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Обилазак поларног круга и северног светла из Фербанкса

Путујте једним од најизолованијих путева на свету од Фербанкса до Арктичког круга на овој незаборавној 12 до 14-сатној тури кроз дивљину Аљаске. <бр><бр>У друштву искусног водича са страшћу према Аљасци, путујте аутопутем Далтон, пролазећи поред Транс-Аљаског цевовода, прелазећи реку Јукон и долазећи до ивице Арктичког круга. На повратку, пазите на северно светло (Аурора Бореалис). <бр><бр>Овај обилазак је ограничен на 9 госта како бисте били сигурни да ћете уживати у искуству у малим групама у једном од наших комбија са климатизацијом.<бр><бр>Имајте у виду да не можемо да гарантујемо да ћемо видети северно светло и да не могу гарантовати резервације у последњем тренутку. <бр><бр>Подстичемо сваког госта да промени места бар неколико пута на овој турнеји.
Цити: Фаирбанкс
Mon 13 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $260.00
Mon 13 Jan
Са почетком у $260.00
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Локални водич
персонализовани сертификат Арктичког круга
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бесплатне грицкалице и вода
бесплатни сендвичи (доступна вегетаријанска опција, обавестите их приликом резервације)
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел, у границама града Фербанкса и Северног пола
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике. Не препоручујемо ову турнеју за децу млађу од 10 година из безбедносних разлога<ли>Обуците се прикладно. Температуре могу достићи екстремне услове током зимског месеца и препоручујемо да се облачите вишеслојно.<ли>Имајте на уму да је северна светлост природна појава и стога се не може гарантовати! (повраћај новца није могућ)<ли>Временски услови нису ни на који начин предвидљиви у нашој области и нећемо понудити повраћај новца у случају превелике облачности.<ли>Тачан распоред и итинерар заустављања. подложни су променама у зависности од дневних услова и активности северног светла на дан вашег обиласка.<ли>Постоји могућност отказивања због опасних временских услова и/или услова на путу. Ако се то догоди, биће понуђен алтернативни датум или цео повраћај новца.<ли>Вегетаријанска опција је доступна, молимо вас да обавестите у време резервације ако је потребно. Нисмо у могућности да понудимо безглутенске или веганске опције.<ли>Врста превоза: комби са климатизацијом<ли>Величина групе је ограничена на 9 људи за сваки путнички комби. Могуће су веће групне резервације и у овом случају ће се користити више комбија.<ли>Купци се снажно подстичу да ротирају седишта бар неколико пута током обиласка како би свакој особи пружили прилику да има другачији поглед.<ли>Овај обилазак захтева могућност уласка и изласка из нашег комбија уз ограничену помоћ. Контактирајте нас ако имате било каквих недоумица у вези са мобилношћу.<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом <ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Да буду у складу са ЦДЦ-ом и Државом Аљаске: Гости нису обавезни да носе маске за лице, али могу ако желе. Такође вас позивамо да прегледате ажурирани здравствени саветодавни број 2 на хттпс://цовид19.аласка.гов/хеалтх-адвисориес/.
Шта да очекујете
Видиковац за нафтовод Алиеска
Започињемо наше 14-часовно путовање до Арктичког круга прикладним преузимањем у било ком хотелу или адреси унутар градских граница Фербанкса или Северног пола. Сместите се на своје седиште и опустите се на путу од 200 миља (322 км) по споредним путевима унутрашње Аљаске. Обезбеђујемо бесплатне грицкалице и пића како бисмо вам обезбедили максималну удобност у нашим комбијима са контролисаном климом. Вратите се у прошлост док путујете аутопутем Далтон. Приказан у ТВ емисији Ице Роад Труцкерс, аутопут Далтон (технички Аљаска рута 11) иде од севера до југа кроз Аљаску, скоро све до Арктичког океана, и паралелно је са Транс-Аљаским гасоводом. То је један од најизолованијих путева у Сједињеним Државама и пружа вам прелепе пејзаже Аљаске у којима можете уживати током вожње. Са прекрасним погледом на планине и долине, изблиза ћете видети Транс-Аљашки систем цевовода (ТАПС), један од највећих система цевовода, који транспортује хиљаде галона нафте од Прудхое Баи-а до Валдеза.
Река Толована
Ваш возач ће стати на неколико различитих места, укључујући реку Толовану и Вицкерсхам Доме.
Џејмс Далтон аутопут
Путујте удаљеним аутопутем Далтон до Миле Пост 115 до кампа Арктичког круга.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (390)
Oct 2019
small plane to Coldfoot where there was a small cafe with bar-type food. Enough to prepare you for the next 2-hours down the Dalton Highway. Again another stop with something to eat. I don't know why the tour description says to bring your own food as that is not necessary. Very knowledgeable guides/drivers. We learned a lot about life in these very small towns and about the pipeline. The driver/guide at the Homestead (viewing spot) was extremely helpful about viewing the Lights. We did see some Lights although somewhat muted. A great experience. The one thing I would like all drivers to know is that even though passengers in our van are speaking another language during the narrations, we can hear them and not the driver. At no point did any driver ask our Asian guests to be quiet (they chatted in Chinese throughout our drive times). Very disruptive and annoying for those of us who wanted to hear what the driver had to say. It is not disrespectful to ask that all conversations cease when the narratives are being shared, so please know that drivers making this clear to all participants (English speakers and non-English bilingual speakers alike) would have improved the experience for us. Very long day, so plan to sleep-in when you get back to Fairbanks.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Hello from North Pole, thank you so much for leaving us a review. Unfortunately, this tour was not with us. We don't take planes to Coldfoot. We are still very glad that you enjoyed your visit to Alaska and had a great time with this company. Warm regards
Gowri P
Oct 2019
I booked the tour for 6 friends including myself through Expedia as it was mentioned Free Cancellation before 14hr. Due to work reasons, one of my friends had to drop. I didn't get refund for him, even after prior notification, as the tour company doesn't have a refund policy apparently. But then Expedia shouldn't have misguided us. On the day of the tour there was a blizzard prediction on the road to Arctic Circle. Our tour is from 2 pm - 4 am. The company delayed for almost 2 hours. We thought of cancelling but then Riley(one of their tour guides) and Bob(the driver) convinced us to still go ahead with the tour. I didn't understand why the company didn't cancel the tour when the weather conditions looked bad. Riley and Bob are amazing people. The road which we went on is filled with snow and Bob used to communicate with other drivers in his walkie-talkie to check the conditions frequently. He drove on the harsh road in the hostile weather for 14 hours, very carefully, all the while trying to make it up for the lost time. Since we started late by the time we reached Yukon river, its dark and couldn't get a great view. We reached Arctic Circle around 11pm. On the way back Bob made multiple stops for catching the Northern lights. Finally at Yukon river, as there was clear sky, we had an awesome show of the Northern lights, visible clearly to the naked eye. All thanks to Bob. In a nutshell, I should say our tour was adventurous and risky due to weather conditions. Thanks to Bob and Riley we made it back safely and had quite an informative tour. The company shouldn't have encouraged the tour in such bad weather conditions in the first place though.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Dear Gowri P Thank you so much for your review. We are very sorry that some circumstances on this tour didn’t meet your expectations. And I, as the owner of the company want to apologize, but will use this answer as well to explain in detail what happened. Yes, there was a delay regarding your pickup time. This delay was caused by an accident that happened to my Guide on her way to our location. We called you immediately after we got told about her accident. We contacted you a few minutes before your scheduled pickup. I personal called your group and let you know, that we immediately called one of my other Guides, who directly could take over this tour and told you that it would take a little while until he could pick up your group. Additional I sent Rhylee, one of my staff members, to your location to offer you as much comfort as possible. Without asking she organized some coffee for all your group members. In your review you mentioned that there was a “blizzard prediction on the road to the Arctic Circle”. We are well known for that we cancel any tour if we have the feeling that there is a risk situation for our customers. I am aware of my high responsibility for all my guests, as well for my Guides and I take extremely care of it. Before we send out a tour, we check every day multiple sources to find out if there are hazardous driving conditions. There was definitely no warning, especially not for a blizzard, in this direction. This here is Alaska and weather conditions are way more different than in other states, that you may have traveled before. What for us is more like common may looks for you as extremely dangerous. All of my Guides are long living Alaskans and they know exactly how to handle any condition. Additional they have my permission to turn anytime, when there is a risk for our customer. Furthermore, my guides want to stay safe as well and they surely try to avoid very hazardous situations. When Bob contacted other drivers via CB Radio, that’s a common procedure and for everyone’s safety. Weather in Alaska is unpredictable and can change during a very short time window. It’s very important, especially during winter season, to ask other traffic participants how the road conditions look like. It’s for sure not a sign that he feels scared, it’s because he knows his responsibility to provide you, as our guest, a safe trip. As all of my guides are extremely knowledgeable, they know definitely the secret places where you have a good chance to catch the Northern Lights, even when the weather is not cooperating that much. Yes, Bob and Rhylee told me, that you experienced a wonderful Aurora show and that, parts of your group as well as the other group, enjoyed this nature spectacle that much, that they started dancing. I feel sorry that the conversation between you and Expedia didn’t went well, but that is for sure nothing that you can credit us. May you want to talk to Expedia regarding this miscommunication. I’m glad that you all had an enjoyable tour, so I got told from my guides, and I want to say Thank you again for your booking. I wish you and your group members for your future all the best. Rainer
Oct 2019
An amazing experience. We did see the lights despite the overcast skies. Our guide was very knowledgeable and knew exactly where to take us fore the best viewing.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Hello From North Pole, Thank you for your review. It is never a guarantee that you will see that Lights but we are so happy that you did! Warm Regards, Amber

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