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Аваренесс Тоур

Натионал Тигер Санцтуари је непрофитна, спасилачка организација која обезбеђује стални дом за егзотичне и домаће животиње. Наш разнолик кампус за учење посвећен је очувању животне средине и узорној бризи о животињама. Пружамо јединствене образовне програме и искуства да негујемо љубав и поштовање према природи у срцу сваког посетиоца.
Цити: Миссоури
Mon 13 Jan
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Mon 13 Jan
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције превоза су доступне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Коментара (16)
Oct 2020
Brought my dog with me to take the tour. We both had an awesome time. Definitely a worthwhile visit. All employees were friendly. Tour not too long, not too short. Encouraged to ask lots of questions.
Jul 2020
Wonderful place to visit on our family vacation to Branson! Love what they are doing here for these big cats rescued from some very dire situations of abuse and neglect. We had a rather large group and our tour guide, Julia, was very patient with us and the many questions we had. We all agreed that it was a great experience and would definitely go back again!
Jan 2020
Animals are the primary concern at the National Tiger Sanctuary! I'm wary of animal experiences or tours because I want to be sure the animals are well cared for and aren't being exploited. I'm pleased to say I felt very good about the care and treatment of the tigers and other animals here. We were impressed with the knowledge of our tour guide. The tour was very informative, but we kept a nice pace so things didn't get boring. Questions were welcomed and pictures were encouraged. There were lots of different animals when we went which made for a nice surprise. Since they are a rescue facility, the animals they have at any given time can vary, so be aware of that. Know Before You Go: the "walking path" was pretty primitive, so make sure you have sturdy shoes. Strollers and the like won't work. Also, there is a lot of walking so if someone in your group has mobility issues you'll want to call ahead to see what, if any, accommodations can be made. Reservations are needed. There are several tours to choose from. We did the basic Awareness Tour, but I imagine all the tours are wonderful. Also, because this is a rescue facility, be aware that they get animals that need shelter. We had one person in our group who just could not understand why the sanctuary "refused" to get a particular animal. The harried tour guide kept trying to explain that they DON'T purchase or breed animals - they take in animals in need! Please don't be that person! We had a wonderful time, learned a lot, and we'll definitely return in the future!

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