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Улазница за затворени водени парк Америцан Дреам ДреамВоркс

Поред тога што је највећи те врсте у Северној Америци, водени парк ДреамВоркс добио је титулу затвореног воденог парка број 1 у САД од стране УСА Тодаи. То је први водени парк ДреамВоркс отворен током целе године и поставио је више светских рекорда, укључујући највећи затворени базен са таласима, највиши тобоган у затвореном простору и најдужи хидромагнетни подметач. <бр><бр>Искусите узбуђења са нама - врхунска колекција врхунских атракција у затвореном простору, куповине и ресторана која се састоји од више од 3 милиона квадратних метара у Еаст Рутхерфорду, Њу Џерси - само четири миље од Њујорка. <бр><бр>Постоји понешто за свакога, укључујући: вожње за децу, породичне вожње, па чак и вожње за оне који траже узбуђење!<бр>
Цити: Неварк
Sat 19 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $79.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $79.00
Шта је укључено
1-дневна улазница за затворени водени парк Дреамворкс
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Еаст Рутхерфорд<бр>1 Америцан Дреам Ваи
Путници ће морати да донесу своје карте купљене путем интернета на наш шалтер карата који се налази на улазу у парк како би добили наруквице за улаз.

Улаз се налази унутар Америцан Дреам Ентертаинмент & Схоппинг Центра. Паркинг је 3 долара по дану. Паркирајте на паркинг палуби Б или Ц, или Лифт/Убер спустите на паркинг палуби А.

Радно време атракција варира и подложно је променама. Молимо потврдите пре ваше посете: хттпс://ввв.америцандреам.цом/хоурс-анд-дирецтионс.
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе на крило одраслих<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Погодна за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца млађа од 14 година морају да буду у пратњи пратиоца. Све вожње имају постављене захтеве за узраст и висину на уласку у ред чекања. <ли>Гости млађи од 36” могу да уживају у Лењи реци, Таласном базену и функцијама у КунгФу Панда Темпле оф Авесоменесс Плаи Струцтуре. <ли>Гости између 36” и 42” могу уживати у 6 тобогана у Пенгуинс Фрозен Фун Зоне и 3 тобогана у КунгФу Панда Темпле оф Авесоменесс Плаи Струцтуре. <ли>Гости између 42” и 48” могу да уживају у свим дечјим играма/тобоганима и у 5 других породичних тобогана са пратиоцем. <ли>Гости од 48” или више могу да уживају у свим вожњама/тобоганима/активностима осим оних намењених нашим најмлађим гостима. <ли>Потребна је одговарајућа одећа за купање. Купаћи костим се дефинише као једноделни или дводелни купаћи костим. <ли>Храна и пиће напољу нису дозвољени у воденом парку ДреамВоркс. <ли>Кућни љубимци нису дозвољени у воденом парку ДреамВоркс. <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Плаћени боравак- Политика код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Са нама је здравље и безбедност наших гостију, ДреамМакера, партнера бренда и заједнице, и наставља да буде наш приоритет број један. Навели смо наша нова безбедносна ажурирања заснована на ЦДЦ и локалним здравственим упутствима, која се могу наћи на ввв.америцандреам.цом/дреамсафе
Шта да очекујете
Водени парк ДреамВоркс у Америчком сну
Искусите забаву током целе године уз највећи избор водених вожњи широм света. Водени парк ДреамВоркс је тренутно највећи затворени водени парк у Северној Америци, са највећим базеном са таласима на свету и највишим тобоганом на свету. Са више од 40 слајдова и атракција, ананас ди-џеј штандом за свачије омиљеног лемур краља Јулиена и супер-лукс приватним кабинама које је дизајнирао Џонатан Адлер из Њ.
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Коментара (30)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jul 2022
I’m going to write this from the perspective of a parent. We often travel with another family of 5 so we had 6 kids with us ranging in age from 2 to 15. Parking - Closest parking to the water park (and theme park) is parking lot A on the first level. We used the ground level but either works. You’ll want to park as close as you can to the entrance there. Pricing - This place is NOT known for the savings. You can save by going during the week vs weekends. there are bundles available online so you can couple the day with other things you might want to do which helps you save a smidge. However the best deal i got for JUST a Saturday at the waterpark was buying via TripAdvisor which I previously didn’t know they did. Kids 2 and under free. Kids 2-9 pay a slightly lower price and 10+ are treated same as the adults. Rides - They measure and band all the kiddos at the entrance of the park so you don’t have to deal with the sizing shenanigans after waiting on line for 25+mins. The best rights in the park are all 48’ rides there are only a COUPLE 42’ rides. They don’t allow lap riding at all. The under 42’ crowd has (4) options a kiddy splash pad jungle gym with slides type area, a tube slide area, the wave pool, and lazy River (who ALSO doesn’t allow lap riding they have special tiny tubes for you to walk next to your kid - my 2 year old hated it). Everything requires a life vest and the lifeguards are hit/miss about enforcing it except in the River and Wave pool they were VERY strict about this rule. Cleanliness - I would HIGHLY recommend you bring water shoes. Not because im germaphobic but because you’ll need the traction it’s VERY slippery EVERYWHERE but especially in the locker room. People are all over constantly cleaning up and they’re very responsive if you alert them to any issues. But do not skip the water shoes even with the littles it made ALL the difference and the people in our group that forgot theirs really felt it especially in the bathroom runs. Food - I included a picture of the menu. You’d be paying concert prices if you eat there. I wish I could say it was worth it, it was functional in terms of quality/taste. Nothing fancy or supportive of the price tag OTHER than your literally paying for the permission to eat there on site. It’a somehow slightly better prices in the mall itself but not by much. They don’t check bags (for those of you like me who sneak food into the movies) but there is a sign when you first line up to get in that says no outside food. You can get a hand stamp to go in/out of the park if maybe you wanna have a tailgate lunch and re-enter. Cabana/Skybox - We didn’t opt for one, I’ll just say though that they’re set up like hotel rooms that overlook the wave pool on one side of the park. They’re guaranteed seating/private area. But it seems like quite the trek from the cabanas to any of the rides below. I don’t know much else about that. Tablet Stroller - for just under $12 you can rent a tablet stroller from the mall guest services, and it’s allowed anywhere in the water park (with a large group and littles this was a life saver for carrying and transporting littles). Towels/Seating - seating is first come, first serve, and fill up VERY quickly. I didn’t see one towel station I brought my own. Also the seats ARE NOT standard beach chairs they are fixed hard plastic slippery very hard to move nightmares. They take up a lot of space and you have to leave something behind to claim the area or you’ll be out of luck on seating. There is a limited amount of space in the table/chair eating ‘area’ (small). I didn’t see ANY towel station at all or anyone with a uniform looking towel bring yours! Lockers/Changing - they have many restrooms (women, men, family, men with kids, women with kids). They’re very slippery and lockers are operating via sensors on very specific arm bands that you get at check in. They leave only a few out on the machine that works the bands. There’s only one size and it’s got the capacity of a small carry on luggage. There is a station for setting up and station for filling it out and you get assigned a locker (you don’t pick which). There are limited changing rooms, bathroom stalls, and showers but they have al that with complementary shampoo and conditioner (this is a salt water/chlorine combo park water). There are water bottle refilling stations everywhere. Busiest times are at open and close of the park. When you’re doing the parent shuffle to try and allow every adult to enjoy at least one ride it’s tough. I could see singles, couples, and smaller families navigating this park pretty easily. But it’s very large, it’s a bit of a maze to get into, and I didn’t see any alcohol. Overall the facility is esthetically beautiful and has all of the grandiose looks that attract children. I heard ZERO complaints about the rides themselves they were all wonderful. The kids had an absolute blast and we traveled 2 hours to get there and we stayed from 11:30 to 6:30. Would we do it again? Only if we got a significant discount. I didn’t rate it (5) because: I felt it was overpriced solely because of its location/association with the American Dream Mall and not because of anything extraordinary compared to the multitude of other water I’ve been to. Even though they had people around cleaning they could’ve done a better job at up keep. No towels, overpriced meh food, terrible chairs, limited seating, very few rides the under 42’ crows could actually partake in, and only if they offered a better rate.
Jul 2022
I must say it is beyond excellent any other water park! But the food there I must be honest really sucks. The cold sandwiches are horrible and the pizza thin and burnt and way to small. The rides are amazing workers are young teens with a little attitude. Attitude that is ignorable because not so bad but could be better and would make the experience at American dream water park the best possible even though it’s the best already.
Jul 2022
Amazing fun, so impressive and really fun rides! Great for a rainy day. Did the sky cabana which was awesome. Will visit again.

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