inflation.This is a kindness that we are asking our guests to help us out so that if they already have a pass it helps us to save all of our guests money so that more people can enjoy this tour instead if raising the prices so high or not being able to supply our guests with lunches,snacks,beverages etc.Like other companies do.Most other companies do not supply anything or pay their way in.So we have asking people for their generosity in order to keep our prices down.During these difficult times we are asking for help from our guests.This is what I’ve told everybody that books through us directly to please help us to keep our prices down.We’ve also been asking guests that are over 62 if we can purchase them an annual park pass so that it’ll cost less to get 3 more guests in.We are just asking people for a little help do that we can pay it forward to others by not raising our prices.I thank you for letting the guide use your pass.That money is to help others.I’m sorry if it made you upset but It helps others.As far as the tour itself.From what it sounds like you were on a private tour and could’ve went anywhere you wanted.Maybe Dave was trying to get you to areas of possible wildlife but we can’t control where the bears are.I wish we could get lucky like you did all the time but there’s absolutely no guarantee for wildlife.I hope you understand this and hope that you can see what we are trying to do. Thank you, Sunny
Mar 2022
This was an amazing way to see the Park if you’ve never visited. The open air vehicle was comfortable and unique, plenty of stops for stretching your legs and bathroom breaks, and they provided plenty of snacks, drinks, and a delicious boxed lunch that was not your ordinary boxed lunch. Fresh and yummy!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Hi Doris, Thank you so much for writing in with a great review.I’m so happy that you had a good experience.Yellowstone is such a fun and interesting place to visit.I hope that the rest of your vacation went well. Thank you again, Sunny
Sep 2021
There are many wonderful things about this tour. First, the van has windows all around, even the roof is a window! This gives everyone a clear view of the mountains, trees, and wildlife, including flying eagles and hawks. The roof opens up for an open air experience. There's lots of legroom and space between passengers, although the ride is more like a truck than a car. Second, you don't have to drive the 200 mile trip and instead can enjoy the scenery. We were picked up and dropped off right at our lodging. Everything was very conenient, and after 12 hours we were grateful not to have driven ourselves. Third, our driver Kim is an excellent tour guide! She is very knowledgable about everything Yellowstone, including about places enroute to the park and back again. I learned a lot from her. Kim is very attentive and pays attention to details, like taking the ladies to the better bathrooms, dropping us off curbside close to sights, providing lots of good tips, and giving us choices and enough time to enjoy each stop. She has an interesting background too. Fifth, the amazing scenery! Yellowstone is so beautiful, and rich with unique geology, wildlife, and history. We saw a momma grizzly and her yearling. There's plenty of buffalo, and one even walked right past us in the street. Everything about this tour makes it worthwhile, even the snacks and the good lunch made by a local Cody eatery. Water is provided. One caveat: there were several booking mistakes. I hope this will be corrected. In the meantime, don't be shy about reminding the booking company about your tours and times.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2021
Hello, Thank you so very much for writing in with a review.I apologize for taking so long to get back with you.It has been a hectic year and it took a while for me to catch up.We appreciate your business and Kim is a wonderful guide and person. Happy new year!

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