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Поподневно једрење 12-метарске јахте америчког купа из Хилтон Хеда

Само на Хилтон Хеду и само у Харбор Тауну можете да једрите на правом Америца'с Цуп-у, 12 метара, Старс & Стрипес-а којим је некада управљао чувени Денис Конор. Сва путовања се одвијају под пуним једрима. Користимо мотор само за улазак и излазак из Харбоур Товн-а.
Цити: Хилтон Хеад Исланд
Sun 03 Nov
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Са почетком у $52.95
Sun 03 Nov
Са почетком у $52.95
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Коментара (259)
Apr 2019
The sail was enjoyable and we had a decent breeze. Despite the fact that I knew about the boat and its history, I was surprised that the captain never offered any history or background to passengers. Also, he seemed quite casual about safety - never any mention of life preservers and several young children (under 8) wandering around without close supervision.
Patricia K
Mar 2019
We hard a great evening on the Cruise. Just one problem - the time went too quickly. The dinner was excellent. Included salad, grits and shrimp, chicken, brisket and green beans. We ended with desert and coffee. The water was smooth and even my 11 year old service dog enjoyed the trip. Have a good evening
Nov 2018
This was a great experience for us. We booked the 90-minute afternoon sail, but found out later that the required minimum (8 people) had not signed up. So the company scheduled us for the 2-hour sunset cruise the same day at no additional charge. We have been on multiple sailing cruises and always enjoyed ourselves. I have to say that this was one of the most pleasant cruises we have ever done. The skies were overcast and the air was cool, but it was still a great experience. There were about 15 passengers on the boat. Everyone sat on cushions along the edge of the boat, except for a few patrons with physical limitations, who were able to sit on a bench behind the Captain. The Captain was extremely accommodating of everyone. We saw several dolphins, some swimming within a few feet of our boat. The Captain allowed several passengers to try their hand at steering the boat (with him by their side, of course). The Captain and his crew sold beverages for a small fee and took photos of several people with their cameras. We received lots of information about the area around Hilton Head, but not in the form of a narrated tour. The Captain pointed out areas of interest and answered questions from everyone. The Captain spared us the corny jokes that you hear on most tours. Although there was a tip jar at the end of the tour, we were also spared the speech about thanking our hard working crew (which made us even more compelled to donate). All in all, the Captain and his crew were really nice people who wanted to share their love for sailing with others. The price was very reasonable for 1-1/2 hours, and even a better deal for 2 hours. I would strongly recommend this tour for anyone who is looking for a family experience and some peaceful time on the water. Tip: Bring a light jacket. The temperature on the water is several degrees cooler and with the wind, it can be a bit chilly.

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