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Лична посета доживљаја Амиша

Многи посетиоци Ланкастера траже смислен лични контакт са заједницом Амиша. Замислите да посетите три имања Амиша где вам наши дугогодишњи односи омогућавају да постанете њихови гости током свог боравка. Ова ексклузивна турнеја је ограничена на 14 гостију и пружа ретку прилику да упознате и разговарате са разним Амишима у којима живе и раде. Три станице: Посетите фарму Амиша у време муже, идите иза сцене са амишким мајстором, а затим седите и разговарајте са породицом Амиша у њиховој кући.
Цити: Ланцастер
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $65.33
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Превоз до 14. -путнички аутобус је обезбеђен између локација обиласка<ли>Деца млађа од 6 година није дозвољена на овој турнеји.<ли>Обуците се с поштовањем<ли>Молимо да нема фотографија бити узети од наших домаћина Амиша<ли>Молимо вас да се пријавите на благајни позоришта, источном паркингу, најмање 15 минута пре вашег обиласка.<ли>Кућни љубимци нису дозвољени.
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Коментара (400)
Amy M
Apr 2014
We went on this tour a few days ago, and the four of us agree that so far it's a highlight of our month-long trip to the US. It's such a beautiful area, and the places we visited were so generous with their time and hospitality. We visited a dairy farm at milking time, a lovely lady who does quilting, and a fabulous wee family with two beautiful children. We have a much greater understanding of Amish life and culture, and are grateful for them letting us into their homes. Bill, our guide, was warm, informative and very, very funny. I'd recommend this experience in a heartbeat.
Aug 2013
The VIP tour is a wonderful experience to get a glimpse inside Amish life. My friend and I took the tour, which lasts three hours. We stopped at an Amish dairy farm and saw the farmer and his family milk the cows. He explained the process and talked about how his family, including the children, help on the farm. The cows and their calves were well cared for and you could tell that the farmer really loved his profession. We then stopped at an Amish business that repairs buggies and restores antique carriages. The owner's daughter explained the process of repairing the carriages and talked about the cost and the different types of buggies that are available. We saw an antique sled that was being restored. At the last stop we visited an Amish family. The family talked to us about Amish weddings, their church community gatherings, and their daily lives. They were warm and open and very receptive to our quesions. Our tour guide, Bernice, was very knowlegeable and clearly had a good relationship with the people that we visited on the tour. This is a very good tour for anyone who wants to learn more about Amish life.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2013
Dear Starling3, Being from Philadelphia, I know that you know there are a lot of choices of things to see and do when in Amish Country – and we appreciate that you spent your time with us. What you describe in your review is the heart and soul of the Amish community: farm, family, horse and buggy and church. We hope you’ll drive down the “Pike” and visit with us again.
Aug 2013
Spent a weekend in Lancaster County, and wanted to get close to the Amish to learn more about their lifestyle. Participated in the VIP Tour. 3 hours of sheer information. Departure point is at The Amish Experience, same parking lot as the Plain-and-Fancy restaurant. No more than 14 participants per evening, Beth was our driver. Three stops: 1. Amish dairy farm + quilts 2. Amish craftsman who built/restored carriages (we would call them "buggies") 3. Amish family to sit and visit This is the real deal.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2013
Dear NYgal_TCI, There’s nothing fake about what we do – “this is the real deal!” Your comments are spot on – what you see is what you get. What better way to get “behind the scenes” than to sit in an Amish home and visit with the family? We’re glad you came along for the ride and we trust you’ll return for another true Amish Experience.

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