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На нашој турнеји Сецрет Фоод Тоур: Остин, допустите нашим водичима и вашем стомаку да вас воде кроз ужурбане улице центра Остина до доживљаја урбане гастрономије у централном и историјском делу престонице живе музике. Пробаћете бројне намирнице, од наших чувених прса са роштиља до тамала умотаних у листове банане које су остале готово непромењене од 5000 година пре нове ере, плус још много тога. Не заборавите и наше Тајно јело!
Цити: Аустин
Sat 04 Jan
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Sat 04 Jan
Са почетком у $87.00
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Коментара (208)
Nov 2019
We could tell Logan loves his job and his passion was infectious. He also seasoned us with some Austin history and the pork cubes were brilliant. Worth a few hours on any afternoon.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Hi Andrew, thank you so much for joining us and for sharing your wonderful experience during Logan's tour. Please come and visit us again in our other Secret Food Tours - now in 50 cities worldwide!
Rob S
Oct 2019
My wife and I on whim went to Austin for a long weekend. We had done the Secret food tour in London over the summer. That one was such a success we went for it again. I have to say this one if possible was even better! The bbq at Coopers was phenomenal. It was all about the meat and not so much about the smoke. Brisket this good can’t be legal!! I’d stack it up against Franklin’s any day! The staff was very friendly and not just about shoveling food. The next stop was Gloria’s. A very nice Latin place and made me rethink how good a tamale can be! I’ve made my own homemade and it’s nothing like these. By far the favorite was the pork chop bites at Perry’s. That piggy went to heaven for sure! Tender and seasoned perfectly! Can’t wait to go back and try the full portion on another trip. The final stop at Roaring Fork had a fantastic kettle of green chili pork stew. Not only the right amount of ‘heat’ but flavor for days! The small looking pot goes a long way. We easily could have had 2 tacos for the 5 of us out of that kettle. Lastly Logan was a natural at this. He is very personable and good all around dude! He was really able to engage everyone and have a good laugh along the way. His knowledge of Austin was good and shared some memorable insights. He will only get better and appears to have his calling in being a real people person and authentically engaging. My only complaint would be to find more great places to add or rotate through the lineup! Thanks Logan and good luck with your future endeavors! Sellingers
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Hi Rob, thank you so much for joining us! We're truly delighted to know that you had a best food tour experience in Austin, guided by Logan. We really appreciate your kind words and we're looking forward to see you again in our other Secret Food Tours - now in 50 cities worldwide!
Marie W
Oct 2019
Oh my the food ! Plus Logan was extremely knowledgeable about Austin and so friendly .made us feel comfortable .each place we went to was so fabulous .the pork chop bites .melt in your mouth( Perry's)Gloria s chicken tamales perfect.and the pork stew at forks was great ....but my favorite that were going back today before we get on a plane back home....coopers...heaven ..ty Logan from the girls from ct ...marie wild
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Hi Marie, thank you so much for joining us and for sharing your fabulous experience during Logan's tour. We're extremely grateful to have you and we're looking forward to see you again in our other Secret Food Tours - now in 50 cities worldwide!

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