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** ПОСЕБНА ПОНУДА - Снижене цене важе за одабране датуме до децембра 2022. ** <бр>Америца’с Гот Талент представља Суперстарс Ливе представља тренутке који заустављају представу, од узбудљивих глумаца и мађионичара до вокала и акробата. Овај импресивни спектакл никада не посустаје, што га чини једном од најбољих представа у Лас Вегасу. Алл Старс. Алл Вариети. Сав Вегас!
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Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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Казино у Луксору у Лас Вегасу
Прођите до хотела и казина Лукор да видите неке од најбољих извођача из ТВ франшизе „Америца’с Гот Талент“ уживо на сцени!
Америца'с Гот Талент уживо
Прослава комедије, музике, опасности, игре и још много тога! Са изванредним глумцима из хит ТВ франшизе „Америца’с Гот Талент” (АГТ), емисија се изводи пет вечери недељно, у позоришту Луксор. 75-минутна, убрзана продукција садржи тренутке који заустављају шоу, од узбудљивих чинова и мађионичара до вокала и акробата – све то изводе многи од најцењенијих алумнија из ТВ џагернаута. Посетиоци ће бити почашћени врхунским уводним бројем, постављајући тон импресивном спектаклу који никада не посустаје. Са тако огромним портфолиом талената из којих можете црпити, Америца’с Гот Талент представља Суперстарс Ливе! ће редовно уводити нове акте, као и добродошлицу специјалним гостима са ограниченим ангажманом.
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Коментара (68)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Nov 2021
LOVE watching AGT, and this brings many of the fantastic acts together for one phenomenal show. It is a true Variety show... in that the acts are all very different from each other. Love the light dancers, the aerial act, the knife throwing, Cody, the comedy, the drama, etc. We came to Vegas specifically to see this show. on Nov 7th. It was better than expected, and I expected a lot. All four were blown away by the talent, the production level, everything. Would highly recommend, but get your tickets soon, as they are only there until Jan 2.
Nov 2021
America’s Got Talent Las Vegas Live - No Need to Be a Preacher or a Clairvoyant, but This Show is Immensely Entertaining. Over the years, I’ve watched AGT with varying levels of interest. Recently though, it’s been mostly on YouTube when a viral clip gets mentioned on Yahoo! and I’ll perhaps take a moment to pull up the video. When I saw a YouTube video of Shim Lim’s audition performing his card tricks, I knew he would win. When I saw a YouTube video of Darcy Lynne performing ventriloquism, I knew she would win. When I saw a YouTube video of Men with Pans, I knew they wouldn’t go far but that video cracked me up for 4 funny-as-heck minutes. While none of those acts performed tonight – opening night – at the Luxor, the talented squad of performers that have come together rivals really any top notch Vegas show that would probably come to mind. Cirque’s Michael Jackson ONE (at the Mandalay Bay) or the high-flying “O” (at the Bellagio) or the Rated R Absinthe (Caesar’s Palace), in my mind, are the Top 3 shows to see in Vegas. But, I think you can add AGTLVL to that horserace. Opening night (on Nov 4th, Thursday) looked to be about 90% sold out. The line up of entertainers is spectacular – and included many acts with which you’d be familiar even if you were a casual watcher of the show. But, even if you had never seen one episode, you’d be hard-pressed not to be entertained. But two things made this show stand out. First, it had a lot of variety. Comedians, magicians, danger acts, dancers – so it was always fresh and funny, exciting and exhilarating. Unlike a Cirque show which tends to be variations on a theme, this one really had a lot of varied but mostly spectacular acts. I was most mesmerized by a knife throwing act (Dangerous Games – and this crazy dangerous act was worth the price of admission themselves); a couple of acrobats/aerialists that did their routine blindfolded (Duo Ascendance); and an autistic/blind singer that reminded me of Rain Man meets Ray Charles (Cody Lee). But some acts were merely solid, if that’s even fair to say. I didn’t particularly care for The Clairvoyants which featured a couple where the gentleman would go out into the audience to ask for personal objects of audience members (lipstick, eye drops, etc…) and the woman – while blindfolded – would somehow know what they were. Cre-e-e-epy and cue the Twilight Zone theme music! Yes, they were talented, but it didn’t have the delivery or tone of the other Vegas worthy acts. Also, I wished that The Silhouettes (a shadow dance troupe) literally had more screen time. But after most of these acts completed their set, the audience gave a standing ovation and it was well-deserved. But what also makes AGTLVL a more engaging production than the other Las Vegas shows is this … if you’ve ever watched the TV show, you can get a glimpse into the contestant’s previous life and learn about their dreams and their will to overcome challenges and such. It adds a human touch to these performers, so we can better relate and thus better appreciate what they’ve done. For example, imagine being Cody Lee and the obstacles and level of harassment and challenges he must have endured (autism and blindness). But then he comes out and completely floored me (I had never seen him on the TV show, but knew he had won his season) with his piano playing and singing skills. In the end, these performers seemed human after all. And so are you and I the reader, which made this show one that not only thrilled you from beginning to end but one that also warmed your heart. And, paraphrasing Poet (and season 15 winner who was also poetizing tonight) Brandon Leake, this is a place full of people where dreams can come true. And who doesn’t want to be in an environment like that? Random Notes. Ticket’s are less than $135 (all in from the Box Office) for a premium middle-of-the-auditorium seat, which is where I sat) and that’s about $70 less than for a Cirque show. The host, Preacher Lawson, is hilarious and deserves his own TV show. I think there were maybe a dozen acts and probably 3 or 4 of them had won AGT the year they competed, although I believe all were finalists.

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