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Обилазак кањона Антилопе и Потковице из Седоне

Дођите и видите чудесни свет кањона Горње Антилопе. Кањон је дугачак, уски кањон, дубок 120 стопа и исклесан до запањујућег савршенства током миленијума. То је заиста призор за посматрање. Није случајно што је овај кањон светски познат по својој лепоти и фотографским могућностима и једно је од чуда америчког југозапада које морате видети. Имајте на уму да је наша политика отказивања да нас обавестите 48 сати пре ваше турнеје како бисмо добили пуни повраћај новца.
Цити: Седона
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $284.51
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $284.51
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Обезбеђен ручак
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Кањон Уппер Антилопе Слот
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Глен Цанион Брана/језеро Пауел
Историјски Цамерон Традинг Пост
Седона & Виллаге оф Оак Цреек Хотел преузимање и одлазак (само на границама града) око 6-6:30 ујутро
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Обезбеђен ручак<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Удобна одећа и обућа за путовање (патике су у реду)<ли>Слојеви се препоручују за јесење, зимске и пролећне месеце<ли>Обилазак захтева ходање по неравном, неасфалтираном терену у трајању од 90 минута<ли>Не заборавите камеру<ли> ли><ли>Минимална старост је 6 година<ли>Гости морају бити у покрету за пешачке делове обиласка<ли>ПОТРЕБНЕ ИНФОРМАЦИЈЕ О ХОТЕЛУ 72 САТА ПРЕ ДАТУМА ОБИЛАЗАВЕ<ли>Лице маске потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициран високо-тра ффиц области<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провера температуре за путнике по доласку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Седишта су уклоњена из наших комбија како бисмо осигурали безбедну/удобну удаљеност Плакати Безбедносног протокола су постављени у свим комбијима заједно са овим обавештењем Флаширана вода ће и даље бити обезбеђена нашим гостима у хладњаку на комбију који води водич (у рукавицама) ће дистрибуирати на захтев
Шта да очекујете
Кањон Антилопе
Сликовита тура кањоном Горње антилопе
Кањон Оак Крика
Кањон који одузима дах у својој лепоти црвених стена је спектакуларна клисура дуга 16 миља са потоцима и водопадима између стрмих стена.
Хорсесхое Бенд
Хорсесхое Бенд је интимно искуство Великог кањона (иако се технички налази у кањону Глен.) Стаза до овог пешачења од 3/4 миље налази се одмах изван Пејџа, Аризона. Гледа на један од најспектакуларнијих погледа на реку Колорадо, 4 миље јужно од бране Глен кањона и 7 миља северно од нулте миље Великог кањона.
Цамерон Традинг Пост
Специјализован за занате Индијанаца.
Поглед на брану Глен Цанион
Show 2 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (463)
Jan 2019
Everything A. Vexillari recently wrote in his/her recent review is true: good van, good driver/guide (we had Katherine), same itinerary, yes indeed very cold in Antelope Cyn in wintertime, yet a worthwhile day trip from Sedona even if it is a long day. Just a couple details to add. In winter, the first and last couple hours of the trip are in darkness. Therefore we didn’t actually SEE Oak Creek Canyon even though we drove through it. Not a complaint, just an observation. Also, the Cameron Trading Post was a bust for us. We were all excited about buying stuff there, wanting to support the Native Americans, but we didn’t actually LIKE any of the stuff, because it’s all very traditional in its design and we happen to prefer more modern designs. The rugs were nice, though, and there was a rugmaker working on a rug, so that was nice. We heard later that the Navajo food there is very good, so that’s worth knowing. Finally, on a positive note, the provided lunch in Page was surprisingly excellent. It’s ordinary food on the face of it - just sandwiches and a salad bar - but everything was super well executed. Good quality bread on the sandwiches, great stuff in the very fresh salad bar fresh, nice soup, and special kudos for excellent homemade ranch dressing (we love ranch and definitely know homemade when we taste it). Antelope Canyon was absolutely stunning and worth the drive just by itself. Overall, DO this trip even if you are there in the winter.
Vexillari A
Dec 2018
Don't think twice about this tour, take it. The day is long - 13 hours from pick-up at our hotel in Sedona and back. Our passenger van was for 12 people, only six were onboard. Bottles of water were provided for us on the van. Our route was up through Oak Canyon watching the sun come up as our guide, Lynn, talked about local history, ranging from the geology to the settlers. We were offered a restroom break at Flagstaff, but chose to go on instead. We stopped briefly for pictures outside of Flagstaff at Sunset Crater, then on the road to Cameron. We stopped at the Cameron Trading Post which has Navajo and Hopi goods for sale. The Trading Post is right next to the historic (closed) Cameron Suspension Bridge, which was a great photo opportunity. We got back on the van and proceeded to Horseshoe Bend, an almost 360 degree loop in the Colorado River. Then back to the van and on to lunch in Page, AZ. We had a choice of sandwiches (including vegetarian and gluten-free options) with fries, a drink, and a power bar. After lunch we transferred to vans driven by Navajo guides to go to Antelope Canyon. The Canyon is on the Navajo Reservation and is only accessible with a guide. It is important to note that there seems to be multiple companies using very different equipment for this part of the tour. Our van was brand new, air-conditioned and enclosed. Some companies have open-air trucks ranging from pick-ups with bench seats to surplus military trucks. The open-air trucks are all covered, but are obviously not air-conditioned. It looked like riders would get pretty dusty since the trucks drive in convoy down a dry wash to get to the canyon, and there are LOT of trucks. The Canyon is spectacular, period. The pictures do not do it justice. Note that it is about 10 degrees cooler in the canyon, there is NO direct sunlight, and your group moves in slow stages so that staying warm on a winter trip like ours requires appropriate clothing. Our Navajo guide, Sandra, was simply awesome. She played in the canyon as a little girl, before it became an international tourist attraction, and very generously shared some personal stories. It takes about an hour to go through the canyon and then walked back through, past the inbound tour groups, to get back to our van. We then drove back to the transfer point in Page to change back to our original van for the drive back to Sedona. Note that the transfer point facilities are limited - after we transferred, Lynn took us to the Glen Canyon Dam National Park both as an extra sight to see and to use the facilities there, But alas, glorious leader had closed the federal government in a fit of rage, thus denying the use of the restrooms. Lynn got us to alternative facilities and we proceeded back to Sedona, this time using the highway route instead of Oak Creek Canyon. So: Lynn was outstanding, ask for her. Bring snacks for the van ride up and back, take warm clothing if a winter tour, relax, enjoy the scenery, take a million pictures.
Dec 2018
I am writing this a bit late, but took this tour about early in the second week of November. Man, it was so much fun. The people were great as were the sights and the driver/guide Matt. His stories and enthusiasm were very interesting and made the drive go by quickly. Antelope Canyon-X is a wonder of the world and may return some day when more of the slot canyons are open for visitors. And our Native American guide Josh at the canyon was also very good. I wish I were in better shape as I did have some difficulty breathing due to the elevation, and regretfully a slightly lame left leg keep me back a touch. I stayed back at Horseshoe Bend as I don't know if I would have been able to climb the hill back to the bus. But my wife took the walk and we have some excellent photos. Thanks Great Adventure Tours, Matt and Josh. You made that day very special.

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