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Аутобусни обилазак Атланте

Уживајте у прелепом појасу Атланте и обиђите Крог Стреет Маркет и Понце Цити Маркет. Посетите Буцкхеад и укрцајте се на нашу турнеју Бакхеад Мансион. Ручајте на пијаци града Понце и обиђите Меморијално место Мартина Лутера Кинга (затворено због пандемије, али ћете обићи спољашњи део Меморијалног места МЛК). Имаћете могућност да изађете из аутобуса на овим локацијама како бисте снимили неколико фотографија и затим се вратили.
Цити: Атланта
Sat 08 Mar
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Са почетком у $69.99
Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $69.99
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Можете понети инвалидска колица ако се инвалидска колица могу склопити у аутобусу. Наш аутобус нема лифт за инвалидска колица.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Шта да очекујете
Национално историјско место Мартина Лутера Кинга млађег
Обилазићемо Национални локалитет Мартина Лутера Кинга млађег пешке око 45 минута.
Сван Хоусе
Проћи ћемо поред Лабудове куће у делу обиласка Бакхед Мансион Тоур-а
Атлантиц Статион
Проћи ћемо поред Атлантик станице док смо на међудржавном аутопуту.
Атланта БелтЛине Еастсиде Траил
Ходаћемо по Белтлинеу око 20 минута
Крог Стреет Маркет
Обилазићемо пијацу у улици Крог око 5 -10 минута пре него што кренемо на Белтлине
Понце Цити Маркет
Зауставићемо се овде на ручку 30 минута.
Атланта СигхтСееинг Бус Тоурс
Наша турнеја почиње и завршава се на овој локацији
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (488)
May 2018
My husband and I enjoyed our tour of Atlanta with this tour company. It was a little strange meeting in the food court. In that we had to go outside to get on the bus it would have been just as easy to meet outside. We had to wait for a while for the bus so the tour guide talked outside about downtown Atlanta. Some of the information was very informative and very current. Other pieces were from beyond a bygone era and could have been cut from the presentation. You can tell the tour guide loved what he did and wanted to provide information but sometime he did overshare. He likes to play the harmonica and pulled it out a lot. The tour included a stop with three different buildings about Martin Luther King. This was really interesting. We went through a bunch on neighbourhoods and gave some background. There was some walking involved but it was great to see Atlanta on the ground level. We stopped at CNN for lunch but there wasn't much of a tour there. We had to eat quick to keep the tour on schedule. We stopped at two unique markets and it would have been better to eat at some local treasures than franchise heaven. The tour guide struggled a bit if we took him off script but all in all it was a good tour for the price and would recommend it to anyone wanting to see Atlanta in a short amount of time.
May 2018
Being an Atlanta native, I found this tour very informative and educational. We went to some locations I have never been to before, though I've lived here 50+ years, The tour guide, Don, was a nice and funny guy. We also enjoyed having a conversation with Corey, the driver.
May 2018
A lot of information (possibly too much to take in during one tour). The guide (Don) was very nice and informative, but really needed to take some time to breathe, literally. The constant speaking was a bit stressful at times - I even overheard someone say, just after the introduction, that she "needed a drink". A speaker is needed. Without such the guide has to yell and I, for one, found his yelling a bit taxing and stressful. A speaker would also be great during the walking portions of the tour because when the guide turns his head (and his mouth) away from the group it is nearly impossible to know what he is saying. I came away from the tour with a better knowledge of the city in which I live (which was my goal), but I have to be honest - I thought about losing the group and calling an Uber back to my car a couple of times. Sorry, Don. You offer a great insight into the city and your knowledge is outstanding, but please work on your presentation (maybe talk a bit less so people can take it all in) and you will have it in the bag.

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