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Наш обилазак свих острва аутобусом је за оне који желе да стекну општу представу о томе шта је Мартхас Винеиард и да буду у могућности да мало купују, једу и разгледају. Будући да нас прича трећа генерација Острвљана, имамо гомилу историје коју треба испричати заједно са личним причама које треба истаћи.
Цити: Мартха'с Винеиард
Fri 08 Nov
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Fri 08 Nov
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Коментара (88)
Aug 2022
It is all it's advertised to be. Spectacular views, charming cities and it's easy going BUT it's pricy and don't be on a tight schedule. Take your time to visit. Arrive early and leave late. We opted not to stay on the island but the cities and venues are remarkable. GETTING AROUND We took the ferry as a walk on passenger (no need to reserve but do get there 30 min before) - nice 45 min ride that goes by so fast. On the island, you can take Tours, Scooters, Rent a Car, Bicycle, UBER or public transport. If you are on a tight schedule and want to explore, I would strongly recommend scooter, car or uber. Public transit is very good but if on a tight schedule you will only skim the surface of this magnificient island. Same for a paid tour. Public Transit - option we took, only 8$ for the day and good service but we were on a tight schedule so had to take UBER for 1 trip from Edgartown to Aquinnah to make it more time efficient but if you are not on a tight schedule, public transit is excellent. UBER cost us $66 USD from one end to the island. Very good option to avoid missing a bus (tight transfer schedules) Tours - you only skim the surface of the island but it's no hassle. Scooter - seem fun, but main roads are very narrow so somewhat not secure. Also, very expensive. Rent a car - good luck, reserve months in advance and very expensive. Bicyle - good option. Many cycling paths. If you are well off financially or want to make it memorable, I would recommend renting a Jeep or convertable. It is the perfect setting to do so in the summer. VENUS Oak Bluffs - nice litte coast line city. Beautiful coastline housings. Commun Street is a cute little place, but mainly shops and stores. Cute little beaches as well. If you don't go to the beach, I think 1 hour is enough in that town. If you go to the beach, it changes duration time. Water is clear, beach is sandy, not too rocky. Edgardtown - I prefered it compared to Oak Bluffs. This has more of a fisherman town feeling, but OMG the streets, houses, docks, marina, restaurants, lighthouse are unbelievable. I'd recommend spending min 2-3 hours (if not rushed) if you want to eat or drink there and tour around. Aquinnah - THE PLACE for natual scenic view. Amazing lighthouse, nice beach (rocky sand) with stunning multicolored cliffs. True beauty. take the time to talk on the beach and walk around the cliffs. Since its a rocky sany beach, bring water shoes for a more comfy walk. Water is warm. First 2-4 feet into the water is rounded soft rocks but after that it's nice sand. I could spend half to a full day there to enjoy scnenary and relax. Don't expect a town, it is seculuated with basic foods amenities but the beauty is remarkable. The UBER driver was telling us about Chippaquiddick Island off of Edgartown. Ferry is about 5 minutes duration. Apparently amazing and worth seeing. Recommendation transportation on the island is renting a bicycle. Next time, it's on my to do list! TIGHT BUDGET OPTION If you have a tight budget and can't afford sleeping on the Island, another option is lodging at Wood Hole (where the ferry is) or Falmouth (free shuttle to the ferry) and go back and forth between island and your hotel. You can cut costs by half doing so BUT don't be pressed with time because you have the 45 min ferry back and forth to consider, but if you want to fully explore Martha Vineyard over a long weekend, it's a good option. Have fun.
Aug 2022
So disappointed to receive a call from Dee Dee with Home Grown Tours at 3:44 PM, the day before our scheduled tour, that our 10:30 AM tour for tomorrow was cancelled due to bus mechanical issues. She offered to move us to a different tour bus at 2:30 which was appreciated until I inquired about wheelchair accessibility. She informed me that our original bus and the 2:30 backup bus were both not wheelchair accessible. My mom is 92 and requires a wheelchair and was so disappointed. This was the only tour on the island that was listed as "wheelchair accessible". She informed us of public transportation on the island that is ADA compliant, but it offers no tour and would be on/off. I understand mechanical issues occur, but we should have been informed the day of the booking that no tour bus currently running is wheelchair accessible. Thankfully we were also able to get a refund for the ferry we had booked through a separate company.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Calling ahead instead of assuming everything is perfect would've been a great help for yourself.... after 2 years of covid, we didnt have a calling for wheelchair accessibility, so we decided to revamp our bus for users and redo the floor... so, please, before you bash someone in their business, understand the logistics.. YOU needed to let us know.... mechanical issues happen and LIKE THE WEBSITE SHOWS - CLEARLY - that im the only one on the island - so, how surprised are you that the other companies didn't have accessibility?? Why not bash those companies for not being able to help you????????????????????????????? Dont you think they should all be accessible???? thanks so much for your thoughts on this......
Aug 2022
I brought my parents to Martha's Vineyard on Saturday, August 6th and wanted them to see a large part of the island in only a day. This 3 hour bus tour was perfect. Didi, a three generation islander, was a fantastic tour guide. We started in Oak Bluffs, a simple 3 minute walk off the Ferry to her Blue and Yellow Home Grown Tours Bus. It was that simple to get on. Didi took us to all 6 towns including two stops at Menemsha and Aquinnah to see the gorgeous Cliffs and Lighthouse. There is also enough time to get something to eat. Didi also brings a lot of the making of the movie 'Jaws" to life right in front of your eyes with stories from the film production and great sound effects throughout the trip. She is treasure of the island and I was tuned in on every word she said. This Tour is perfect if you're looking to visit all 6 towns and you do not have a car, and doing so in a short amount of time. The only thing I would recommend to Didi would be to spend more time on the Tour in Edgartown, specifically main street. That little town is the Jewel of the island (or at least a close second to the views at Aquinnah). Other than that, I wouldn't change anything : )

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