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Алл инцлусиве турнеја по горњој петљи Јелоустона

Ово је свеобухватан професионални обилазак Горње петље Националног парка Јелоустон. Обилазак почиње када вас покупе из вашег смештаја око 7:00 ујутро. Овај обилазак укључује плаћање у парк, пиће, грицкалице (гранола барови, сиреви, крекери и ораси) и ручак у стилу деликатесе (сендвичи на домаћем хлебу, свеже воће, свеже поврће, чипс и домаћи колачић). Током овог обиласка бићете одведени у нека од најлепших предела који одузимају дах около. Вероватно ћете видети разне дивље животиње, геотермалне карактеристике и историјске локације. Овај обилазак је фокусиран на историју, разгледање локација и посматрање дивљих животиња. Иако никада не можемо да обећамо које дивље животиње ћете видети. Трудимо се да посматрајте обрасце миграције животиња. На овој турнеји, узимамо у обзир нагађања из вашег одмора и приказујемо вам опуштајући, али добар провод. Не трпамо наше госте у возило и журимо их кроз дан, па ако желите да шетате, седите, пешачите, онда смо ту за ваш обилазак
Цити: Цоди
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $299.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $299.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Молимо вас да носите удобну одећу, по могућности вишеслојну, понесите све личне ствари које вам могу затребати, као што су лекови, и не заборавите своје камере. Дефинитивно ће вам требати.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку. доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли> Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Због велике потражње гостију који морају да се придржавају социјалне дистанце; Ми смо Морамо да ограничимо капацитет наших возила. Ове године молимо наше госте који не желе да путују са другима да погледају наше опције приватног обиласка.
Шта да очекујете
Цоди Виоминг Адвентурес
На овом обиласку ћете бити покупљени у новијем моделу возила из Хуммер-а, комбија или транзита у зависности од величине ваше забаве. Бићете покупљени око 7:00 ујутро од места вашег смештаја. Ваш професионални водич ће почети обилазак са невероватним чињеницама о Кодију, вулкану и ширем подручју Јелоустона. На овој свеобухватној турнеји даћете прилику за невероватне слике и фотографије дивљих животиња. Чућете фасцинантне чињенице о Јелоустону, Супер вулкану, биологији дивљих животиња, екосистему ,и о првим посетиоцима Дивљег Запада. Као што увек кажем „Ако научници још увек проучавају Јелоустон, било да се ради о његовом лишћу, дивљим животињама, вулкану, историји, итд. онда то значи да увек постоји нешто ново за научити .Нико никада неће знати све, али је ипак забавно покушати.“Иелловтсоне је мајка природа у свом најбољем издању. После много година као туристички водич у Јелоустону, још увек уживам у његовој слави. Ова тура улази у парк на источном улазу и излази са североистока е Улаз у Сцениц Биваи главног Џозефа. Ова тура се завршава у вашем смештају око 19:00. На овој турнеји ћете се такође зауставити у Великом кањону Националног парка Јелоустон, врућим изворима Мамут, пролазу Данравен и областима басена гејзира. Дивље животиње које се обично виде на овој турнеји су: гризлији, лосови, јелени, рогови, планинске козе, овце са великим рогом и црни медвед. Такође постоји велики избор птица које треба пропасти као што су: амерички пеликани, лабудови трбачи, ждралови са пешчаног брда, ћелави орлови, златни орлови, јастребови, итд. Резервишите своју турнеју сада за лето 2019.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (16)
Aug 2021
My girlfriend and I were taking a road trip and decided to include two tours of Yellowstone. We decided on the upper and lower loop full day tours from Cody Wyoming Adventures and are so glad we did! We had Devon as our tour guide for our lower loop and he was so knowledgeable and fun that we requested him for our upper loop tour the next day. Devon knew all the best spots, and if a sight was busy he would drop us off so we would not have to walk far and have more time viewing the park (very accommodating for those who were unable to walk for longer distances). It was a huge relief having a professional drive us to all the good spots in the park so we did not have to deal with the stress of planning to see the most and best sights while there. I believe if we would have tried to do it ourselves we would have only seen half of the spots we stopped at. We got tons of great pictures and the lunches both days were delicious, plus they have options for people with food allergies (gluten free sandwich bread and dessert). Additionally, Devon was full of energy and made it through 12+ hours of driving, educating, and making sure our group was safe and getting the experience we hoped for; while the rest of us inevitably napped in the van after a long day he was still able to drive us all the way back to our Airbnb where we were picked up and dropped off for both tours. Overall, we are extremely happy with Cody Wyoming Adventures and highly recommend scheduling a tour (or more) with them!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2021
Hi William, Thank you so much for writing this great review.It’s so important for me to hear from guests about their tours.Sorry that it has taken me so long to reply.It’s just been a crazy year. I hope that you had a happy holiday season and are ready for the new year!Cheers!
Aug 2021
We booked two days of tours with Cody Adventures. The first day was the Lower Loop (LL) tour. The second day was the Upper Loop (UL) tour. Five days before the first tour, we got a call from the wife owner asking if we had any flexibility in our schedule as there were scheduling issues on our second day. I told her I did not have any flexibility. She said she would be back in touch, When we got into town, we went by their "hut" in town and checked in with the husband owner. He only had the paperwork for the next day and we were listed for the LL tour and we made arrangements to be picked up at the hotel. He said he would check with his wife about the UL tour and they'd let us know. The LL tour was great. Nikki was our guide and was 5/5. We asked her to text you and confirm we were still set up for our UL tour the next day, but she did not get a response before we were dropped off at our hotel. We received an email that day confirming our UL tour the next day, so we went downstairs to wait for your van at the appointed time the next morning. Their was a van and driver there, but when I approached she informed me she was not there for us. She called the wife owner and was informed that our tour was cancelled! We were not notified even though they had my phone number and email address and we were on one of their tours the previous day with their tour guide. Due to government (Covid) handouts, companies are having trouble getting employees. I understand that. I cannot understand a company not being able to notify customers beforehand when they cannot fulfill their contractual obligations.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
We are thanking everybody that we had to move or cancel their tours due to lack of staff.im so sorry that I didn’t know that I was going to have an employee do a no call no show.I had spoken to you with you about being overbooked with a lack of staff but then I thought that I had it handled.If people knew that an employee wasn’t going to show up to work then I guess that it wouldn’t be a no call no show?We do apologize for any mis communication but I did not know that your guide wasn’t going to show up and I did the best that I could. We have now gotten things more under control with the staffing issues and our office person had broken her back so she wasn’t in the shop and I’m in Yellowstone most times and I also do not have control over if employees don’t show up.I guess I’ll have to figure out a new way of maybe reading peoples minds.I don’t know how but I’ll try. Hopefully the government will make everybody have to go back to work so that way businesses can stay open,staffed,and better to take guests. It’s been a huge problem here this year with all of the businesses in town.Our restaurants have been closed on and off,shows,parks,bars and even hotels due to lack of service.This is not the best year to go to Yellowstone.I hope that people will come back after all of this stimulus has gone
Jul 2021
The tour itself was fine and our guide, Kristin, was amazing. Problem is we paid for an Open Air tour and showed up the morning of the tour, July 9, 2021 and were told it was booked for a private tour but they finangled around and got my husband and I on a tour van and told we would get a refund for the difference we paid for the van vs. open air. I have called and called and emailed and this place will NOT return my calls or emails. I only want what is owed to me which is close to or a little over $100.00. If you take this tour and their are any changes make sure you get your refund UP FRONT. I even called prior to booking the tour as was told to only go through their website to ensure we got what we wanted and paid for what we wanted.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Hello, Sorry for the delay in response.I do apologize for the change up on your tour.We went into this year expecting to have 40 employees and we only got 10.Due to stimulus money continuously going on the entire country has a lack of staff.In 23 years I’ve never gotten bad reviews so this is new.We had to switch around some tours so that atleast people could go on a tour.I’ve had people mad at me if I cancel their tour and if I haven’t and tried to get them up to the park on a different tour.It’s one of those years where it’s way out of my hands. I’m just trying to do the best we can with a quarter of the staff needed.I did refund your money for the 100$ but those have to go through Viator so I do not control their booking system. Hopefully the government will stop giving away free stuff so that we can get staffed up for next year.

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