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Обилазак поларног круга и северног светла из Фербанкса

Путујте једним од најизолованијих путева на свету од Фербанкса до Арктичког круга на овој незаборавној 12 до 14-сатној тури кроз дивљину Аљаске. <бр><бр>У друштву искусног водича са страшћу према Аљасци, путујте аутопутем Далтон, пролазећи поред Транс-Аљаског цевовода, прелазећи реку Јукон и долазећи до ивице Арктичког круга. На повратку, пазите на северно светло (Аурора Бореалис). <бр><бр>Овај обилазак је ограничен на 9 госта како бисте били сигурни да ћете уживати у искуству у малим групама у једном од наших комбија са климатизацијом.<бр><бр>Имајте у виду да не можемо да гарантујемо да ћемо видети северно светло и да не могу гарантовати резервације у последњем тренутку. <бр><бр>Подстичемо сваког госта да промени места бар неколико пута на овој турнеји.
Цити: Фаирбанкс
Tue 01 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $260.00
Tue 01 Oct
Са почетком у $260.00
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бесплатне грицкалице и вода
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Преузимање и одлазак у хотел, у границама града Фербанкса и Северног пола
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике. Не препоручујемо ову турнеју за децу млађу од 10 година из безбедносних разлога<ли>Обуците се прикладно. Температуре могу достићи екстремне услове током зимског месеца и препоручујемо да се облачите вишеслојно.<ли>Имајте на уму да је северна светлост природна појава и стога се не може гарантовати! (повраћај новца није могућ)<ли>Временски услови нису ни на који начин предвидљиви у нашој области и нећемо понудити повраћај новца у случају превелике облачности.<ли>Тачан распоред и итинерар заустављања. подложни су променама у зависности од дневних услова и активности северног светла на дан вашег обиласка.<ли>Постоји могућност отказивања због опасних временских услова и/или услова на путу. Ако се то догоди, биће понуђен алтернативни датум или цео повраћај новца.<ли>Вегетаријанска опција је доступна, молимо вас да обавестите у време резервације ако је потребно. Нисмо у могућности да понудимо безглутенске или веганске опције.<ли>Врста превоза: комби са климатизацијом<ли>Величина групе је ограничена на 9 људи за сваки путнички комби. Могуће су веће групне резервације и у овом случају ће се користити више комбија.<ли>Купци се снажно подстичу да ротирају седишта бар неколико пута током обиласка како би свакој особи пружили прилику да има другачији поглед.<ли>Овај обилазак захтева могућност уласка и изласка из нашег комбија уз ограничену помоћ. Контактирајте нас ако имате било каквих недоумица у вези са мобилношћу.<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом <ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Да буду у складу са ЦДЦ-ом и Државом Аљаске: Гости нису обавезни да носе маске за лице, али могу ако желе. Такође вас позивамо да прегледате ажурирани здравствени саветодавни број 2 на хттпс://цовид19.аласка.гов/хеалтх-адвисориес/.
Шта да очекујете
Видиковац за нафтовод Алиеска
Започињемо наше 14-часовно путовање до Арктичког круга прикладним преузимањем у било ком хотелу или адреси унутар градских граница Фербанкса или Северног пола. Сместите се на своје седиште и опустите се на путу од 200 миља (322 км) по споредним путевима унутрашње Аљаске. Обезбеђујемо бесплатне грицкалице и пића како бисмо вам обезбедили максималну удобност у нашим комбијима са контролисаном климом. Вратите се у прошлост док путујете аутопутем Далтон. Приказан у ТВ емисији Ице Роад Труцкерс, аутопут Далтон (технички Аљаска рута 11) иде од севера до југа кроз Аљаску, скоро све до Арктичког океана, и паралелно је са Транс-Аљаским гасоводом. То је један од најизолованијих путева у Сједињеним Државама и пружа вам прелепе пејзаже Аљаске у којима можете уживати током вожње. Са прекрасним погледом на планине и долине, изблиза ћете видети Транс-Аљашки систем цевовода (ТАПС), један од највећих система цевовода, који транспортује хиљаде галона нафте од Прудхое Баи-а до Валдеза.
Река Толована
Ваш возач ће стати на неколико различитих места, укључујући реку Толовану и Вицкерсхам Доме.
Џејмс Далтон аутопут
Путујте удаљеним аутопутем Далтон до Миле Пост 115 до кампа Арктичког круга.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (390)
Nov 2020
First the good- we were picked up on time and the guide was friendly. That’s the end of the good/ Now the bad, everything else. This tour is a total scam. It’s not even close to what you would imagine the experience is by reading it. The tour operator Alaska Wildlife Guide should be avoided at all cost. If you insist on doing the Arctic tour there are better operators available that care about your comfort. The worst part of this tour is the vehicle they use to transport you to the Arctic. Alaska Wildlife has comfortable mini coaches available but because of wear and tear traveling the Dalton Highway they put customer comfort last by choosing instead to use old Ford transits packed with rock hard bench seats with no cushion leaving you cramped with little to no leg room. This is totally unacceptable especially for the premium you pay for this experience. The tour itself was very underwhelming- In a nutshell we stop at the pipeline for a few minutes, stop for fuel 2x and on the side of the road to look at the surroundings a couple of times, then stop at the Arctic Circle sign. Because of snow that the van couldn’t go through we had to walk from the road to the sign. The driver said it was 20 ft but it was a lot longer then that. On the way back we didn’t even see the northern lights, which we knew there was a chance we wouldn’t but at this point it was such a terrible trip because of the van they used it didn’t matter. We felt like we went through a meat grinder by the time we got back- the lunch they give you used rock hard bread and few things on it so don’t expect it to be anything g remotely resembling a deli sandwich. It was a poor trip a refund had been requested and denied because “our concerns were addressed and fixed” What? No it was not. Please if you choose to do the Arctic Circle tour use another operator, avoid Alaska Wildlife Guide. Your back will thank you.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us. We are sorry that you were not satisfied with the tour like the other guests (on the same tour) were. As we could see your biggest concern was the uncomfortable Ford Transit Van, please allow us to explain why we are using these vans. The Transits we are using are way more comfortable than Ford’s previous model the Econoline E350 (most likely used by all other tour companies). The E350 has bench seats. The Transits we use have comfortable single seating. The Dalton Highway is for the most part an unpaved road in a very unpredictable harsh terrain with often unforeseen weather conditions, especially during winter. To ensure that our customers will have a safe and enjoyable tour, the fleet must be chosen with safety as priority. The Transits offer you both, safety and comfort. In addition, these are 12-passenger vans. Including you, there were a total of four guests on this tour. So, everyone had plenty of room. The mentioned Mini Coach is also a Ford Transit with the exact same seating. However, the Mini Coach is taller, and thus extremely sensitive to wind. Especially in winter, we often find stronger winds with blowing and drifting snow in the higher elevations, so for your safety we do not choose the Mini Coach. A few days prior to your tour there was unusually heavy snowfall in the Interior of Alaska with blizzards on the Dalton Highway. As the Arctic Circle is a very remote location, the focus from DOT is to keep the main road (Dalton Highway) open for the semitrucks to support the oil fields in Prudhoe Bay. Parking lots and pullouts surely do not have this priority. The fact that the parking lot at the Arctic Circle sign is not plowed was unusual, but we have never had a customer feel uncomfortable about walking up to the sign. We offer free bagged lunches, and our customers just love the freshly made (that very morning) sandwiches which come with cheese, turkey, lettuce, and vegetables. You even can choose between a non-vegetarian and a vegetarian option. They have never been stone hard. We know about the risks of COVID-19, and our whole team takes extreme care. All vans are cleaned and sanitized before a customer joins the tour. We provide two different hand sanitizers, one only for the guide and one bottle just for the customers. Additionally, our guides sanitize the interior of the van as well as any hard surfaces multiple times during the tour. To each of our guests, we offer a free facemask if customers do not have their own. Your guide asked you, before the tour started, to wear a mask, but all of the guests did not want to do so. As wearing a mask in the State of Alaska is not mandatory, your guide had no other options. We are surely not happy that you did not enjoy the tour as you might have imagined. If you ever come back to Alaska, give us another chance, and we will show you why over 1000 customers rated our service with five stars and why we received the highest TripAdvisor Reward -- Travelers Choice 2020.
Nov 2020
Please read this review if you want an extremely honest assessment of this tour. It began great with pickup at our hotel by a kind driver. No one was forced to wear mask during the trip, which I found odd given the covid regulations. This trip is a 100% scam, please please don’t waste your time and money on this experience. The Dalton Highway is known to be rough but this tour operator, Alaska Wildlife doesn’t take that into consideration when choosing what to transport you in. They have comfortable mini coaches in their fleet but they don’t want to put wear and tear on it so that pack as many people into a old Ford transit van that is packed full of rock hard bench seats with no cushion. You will feel like you went through a meat grinder even before you reach the halfway mark of your trip. Please take note before booking and if you choose to do this experience use another operator that takes your comfort into consideration. Especially with the premium price you pay for this trip. When reading the description it sounds like a great adventure but I will describe it in short. You stop at the side of the pipeline for a few minutes, you stop on the side of the road a couple of times to look out at the surroundings then you stop at the Arctic circle sign for a photo. This as well was a horrible stop as there was snow where the sign was so we had to walk from the road to the sign, the driver said it’s 20ft but he was way off it’s quite a bit further then that. On the way back we did not see the Northern Lights, though at this point we were having a horrible enough of an experience it didn’t matter. Avoid Alaska Wildlife as your tour operator if you value comfort at all. For the price you pay it’s a total scam and you get to feel like you where in a meat grinder afterwards. I requested a refund afterwards but got a email that my concerns where addressed during the trip. What? No. Please please choose another vendor if you choose to go on this tour. There are far better options available and I can be reached directly with any questions.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us. We are sorry that you were not satisfied with the tour like the other guests (on the same tour) were. As we could see your biggest concern was the uncomfortable Ford Transit Van, please allow us to explain why we are using these vans. The Transits we are using are way more comfortable than Ford’s previous model the Econoline E350 (most likely used by all other tour companies). The E350 has bench seats. The Transits we use have comfortable single seating. The Dalton Highway is for the most part an unpaved road in a very unpredictable harsh terrain with often unforeseen weather conditions, especially during winter. To ensure that our customers will have a safe and enjoyable tour, the fleet must be chosen with safety as priority. The Transits offer you both, safety and comfort. In addition, these are 12-passenger vans. Including you, there were a total of four guests on this tour. So, everyone had plenty of room. The mentioned Mini Coach is also a Ford Transit with the exact same seating. However, the Mini Coach is taller, and thus extremely sensitive to wind. Especially in winter, we often find stronger winds with blowing and drifting snow in the higher elevations, so for your safety we do not choose the Mini Coach. A few days prior to your tour there was unusually heavy snowfall in the Interior of Alaska with blizzards on the Dalton Highway. As the Arctic Circle is a very remote location, the focus from DOT is to keep the main road (Dalton Highway) open for the semitrucks to support the oil fields in Prudhoe Bay. Parking lots and pullouts surely do not have this priority. The fact that the parking lot at the Arctic Circle sign is not plowed was unusual, but we have never had a customer feel uncomfortable about walking up to the sign. We offer free bagged lunches, and our customers just love the freshly made (that very morning) sandwiches which come with cheese, turkey, lettuce, and vegetables. You even can choose between a non-vegetarian and a vegetarian option. They have never been stone hard. We know about the risks of COVID-19, and our whole team takes extreme care. All vans are cleaned and sanitized before a customer joins the tour. We provide two different hand sanitizers, one only for the guide and one bottle just for the customers. Additionally, our guides sanitize the interior of the van as well as any hard surfaces multiple times during the tour. To each of our guests, we offer a free facemask if customers do not have their own. Your guide asked you, before the tour started, to wear a mask, but all of the guests did not want to do so. As wearing a mask in the State of Alaska is not mandatory, your guide had no other options. We are surely not happy that you did not enjoy the tour as you might have imagined. If you ever come back to Alaska, give us another chance, and we will show you why over 1000 customers rated our service with five stars and why we received the highest TripAdvisor Reward -- Travelers Choice 2020.
Nov 2020
Just Amazing... And about your tour guide Jake, 100% recommended. Wonderful experience since the beginning to the end.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Good to hear! Thank you for your recommendation.

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