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Лична посета доживљаја Амиша

Многи посетиоци Ланкастера траже смислен лични контакт са заједницом Амиша. Замислите да посетите три имања Амиша где вам наши дугогодишњи односи омогућавају да постанете њихови гости током свог боравка. Ова ексклузивна турнеја је ограничена на 14 гостију и пружа ретку прилику да упознате и разговарате са разним Амишима у којима живе и раде. Три станице: Посетите фарму Амиша у време муже, идите иза сцене са амишким мајстором, а затим седите и разговарајте са породицом Амиша у њиховој кући.
Цити: Ланцастер
Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $65.33
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Превоз до 14. -путнички аутобус је обезбеђен између локација обиласка<ли>Деца млађа од 6 година није дозвољена на овој турнеји.<ли>Обуците се с поштовањем<ли>Молимо да нема фотографија бити узети од наших домаћина Амиша<ли>Молимо вас да се пријавите на благајни позоришта, источном паркингу, најмање 15 минута пре вашег обиласка.<ли>Кућни љубимци нису дозвољени.
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Коментара (400)
Helena L
Oct 2016
The movie Jacob's Choice was a great start to our visit providing insight in to the Amish Church and the community of family. The tour of the Amish House and One Room School House provided an opportunity to see 'behind the door' and to ask questions. The tour guide was knowledgable and very patient. Impressed how the timings fitted together very well; we waited only 15minutes for the film to start and transitioned almost immediately to the house tour. Overall, a great learning experience and one that provided a useful and instructive insight in to the Amish way of life. We are now far better informed.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2016
Dear Helena, Thank you very much for your review! Very glad to hear that everything went smoothly and you enjoyed your guide. Thanks for making us a part of your visit to Lancaster!
Sep 2016
The Amish Experience was an excellent tour. Our bus driver and tour person, Jim Reed gave us a wonderful ride through the country side narrating along the way makein us feel we were visiting friends. Very interesting learning how the Amish work and live. The movie was good along with visiting the one room school house and the house where Amish would like. The buggy ride was great too, using the same roads that we drive on. The Amish driver was very nice and answered all our questions. Great tour! FR
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2016
Thank you for your review and for your nice words about Jim! Glad to hear that you had a great experience.
Pam S
Aug 2016
I took the super saver tour and found it to be exactly the kind of experience I was hoping to find. There are three parts to the experience--farmland tour, Amish house & schoolhouse tour, and "Jacob's Choice," a near-stage experience (movie presented on 5 screens that tell the story of "Jacob" and a choice he has to make as a young adult. The combination of all three experiences provided a 1 1/2 hour shuttle bus right through community roads to see Amish & English farms. The driver narrated the tour, seemed well informed, and took the bus to a good variety of sights that fill the daily life of a typical Amish resident. The school house & farmhouse tour were close to an hour long and formed a guided walkthrough of a typical Amish school house and residence, both fully furnished with unlimited opportunities for photos. A perk for taking the super saver tour was a voucher for a free buggy ride, which I enjoyed. The carriages were packed like sardines, not especially comfortable but doable, and the ride visited a single house with an opportunity to buy cookies / lemonaide. The afternoon was a good balance of Amish lifestyle, and I found it to be very informative.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2016
Dear Pam, Thank you for visiting, and for your great review! I'm glad to hear the SuperSaver was just what you were looking for. We'll look forward to seeing you the next time you are in Lancaster!

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