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Артфул празнична светла и знаменитости

The holidays truly are the most wonderful time of the year in NYC, and this guided walk will help you experience the best of the holiday windows and delightful decorations in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, with a focus on the artists and creatives that make it all happen.

Join us to experience the best of the Holiday window displays, including Saks Fifth Ave and Bergdorf Goodman, while also learning about their history and the artists who make them come to life.

You'll get to bask in the glow of the world-famous Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and marvel at the dazzling display of lights and decorations that adorn the buildings all along 5th Ave, with a few surprises you might not find on your own.

This insightful, art-full tour is sure to help shake off any winter blues and get you into the holiday spirit. It is great for locals and visitors alike and also can be tailored for private groups. A great team-building outing or alternative to a holiday party!
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 01 Apr
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $45.00
Tue 01 Apr
Са почетком у $45.00
Шта је укључено
1 врући какао + 1 ужина
1 hot cocoa + 1 snack
1 hot cocoa + 1 snack
Додатне информације
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
Шта да очекујете
Бергдорф Гоодман
Ови празнични прозори су цреме де ла цреме њујоршких излога - научићете о овогодишњој теми и сатима рада у дизајнирању и креирању ових ремек-дела.
Блоомингдале'с је ове године отишао изнад и даље са својим празничним изложбама. Погледаћемо неке од њихових изложби у прошлости и садашњости и сазнати више о овогодишњој теми.
Божићна колиба
Једна од најстаријих божићних продавница у Њујорку - комплетна са празничним украсима у изобиљу!
Рокфелер центар
Ниједна празнична посета Њујорку није потпуна без посете божићној јелки и клизалишту у Рокфелер центру. Нећемо излазити на лед, али ћемо сазнати више о пореклу ове празничне традиције.
Катедрала Светог Патрика
Базилика Старе катедрале Светог Патрика је оригинална катедрала њујоршке надбискупије. Од изградње пре 200 година на углу улица Мот и Принс, стајао је као срце старог Њујорка; светионик за католичке вернике и амерички симбол верске слободе. А празници су најбоље време да га доживите препуном свечаног декора.
Сакс Пета авенија
Омиљена празнична традиција од 2004. године, светлосна емисија Сакс Фифтх Аве састоји се од стотина хиљада ЛЕД светала синхронизованих са празничном музиком пројектованих на бочну страну његове водеће продавнице у 5. авенији између 49. и 50. улице. Доживећемо и њихове празничне излоге.
Бриант Парк
Зимско село Бриант Парк је европско осигурано тржиште за одмор са преко 170 продаваца, које се налази око клизалишта од 17.000 квадратних стопа. Истакнућу неколико мојих фаворита и могу вам резервисати време за клизање након завршетка турнеје. Клизање је бесплатно, али морате платити изнајмљивање.
Bergdorf Goodman
These holiday windows are the creme de la creme of NYC window displays - you will learn about this year's theme and the hours of work that goes into designing and creating these masterpieces.
Rockefeller Center
No holiday visit to NYC is complete without a visit to the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and skating rink. We won't go out on the ice but will learn more about the origins of this holiday tradition.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
The Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral is the original Cathedral of the Archdiocese of New York. Since its construction 200 years ago on the corner of Mott and Prince, it has stood as the heart of old New York; a beacon for the Catholic faithful and an American symbol of religious freedom. And the holidays are the best time to experience it full of festive decor.
Saks Fifth Avenue
A beloved holiday tradition since 2004, the Saks Fifth Ave light show is made up of hundreds of thousands of LED lights synchronized to holiday music projected onto the side of its flagship store on 5th Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets. We will also experience their holiday window displays.
Bryant Park
The Bryant Park Winter Village is a European-insured holiday market featuring over 170 vendors, positioned around a 17,000-square-foot ice-skating rink. I'll point out a few of my favorites and can reserve you time a time to skate after the tour is over. Skating is free, though you have to pay for rentals.
Lotte New York Palace Spa
Beautiful decor in the old Villard mansion, slightly away from the crowds, plus a giant gingerbread house inside
Radio City Music Hall
Home to the Rockettes as well as beautiful decor & photo opps
Tiffany & Co.
Ten floors of opulence designed by Peter Marino and including art by everyone from Keith Haring to Jean Michelle Basquiat
Bergdorf Goodman
These holiday windows are the creme de la creme of NYC window displays - you will learn about this year's theme and the hours of work that goes into designing and creating these masterpieces.
Rockefeller Center
No holiday visit to NYC is complete without a visit to the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and skating rink. We won't go out on the ice but will learn more about the origins of this holiday tradition.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
The Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral is the original Cathedral of the Archdiocese of New York. Since its construction 200 years ago on the corner of Mott and Prince, it has stood as the heart of old New York; a beacon for the Catholic faithful and an American symbol of religious freedom. And the holidays are the best time to experience it full of festive decor.
Saks Fifth Avenue
A beloved holiday tradition since 2004, the Saks Fifth Ave light show is made up of hundreds of thousands of LED lights synchronized to holiday music projected onto the side of its flagship store on 5th Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets. We will also experience their holiday window displays.
Bryant Park
The Bryant Park Winter Village is a European-insured holiday market featuring over 170 vendors, positioned around a 17,000-square-foot ice-skating rink. I'll point out a few of my favorites and can reserve you time a time to skate after the tour is over. Skating is free, though you have to pay for rentals.
Lotte New York Palace Spa
Beautiful decor in the old Villard mansion, slightly away from the crowds, plus a giant gingerbread house inside
Radio City Music Hall
Home to the Rockettes as well as beautiful decor & photo opps
Tiffany & Co.
Ten floors of opulence designed by Peter Marino and including art by everyone from Keith Haring to Jean Michelle Basquiat
Show 20 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.

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