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Лична посета доживљаја Амиша

Многи посетиоци Ланкастера траже смислен лични контакт са заједницом Амиша. Замислите да посетите три имања Амиша где вам наши дугогодишњи односи омогућавају да постанете њихови гости током свог боравка. Ова ексклузивна турнеја је ограничена на 14 гостију и пружа ретку прилику да упознате и разговарате са разним Амишима у којима живе и раде. Три станице: Посетите фарму Амиша у време муже, идите иза сцене са амишким мајстором, а затим седите и разговарајте са породицом Амиша у њиховој кући.
Цити: Ланцастер
Tue 19 Nov
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Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $65.33
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Превоз до 14. -путнички аутобус је обезбеђен између локација обиласка<ли>Деца млађа од 6 година није дозвољена на овој турнеји.<ли>Обуците се с поштовањем<ли>Молимо да нема фотографија бити узети од наших домаћина Амиша<ли>Молимо вас да се пријавите на благајни позоришта, источном паркингу, најмање 15 минута пре вашег обиласка.<ли>Кућни љубимци нису дозвољени.
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Коментара (400)
Nov 2018
I have been a full time RV traveler for the past 15 months, visiting lots of places and the Amish Experience Visit-In-Person Tour is one of my favorite experiences during our traveling. I loved getting to know the Amish country and this tour was the perfect way to get a more in-depth look at the lives of the Amish. Our tour lasted more than three hours and included three different stops. The first was at an Amish Dairy during the evening milking where the family’s 12 year old son gave us a tour through the milking process while we got to watch the father and a young daughter prepare for milking and hook the cows up to the machines. We saw where the milk is stored after milking and heard about the family’s daily lives and could ask questions. Our second stop was at an Amish business located next to a family home/farm that made wooden birdhouses, bird feeders, mailboxes, windmills, lamps and lighthouses. We had an interesting tour here by a young employee who showed us the workshop areas and how they delivered and shipped their products. Our last stop was at the home of a friendly Amish couple with two young daughters. We sat inside their home and learned about their church services and they encouraged us to answer any questions we had. It was fun to visit in such an informal setting, see the inside of their home and learn a little about their daily lives. Our tour guide Joe was excellent as he drove us around the countryside explaining and pointing out things of interest. There were only two of us on the tour that day which was out of the ordinary but also very nice. I loved this tour and found it to be well worth the time and expense. You know a tour is great when my thought at the end was that I wanted to take the tour again soon. Thanks to Joe and Amish Experience for this wonderful opportunity.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2018
Dear MSWMom50, What a nice and glowing review! We greatly appreciate it. We will make sure that Joe is aware of your happiness with him and the tour. Hope we see you again!
Wendy M
Nov 2018
Originally when I scheduled the tour I thought it would seem intrusive, barging in on Amish families treating them like a tourist attraction, disrespectful, I came to find out I was wrong! Deanna who was our guide/driver has a friendship with the families and is very respectful of their traditions and beliefs. When we met the three families each one of them greeted Deanna as an old friend and greeted us as well. We found out that they were interested or fascinated by us as we are of their traditions. We walked away with a new found respect and understanding of the families we visited and they learned from us as well. It was a wonderful experience.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2018
Dear Wendy M, thank you so much for your kind review! We are so glad that you enjoyed your tour and walked away with a new understanding. We hope to see you again!
Danielle C
Oct 2018
My friend and I attended the in-person tour. We agreed that it was the absolute best thing we did while in the Lancaster area. The families were so welcoming and friendly, as well as open to answering all kinds of questions. We were astounded that we were able to join in their day, even for a short time. What a wonderful opportunity to be up close and personal to another culture. It's a must-see while touring the area!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Dear Danielle C, Thank you so much for your kind review! We always appreciate guests who take the time to let us know how their experience went. Please come back and visit us again!

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