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Лична посета доживљаја Амиша

Многи посетиоци Ланкастера траже смислен лични контакт са заједницом Амиша. Замислите да посетите три имања Амиша где вам наши дугогодишњи односи омогућавају да постанете њихови гости током свог боравка. Ова ексклузивна турнеја је ограничена на 14 гостију и пружа ретку прилику да упознате и разговарате са разним Амишима у којима живе и раде. Три станице: Посетите фарму Амиша у време муже, идите иза сцене са амишким мајстором, а затим седите и разговарајте са породицом Амиша у њиховој кући.
Цити: Ланцастер
Sun 17 Nov
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Са почетком у $65.33
Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $65.33
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Превоз до 14. -путнички аутобус је обезбеђен између локација обиласка<ли>Деца млађа од 6 година није дозвољена на овој турнеји.<ли>Обуците се с поштовањем<ли>Молимо да нема фотографија бити узети од наших домаћина Амиша<ли>Молимо вас да се пријавите на благајни позоришта, источном паркингу, најмање 15 минута пре вашег обиласка.<ли>Кућни љубимци нису дозвољени.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (400)
Nov 2016
What a great experience we had on the VIP (visit in person) tour led by operations manager Shannon. She allowed us to get up close and personal with the families we visited in a way that demystified the perceptions that we "english" bring to our encounters with those in the plain community. Shannon showed respect and helped us to extend the same to our hosts. Our host families were so hospitable and engaging without being showy or commercial. As a Lancaster county resident, it was refreshing and enlightening. Thank you
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2016
Thank you for your review! I'm glad you enjoyed the experience and your host, Shannon. Thanks for coming!
Jerome H
Oct 2016
Excellent experience! If you are interested in knowing more about the Amish in Lancaster CO, this tour is money and time well spent! Our guide was Kent, who has longtime relationships with many Amish folks and his depth of knowledge about the community generally and family members in particular was remarkable. We took the VIP tour which began at a dairy farm, where we met and visited with the family as they took us through the milking process. Next we visited a woodworking family and toured their shop. The highlight of the tour, however, was our final stop with Henry Fisher, a semi-retired farmer, who invited us into his home and answered all of our questions, while being equally interested in our lives and stories. Thoroughly engaging, this tour is appropriate and interesting for anyone from anywhere. We live in Lancaster and learned a lot and there were folks in our group from many states, as well as a couple from Australia: all were very enthusiastic!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2016
Dear Jerome, Thank you very much for your detailed review! So glad to hear that you got a lot out of the tour and enjoyed having Kent as your guide. Thanks for visiting!
Oct 2016
All of the activities of the Amish Experience are a short walking distance right on the same property as the Amish View Inn where we were staying. For one price, we got the Super-Saver ticket which included: --The 30 minute movie 'Jacob's Choice.' A moving story of one young man's decision to join the Amish religion which also touched on the Amish immigration to America because of religious persecution. --The tour of the Amish-style home and one-room schoolhouse. This was an excellent tour. It included a very good introduction to the Amish school system and curriculum in Lancaster County. The house tour was really informative about the 'simple' methods and ways that the Amish choose to live and dress. The guide was excellent and answered all our questions. --The 90 minute Farmlands tour on a mini-bus. Our guide, Jeff, was very good at explaining the history of the Amish and Mennonites, as well as their daily life and practices. He also answered our questions. We had a 20 minute stop at a working Amish farm that included a visit to the milking barn and the chance to shop at their store which was primarily quilt-related goods. --A 25 minute 'Cookie Run' buggy ride with Aaron & Jessica's Buggies. It was just OK (separate review). Overall, would highly recommend the Super Saver Amish Experience. It is great for providing a really good introductory insight into the Amish history and way of life.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2016
Thank you very much for your detailed and informative review! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the SuperSaver package and found it informative and enjoyable. Thanks again for visiting us, and we hope we'll see you again the next time you are in Lancaster!

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