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Цити: Атланта
Mon 23 Dec
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Коментара (13)
Aug 2020
We had a fantastic day out with Dante. He was a very knowledgeable and entertaining guide and we really enjoyed our day out in his company. Loved his brain teasers! We’d agreed to do the 8.5 mile hike but it turned out we did slightly more (14) as my phone fell out of our backpack on the way down so we had to retrace our steps! Due to the fabulous hiking community it was returned whilst walking down for the second time. The view from the top of Pinnacle Knob was stunning. The wine tasting was a welcome (& necessary break) after all our exercise! Would highly recommend this trip.
Aug 2020
Dante was fun and informative and energetic. We enjoyed his riddles to keep us motivated. Great job.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2020
We had great moments, eating figs, and pears.
Nandar K
Aug 2019
We had so much fun! I highly recommend it. The tour operator is awesome! I love the organic snacks he brought for us from his back yard. I love to do it again some trail with him.