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Аустин Гем Бике Тоур

Будите сигурни да се ова авантура не односи само на пиво. То је само трешња на врху. Нудимо мноштво забавних необичних чињеница и прича о овој авантури за одрасле. Смештени на источној страни центра Остина, наши најважнији делови ће укључивати: Треати Оак, Хидден Аустин Ицониц Муралс, Товн Лаке и три јединствено различите пиваре. (Итинерер је нетачан јер нисмо могли да додамо адресе пивара на временску линију)<бр><бр>Вожња бициклом је умереног нивоа. Ова вожња укључује неколико брда, па будите спремни. Али, не бојте се, постоје три различите пиваре које ће наградити ваше напоре у вожњи хладним напитцима. :) На крају обиласка одлазите срећни, освежени и образовани.<бр><бр>Пиво, бицикли, кациге и стручни водич су укључени у цену.
Цити: Аустин
Sat 16 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $82.70
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $82.70
Шта је укључено
Локални водич
Коришћење бицикла
Употреба кациге
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Минимална старост је 21 година<ли>Потребан је важећи пасош или друга легитимација на дан путовања
Шта да очекујете
Треати Оак
Све приче зависе од јединствености вашег водича
Пешачки мост Пфлугер
Све приче зависе од јединствености вашег водича. Пре ове локације постојала је и станица за пивару, али није била наведена на мапи.
Посматрање слепих мишева на мосту на Конгресној авенији
Још две пиваре које треба посетити до овог тренутка, али нису наведене на мапи Трипадвисора.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (206)
Russ B
Apr 2018
We went on the tour with Adam on Saturday and it was a really great experience. We met at the first brewery and Adam gave us an overview of what to expect over the next several hours. We started in our our first beers at Hops and Grain and got to chat with him about Austin a bit. It was our first time to Austin and we were a bit overwhelmed on where to go, what to do, etc. By the end of the tour we no longer felt that way. Along the way we explored E. Austin and got to visit three excellent breweries and see some landmarks in the city. It was a great way to get a lay of the land and to do it while outside, biking around. What is better than that? At the 2nd brewery, Zilker Brewing Company, Adam provided with with a map of where we have been so far and where we'd be going next. Even better is he went through a lot of the restaurants and bars he suggested and recommended (and some places to stay away from). This was immensely helpful for the rest of our stay in the city. We took him up on his recommendation for dinner at Kemuri Tatsu-Ya that night, and it was AMAZING. Finally we hit our third brewery, Blue Owl Brewing, where my wife learned she actually DOES like sour beers. SCORE! Overall, we drank delicious beer, ate good food from the food trucks along the way, learned a TON about the city and made some new friends. That was a pretty solid afternoon and one i would HIGHLY recommend to others.
Feb 2018
My husband and I took your tour last week and had a great time. We are in our sixties and at first thought that we might be out of place with the group even though we cycle quite a bit. Our tour guide was excellent - she made everyone feel comfortable and provided a great commentary throughout. Despite it being a bit frosty - brrrr - we met some great folks, tasted some terrific beers (recommendation - Coffee milk stout at Zilkers brewery!!!!) and got a little workout as well. We highly recommend this tour.
Feb 2018
We met at a local brewery and the bikes we were to use were being unloaded out of a trailer. They were in tuff shape as were the helmets. The information about the city that was talked about on the tour was limited. The beer samples we had available at the 3 brewers was large. Time spent on the bikes was minimal .
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
We apologize that your experience wasn't what you were expecting. As you can see from our many 5-star reviews, we take pride in giving each and every guest a fun and authentic Austin experience. While we would love to buy new equipment for every tour, unfortunately, we are unable to but rest assured that the equipment we do use is very well maintained. As a cyclist, you know as well as we do that a ding or a scratch might happen from time to time, unfortunately. We are unable to control the pour-size of the flights, as that is each brewery's choice. While we do offer several small pours, they are 5-10 ounce pours because we like to keep our riders safe and alert. We've never had an issue with anyone being unable to finish, or choose to stop drinking, when they've had enough. The reason we provide many small pours (flights), is so that our guest can experience what each brewery has to offer. We also encourage our guests not to drink the crafts they do not like. We don’t want our guests to only have one pint at each brewery and feel they have to drink the whole thing since they paid for it. While each tour is thoughtfully put together, we understand that sometimes, we aren't everyone's cup of tea. That being said, we do appreciate your feedback and as an always-growing and adapting company.

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