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Андретти Индоор Картинг & Гамес у Орланду

Андретти Индоор Картинг & Гамес је Орландова премијерна дестинација за забаву/догађаје која садржи узбудљиве атракције, укусну кухињу и јединствене просторе за догађаје. Објекат од 155.000 квадратних стопа садржи неколико узбудљивих атракција све под једним кровом, укључујући брзе електричне суперкарте на најдужој стази на више нивоа у затвореном простору са 25' промена надморске висине и скретања, 120+ аркадне игре, ВР тркачке симулаторе, 2 нивоа Ласер Таг Арена, 12 стаза за Боутикуе Бовлинг, КСД Дарк Риде, Хологате ВР искуство, Сцратцх ресторан/Фулл Бар и преко 10.000 квадратних стопа врхунског простора за догађаје.
Цити: Орландо
Sun 22 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $26.58
Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $26.58
Шта је укључено
Картинг у затвореном - само трка
Картинг у затвореном и више – трка, ласерска ознака, 7Д Кспериенце и 1ХР карта за играње времена за аркада
Картинг у затвореном и 1-часовна карта за игру - карта за трку и 1-сатну аркадна игра
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Орландо<бр>9299 Универсал Блвд, иза конгресног центра Оранге Цоунти на раскрсници Универсал Блвд & Цонвентион Ваи
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама путници<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Андретти Индоор Картинг и игре
Андретти Индоор Картинг & Гамес је главна дестинација за забаву/догађаје у Орланду која садржи узбудљиве атракције, укусну кухињу и јединствене просторе за догађаје. Наш објекат од 155.000 квадратних стопа садржи неколико узбудљивих атракција све под једним кровом, укључујући брзе електричне суперкарте на најдужој стази на више нивоа у затвореном простору са 25' промена надморске висине и скретања, 120+ аркадне игре, стаза са ужадима са зиплине, 6 ВР тркачки симулатори, арена за ласерске ознаке на два нивоа, 12 стаза за бутик куглање, интерактивни театар покрета Дарк Риде, потпуно импресивно ВР искуство Хологате, ресторан/пун бар и преко 10.000 квадратних стопа врхунског простора за догађаје.
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Коментара (74)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Mar 2022
This place has so much potential but only executed a disastrous kids birthday party. There is NO communication from the sales team to the event coordinators to management. It was my worst nightmare come true and I attempted to avoid chaos by even expressing to the manager days before our arrival that it sounds like it won’t go smoothly and I’d like to avoid that added stress. I was assured these are professionally trained event coordinators and they will handle it. WRONG. Upon arrival the waiver table was inefficient. There’s no kiosk or official process for waivers. The coordinator was unaware we purchased snacks (from the employee vending machine because that was our only option, otherwise we were told to have our guests eat snacks outside the venue- tacky…). He said these would not be available until 2 hours later when the room is available. I explained the snacks are to tide the kids over until then and this was organized with the sales team. Gustavo had issues locating and unlocking the snacks. By the time the snacks arrived it was time to go to laser tag. I was told we could add however many adults we wanted to at the time of laser tag. Gustavo, the coordinator said it’s not that easy and might need to add another game. Fortunately it worked out for the adults to join but again, it wasn’t as easy as the sales team assumed. Transitions from attraction to attraction was very unorganized. It was difficult to know if our entire party was ready to transition or even with us. Name tags/group tags for party guests might help… The Karting organization was a nightmare. Again I was told many times we could add and move guests where needed. Clearly that was not the case. There are only 3 mini karts so the kids had to wait for turns. There were only 7 junior karts which we were not made aware of so even if a child was tall enough to ride, they were told to go on the mini kart which was extremely slow. We were told it was based on height, not age. Gustavo said otherwise and he was inconvenienced to check each height. I said the sales team said each height would be verified and if they meet junior height they can ride that one. He disagreed. The minis did not get their second ride. Many kids were upset and disappointed. Rightfully so. When it was the adults turn only 4 went but 11 were supposed to ride. Gustavo said he asked all adults. I said I was standing right there and never saw him. He said he then had to reschedule the adult time for the additional 7 people to go. It’s $25/person so of course this is what needs to happen! THEN he told me the room was available after guests were done Karting and to head that way. I said no, I was allotted time to decorate the room before guests are to go in it so I asked where they are supposed to go until then. He said he didn’t know and all parents need to watch their kids. I said watching kids wasn’t the issue. Do we go back to the bar or someplace until the room is decorated? He was clueless!!!! When I asked guests he would freeze and not know what to do. The guests aimlessly stood outside the Karting area until I went back to let them know the room was ready. No employee helped setup and Gustavo was nowhere to be found. When in the room the kids food was served last. Anyone with kids knows this should be first. He was late giving the kids their arcade cards so many had already left the room and I had to go searching for them. I was stressed, had zero time to mingle with guests, and it was an unorganized disaster. Fortunately, I believe the kids still had fun and it could be fun without a party but I DO NOT recommend hosting a party here. The point of hosting at a venue is to allow them to handle the party. This is definitely NOT the case here. I have all the emails that show the sales team promises verse what ACTUALLY happened. Beyond upset to spend thousands on a child’s birthday to receive that kind of service.
Mar 2022
Very poor customer service when it comes to resolving issues. Purchased a 3-race experience for my family of 4. 1st race was 4:48pm. By 5:15, they still couldn’t put us in because they were behind so they told us to just go to our 2nd race that started at 5:20pm and go to the main counter to work it out afterward. The 2nd and 3rd race were fine but when we went back to the main counter to resolve the issue with the 1st race, all they were willing to do was re-schedule another time. My son had to catch a flight so that wasn’t going to work. They could care less and only pointed out that they do not give refunds regardless of the issue being their fault.
Feb 2022
This place was fantastic all around, its worth a visit when you are in Orlando. The karts and obstacle courses were actually thrilling

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