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Андретти Индоор Картинг & Гамес у Орланду

Андретти Индоор Картинг & Гамес је Орландова премијерна дестинација за забаву/догађаје која садржи узбудљиве атракције, укусну кухињу и јединствене просторе за догађаје. Објекат од 155.000 квадратних стопа садржи неколико узбудљивих атракција све под једним кровом, укључујући брзе електричне суперкарте на најдужој стази на више нивоа у затвореном простору са 25' промена надморске висине и скретања, 120+ аркадне игре, ВР тркачке симулаторе, 2 нивоа Ласер Таг Арена, 12 стаза за Боутикуе Бовлинг, КСД Дарк Риде, Хологате ВР искуство, Сцратцх ресторан/Фулл Бар и преко 10.000 квадратних стопа врхунског простора за догађаје.
Цити: Орландо
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $26.58
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $26.58
Шта је укључено
Картинг у затвореном - само трка
Картинг у затвореном и више – трка, ласерска ознака, 7Д Кспериенце и 1ХР карта за играње времена за аркада
Картинг у затвореном и 1-часовна карта за игру - карта за трку и 1-сатну аркадна игра
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Орландо<бр>9299 Универсал Блвд, иза конгресног центра Оранге Цоунти на раскрсници Универсал Блвд & Цонвентион Ваи
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама путници<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Андретти Индоор Картинг и игре
Андретти Индоор Картинг & Гамес је главна дестинација за забаву/догађаје у Орланду која садржи узбудљиве атракције, укусну кухињу и јединствене просторе за догађаје. Наш објекат од 155.000 квадратних стопа садржи неколико узбудљивих атракција све под једним кровом, укључујући брзе електричне суперкарте на најдужој стази на више нивоа у затвореном простору са 25' промена надморске висине и скретања, 120+ аркадне игре, стаза са ужадима са зиплине, 6 ВР тркачки симулатори, арена за ласерске ознаке на два нивоа, 12 стаза за бутик куглање, интерактивни театар покрета Дарк Риде, потпуно импресивно ВР искуство Хологате, ресторан/пун бар и преко 10.000 квадратних стопа врхунског простора за догађаје.
Политика отказивања
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (74)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jul 2021
We came here because the kids wanted to go kart. Upon arriving, the parking lot was packed and people were sitting outside which I thought was weird but was like ok. Upon going in we found out people were waiting outside. For the race track the wait time was 2 1/2 hours, which meant you had to occupy your time. There are plenty of games/arcade to pass the time, virtual reality games, small bowling alley, with long wait times. Two nice bars for the adults to hang out while kids play. We played games in arcade and hung out at downstairs bar until our time came. Two adult tracks and one kiddie track. Race track was great. The cars are fast and the teenagers and adults loved it. We will probably be back. Just be prepared to stay a long time with long lines and wait times. Right across from TopGolf too.
Jul 2021
Come for the racing, leave with an empty wallet and a world of frustration. TOURISTS BEWARE!!! There is so much wrong with this place it’s hard to believe it’s an actual business. You are welcomed to Andretti’s with a 45 minute wait (mid-day or a Saturday) just to buy your “experience” and to register. Everything could easily be done online, but they need to do this so they manage the crowds. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THE VIP EXPERIENCE OR THE MEMBERSHIP! You will never be back. We bought the VIP and I can tell you the VR car racing simulator, while uneventful, was 100x better than the actual cart racing. Once you buy the experience, you are put onto a waiting list for 2 hours. So they now have your money and you are held hostage until your race-time. We were not able to even use half of the VIP experience rides because of the insane waits. An an example, we waited 1 hour and 45 minutes for the VR shooter, and left with $51 in game credits because the time-management program was broken and constantly reset. It was awful. Next was the Laser Tag - three of us in the group - our laser guns and vests didn’t work. At the beginning of the game, after the game had started, we had to go back to the workers and have them change out our equipment. We lost 3-4 minutes doing this. The staff’s answer to our equipment failure? - add time to the entire game for EVERYONE. ??????? All of us were barely on the score board and we barely got to play as a family. We are locals in Orlando and have been to K-1 Speed - cart racing a number of times. This is the MAJOR reason we will never be back. My son is 12 and we bought the Intermediate package. It was a laughable experience. The smallest bump on the track between cars guaranteed the Course Marshall shut down ALL drivers to a walking pace. We literally spent the entire time driving less than 5 MPH. REALLY? You wait to 2 hours to sit in a car that barely crests walking speeds? There response was to “let us ride again”. We did, and the second ride was no better. I was also signed up for the “Adult Ride” an hour later. Again, the cars were slowed to a snails pace. Why is this place called Andretti’s? It’s not a racing experience, it’s a arcade for lemmings wanting to earn tickets for useless, mass-produced crap. Avoid this money grabbing hole at all costs. Spend your hard-earned money at K-1 Speed - at 5228 Vanguard Street, Orlando. This is a place where you actually spend time racing. If you thought it couldn’t get worse, you were wrong. ALL of the video games and ticket challenges were set to the highest difficulty. Space Invaders - 30 seconds at most, Big Buck Hunting - guns calibrated intentionally wrong so you lost on the first challenge. WE BURNED THROUGH $100 in less than an hour. It is pure theft. Anyway, it’s all intentional. Well designed, thoughtful people management, with distractions intended to keep you captive while they steal your cash. Dave and Busters is literally 5 minutes away from this place. At least their video games are set to reasonable levels to all a modicum of enjoyment. Again - THIS IS NOT A RACING EXPERIENCE.
Jul 2021
Our son insisted we celebrate his birthday here at Andretti’s. He really enjoys coming here and showing his friends all around the place! It’s usually very busy on the weekends, but there’s so much stuff to do that you don’t even notice! The Manager Samantha, went above and beyond for our family and made us feel very welcomed and thanked us for our business! The karting is awesome! From all levels! Smaller kids, LOVED IT, teens, LOVED IT, adults, LOVED IT! Overall, great experience, the food is great, the options are amazing and so much better than Dave and Broken!!!

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