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Најзанимљивије тачке Аризоне - Лет кањоном Антилопе и језером Пауел са сплавањем реком

Ваша целодневна експедиција почиње на аеродрому Гранд Цанион (Соутх Рим) са једносатном вожњом авионом преко источног руба Гранд Цаниона, реке Колорадо и језера Пауел. Затим примите ручак у стилу пикника и укрцајте се на моторизовани сплав да плутате 25 км дуж реке Колорадо кроз Глен кањон док ваш водич прича о историји и геологији тог подручја. Укључено је и 30-минутно пешачење.<бр><бр>** Имајте на уму: На снази за резервације направљене од 21. марта 2022. године, приказана цена не укључује накнаду за гориво од 20 УСД по особи. Ова накнада се плаћа директно добављачу на дан вашег путовања **
Цити: Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Wed 06 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $599.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $599.00
Шта је укључено
Сплаварење глатком водом
Стручни водич
Ручак (сендвич, чипс, колачићи, флаширана вода)
1-сатни лет од Националног парка Гранд Цанион до Пејџа, АЗ
Обилазак кањона Антилопе са водичем
Копнени превоз од Лее'с Ферри-а до Националног парка Гранд Цанион
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Путници се морају пријавити на лет 30 минута пре поласка.<ли>Индивидуалне тежине путника, укључујући бебе, МОРАЈУ се навести приликом резервације<ли>Деца одојчади се сматрају децом у крилу ако су млађа од две године и имају доказ о старости, као нпр. пасош или копију извода из матичне књиге рођених<ли>Ципеле са затвореним прстима, крема за сунчање и шешир се строго саветују<ли>За удобност и тежину/равнотежу авиона, путници тежине 300 фунти или биће потребно више за куповину додатног места. Ово се плаћа директно организатору путовања на дан путовања<ли>Имајте на уму: распоред седишта у авиону се одређује на дан путовања и заснива се на укупној тежини и стању авиона<ли>Сви гости морају имати најмање 4 године или више да би учествовали у овом обиласку.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом <ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Уживајте у погледу из ваздуха на источни руб Великог кањона на путу до Пејџа, Аризона.
Лаке Повелл
Погледајте плаве нетакнуте воде језера Пауел одозго.
Кањон Антилопе
Уживајте у обиласку овог мистичног кањона слота са водичем. Снимите савршене фотографије док се сунчева светлост пробија и одбија од шарених зидова од пешчара.
Национална рекреациона зона Глен Цанион
Уживајте у погледу на ово геолошко чудо из ваздуха и са земље.
Леес Ферри
Рафтинг тура се завршава на историјском Лее'с Ферри-у.
Цамерон Традинг Пост
Пре повратка на југ Великог кањона, кратко се заустављамо у чувеној трговачкој постаји Камерон за куповину сувенира.
Show 3 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (71)
Traci S
Jun 2018
This was a great day! I do have a few suggestions to improve it. The airplane trip over the Grand Canyon started very early. The box breakfast before the plane ride was nice. I would suggest saying the fruit and granola bar for later because no snack or water will be offered you until the boat ride. The plane was small but comfortable. The plane had seen better days. There was still trash in the seat pockets from the last riders. Also, my headphones did not work to hear the recorded audio tour. I had to reach to the seat in front of me to get headphones that worked. If the plane had been full, I would not have been able to hear the recording. The recording was boring. Fortunately, the pilot gave a smooth ride and landing. The scenery was, of course, spectacular. After, the plan ride we were dumped in a very small airport and loaded into jeeps for a tour of the antelope canyon. The tour of the antelope canyon was really beautiful. The guide was knowledgeable and friendly. She had lots of good photographic tips. Between the plane ride and antelope tour, there was no offer of snacks or drinks. It was a very long morning between the box breakfast and getting on the boat. At the raft headquarters, we were rudely pointed to some outhouses which did not have any toilet paper and were in bad need of being emptied. The way we were treated at this part of the tour almost ruined the day for me. We were handed our lunches and sent for a bag search. I'm not sure why we were handed our lunches at this point. It would make more sense to have the lunches at the boats already on board. The bus ride to the boat was extremely rough in the old school bus which needed shocks.. The boat ride down Glen Canyon was spectacular! Our guide, Jarod, was charming, entertaining, knowledgeable, and thoughtful. This was a great part of the tour. We stopped a couple of times to stretch legs and use the restrooms. (The restrooms in the canyon were better than the restrooms at the rafting headquarters.) There was water and lemonaid offered on the boat. We were not prepared for the loooonnnnnggg bus ride, 2 1/2 hours, back to the airport. We stopped at a trading post which was very nice. I would have liked to have a stop at a canyon overlook during this long ride back. Then, the day could have included a view of the canyon from the sky, river, and edge. Overall, really a great day, however, the trip organizers need to be more considerate of the comfort of their patrons.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Thank you for taking time to post a balanced review, we sincerely appreciate your feedback. We apologize that your headset was not in working order. We promise narration to all of our passengers, so please reach out to our Guest Relations department as they may be able to offer some form of compensation for your trouble. They can be reached via email at [email protected] and can assist you with any other issues you may have as well. We do thank you for choosing us to show you Antelope Canyon, we hope that overall it was an enjoyable experience! Respectfully, Papillon Management
May 2018
My hubby had never been to the Grand Canyon so we decided to see “everything” in one day. This trip surpassed our expectations—highly recommend it. Plane ride to Page was breathtaking and not scary (seats about 20 passengers and they weigh you before you get on) —smooth ride with great views over the canyon. The guides are very knowledgeable—our guide for Antelope Canyon showed us how to get the best photo angles. And Mick on the river raft was very entertaining with jokes, tricks and even a banjo/harmonica seranade as we drifted along the river. The river trip made 2 stops on small beaches for those brave enough to tip their toes in 48 degree water. The raft ride was about 4 hours—could’ve shortened it a bit. Otherwise a perfect day!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Thank you for taking time to post a review -- we sincerely appreciate the feedback. We're pleased to hear that our staff provided excellent service! We appreciate your business and support, and thank you for choosing us to show you the best of the southwest! Respectfully, Papillon Management
Apr 2018
We were lucky enough to have this trip gifted to us by my sister as a thank you, after this trip we are the ones thanking her for such a great experience. Seeing the Grand Canyon in person is one thing you really need to do if you get the chance. But to see it from a low flying plane, getting to walk through a slot canyon then raft down the river from Glen Canyon is a truly memorable way to spend a full day. We started the day at sunrise on a 9 seater plane taking off from Tusayan airport. We had a 30 minute flight over the canyon with the added excitement of some bad turbulence to wake everyone up. After landing we got in a jeep to the famous Antelope Canyon. We were given a great guided tour which included assistance on the best camera settings and vantage points to get the best photographs. After that it was back on the jeep for a ride into the dam at the head of Glen Canyon. We then got on our rafts for a leisurely 2.5 hour float down the calm waters of Glen Canyon. Your sense of perspective is really fooled by the sheer scale of the canyon and the height of the walls towering above you. We got to float around horseshoe bend, stop for a picnic lunch, see ancient wall drawings and were even lucky enough to a see a family of horses drinking from the river edge near the end of the trip. It was a truly wonderful day that won't be forgotten, we spent the next day driving along the south rim which was spectacular, but actually being down in the canyon was a special experience and something we highly recommend.

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