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АТВ авантура у планинама Западног Мауија

Ово је тура АТВ-ом од сат и по која вас води до врха долине да видите водопаде (сезонски) из даљине и поглед на острво. Затим ћете се спустити све до океана и возити се дуж обале. Спектакуларни погледи. Састаћете се на паркингу, а затим следите свог водича у сопственом возилу до другог дела ранча уз шљунчани прилаз до места где се налазе теренска возила.
Цити: Мауи
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $187.50
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $187.50
Шта је укључено
Обезбеђене су кациге и наочаре
Пића укључујући воду, сок и сок су обезбеђена и бесплатна
1,5 сат АТВ обилазак
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за трудне путнице<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Минимална старост је 16 година за вожњу<ли>Морате да поседујете важећу возачку дозволу за вожњу<ли>Ограничење тежине је 400 лбс.<ли>Обезбеђују се шлемови<ли>Бесплатна пића укључују воду, сок и сок <ли>Потребне су ципеле са затвореним прстима. Препоручују се дугачке панталоне<ли>УТВ са 6 седишта који вози наш водич и доступан је за возаче млађе од 16 година<ли>Сва правила и прописи округа Мауи се поштују. Маске нису потребне.
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Коментара (303)
Tisza L
Jun 2019
This is one activity we really wanted to do while on our honeymoon and it was so worth it. You get to ride your own ATV along a guided tour past mountain landscapes and the ocean. It was my first time on an ATV and they walk you through everything thoroughly. The 1.5 hours went by way to fast! You get super dusty so just take that into consideration when picking out what to wear or what you plan to do afterwards. Would highly highly recommend this ATV tour. Five stars!!
Jun 2019
For our first visit to this wonderful island called Maui this was our family’s best adventure. The staff was very knowledgeable, kind, helpful, and very experienced. All of the family said that if and when we would come back again this would be the first thing they would do.
Jun 2019
This was my favorite part of our visit to Maui! My husband and I signed up for a morning ATV session. Here are some things I would like to recognize: 1. You leave your car in a small lot next to the street but don’t worry because someone is hired to watch over your cars while you’re doing your adventures. The same gentleman also makes sure that you cross the street safely. 2. Family owned (if I recall correctly they told us they have been in business for a year now! Congrats). A van takes you uphill from the parking area to the stables/ranch house where the horses and ATVs are well cared for. They will thoroughly guide you on how to operate the ATVs and even have a small trail for a test drive. 3. Our guides were Matt (lead) and Derick (anchor/rear guide). These dudes are super friendly and they know so many fun facts about Maui! They have great personalities and constantly check up to see how you’re doing even though we’re only traveling at 12mph to bask in the views. 4. There are several spots to take photos with the scenery in the background. We saw a bit of everything: mountains, forests, fields, coastline, etc. Our tour guides are also awesome photographers and if you’re camera shy and don’t know how to interact with a camera—don’t worry! They will tell you the best spot to stand, suggest different poses (such as smiling and holding up shakas) and they even offered to take a few more photos on Portrait Mode. They really want you to have perfect photos to bring home! 5. There are a couple areas where the lead guide will move far enough ahead and leave you behind. They call this Run Spots. This means that the moment the ATV in front of you disappears from the trail and the dust they left behind has settled, you are allowed to go on the trail as FAST as you want. I don’t take risks often but I decided to go super fast and I had no regrets! The group will be up the hill watching and cheering for you. What a fun feature! 6. They provide cold water bottles/soda cans to keep you hydrated. The only bad thing I would mention is that you are DEFINITELY going to be covered in reddish dirt, but this should be expected if you’re doing anything outdoorsy in Maui! Do bring cash for tips because these guys are super worth it! Thank you Maui Mountain Activities for a superb experience, we had such a blast!

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