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Најбоље туре хране на Кауаију

Дегустација Кауаи Фоод Тоура укључује дегустације са озбиљном забавом у најукуснијим и најлепшим квартовима Кауаија:<бр>- понедељак/уторак: пешачки обилазак хране Килауеа<бр>- среда: обилазак хране по јужној обали<бр>- четвртак: храна за краљевску кокосову обалу Обилазак<бр>- петак: пешачки обилазак хране по Ханапепеу<бр>- субота: пешачки обилазак хране у центру града Лихуе<бр>- недеља: пешачки обилазак хране Ханалеи<бр><бр>Уживаћете у укусној храни од једне од најбољих - специјалне продавнице хране, локалне ресторане и камионе са храном док добијате поглед изнутра у културу и историју која дефинише Острво Гарден. Одшетајте са новим кулинарским перспективама, великим осмесима, задовољним непцима укуса и самопоуздањем да истражујете нове укусе. Детаљи сваке турнеје ће вам бити откривени када одаберете најбољи дан и локацију за обилазак.<бр> • Дегустације и заустављања се разликују у зависности од годишњих доба и доступности <бр> • Превоз је у стилу каравана – возите/возите бицикл/шетајте и учите острво са нама! <бр> • Већина прехрамбених захтева може се удовољити уз претходну најаву
Цити: Кауаи
Fri 08 Nov
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Са почетком у $125.00
Fri 08 Nov
Са почетком у $125.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама.<ли> Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Тарифа за децу се примењује само када се дели са 2 одрасле особе које плаћају<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 година <ли>Код облачења је паметан цасуал<ли>Доступна је вегетаријанска опција, ако је потребно обавестите у тренутку резервације.<ли>Молимо вас да обавестите о свим специфичним прехрамбеним захтевима приликом резервације<ли>Примењују се минимални бројеви. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде уколико нема довољно гостију да испуни услове. У случају да се то догоди, биће вам понуђен алтернативни или пуни повраћај новца<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са алергијама на храну<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли> ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током читавог искуства<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Имамо 5 туре хране на острву: - понедељак/уторак: северна обала - Среда: Јужна обала - Четвртак: Источна обала - Петак: Западна обала - Субота: Лихуе Схоре Све туре хране на Кауаију: • Упознајте вас са неким од најбољих кувара, фармера и власника ресторана Кауаија • Дегустације и заустављања варирају у зависности од годишњих доба и доступности • Већина прехрамбених захтева може се удовољити уз претходну најаву
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Коментара (249)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
May 2019
We took the South Shore tour. At our first stop we, eight of us, met our guide Shane. He told us about his adventures of living in Kauai and a lot about local farms and farmers. We visited six small businesses, each with a story to tell about themselves and the different products they produced or procured locally. At each stop we were treated to a sampling (not to be confused with a sample) of their wares. We enjoyed fresh scones with lemon curd, an amazing burger from a food truck, excellent açaí bowl with fresh fruit, sushi bowl, fabulous croissants, and the most amazing tiramisu. No need for dinner as we ate our way through the whole afternoon. One of our members was gluten free, and happily accommodated at each stop. Maybe my definition of foodie is different than others, but this foodie was very happy.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Aloha SLOcyn - Thank you so much for sharing your experience! We are so happy that you had such a wonderful time. The South shore tour is AWESOME! If you loved that tour, check out the Hanapepe or Lihue tour - those two are going to be your favorite as well. Cheers!
May 2019
I had booked this as a surprise for my hubby so I was really looking forward to this tour based on how it was presented and the reviews we had read. Unfortunately, the tour didn't match the sales pitch. I think it's VERY important to point out that we found out from another couple on the tour that it was supposed to be a female leading the group and when Shane arrived, he told us he was just filling in for someone and had never done this tour before. We were told to arrive by 10:50 a.m., which we did. The entire group was at the meeting place waiting for the guide, Shane, who showed up at 11 and then we had to wait around for him to get organized. He spent the first 15-20 minutes telling us about himself, can’t say we found it relevant or interesting that he just got back to the island after doing humanitarian work and photography and that he got his job because his Mom sent him an ad from Craig’s List. Truthfully, he added no value to the tour whatsoever. Thank goodness for the vendors as they gave us information on their products and information about the island. In the very beginning, Shane told us that we would be doing a few booths at the Farmers Market, then to the farm project, then to a Mexican restaurant and then to a Brewery...that was all the information he gave us. At one point, just before heading to the farm, Shane disappeared and we didn’t know if we were supposed to wait or walk ahead over, others were also confused. When it was time to leave the farm and head to the Mexican restaurant, we asked Shane for directions and at one point he actually said “they’ve put in some new traffic lights so I’m not sure how many lights you have to go through before you turn.” If he doesn’t know and he was apparently born and raised on Kauai, how am I supposed to know when I live in Canada? At the Mexican restaurant, we all sat around a table and a waitress brought three bowls of chips and salsa and sat them down on the table with water. Shane said nothing. He tended to spend most of his time talking to one couple and a woman who was on the tour alone. After sitting at the table for about 10-15 minutes with no direction, I asked someone else if they had any idea what was going on and they said they knew nothing. Finally I asked Shane what was going on as we didn’t know if the chips and salsa was it or what. At that point he said “they are probably going to serve us a sandwich type thing. The chef may or may not come out and talk to us but she’s pretty shy so I’m not sure.” When it came time to go to the Brewery, same thing with directions. As I said from the beginning, thank goodness for the vendors because they provided information except at the Mexican restaurant. The other person who was absolutely amazing on the tour was "Eric" who met us at the garden and provided us with information, personality and even some comedic humour. I would also like to add that when we got home from Kauai, the fact that this tour was so disappointing really sad badly with us so I contacted "Tasting Kauai Food Tours" and advised them of our experience. I had several e/m exchanges with Dr. Addison Bulosan and he was very quick to offer us a refund or tickets for another tour. We weren't trying to get something for nothing so we agreed to a half refund. I thought this was fair. I really think a different tour guide would have made a BIG difference.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Aloha JustJo008 - Thank you for posting your review after emailing us and chatting with us about our food tours. After speaking with our tour guide, Shane, our vendors, and other guests on the tour - we realize that it was a matter of miscommunication and unmet expectations. We are super saddened that disappointing for you and your husband. We are super glad that the vendors were amazing - that is the whole purpose of the tour, to highlight them! With that said, this is a perfect example of not meeting expectations and from this experience I hope we can better communicate our expectations with our future guests. Thank you again for sharing your experience!
May 2019
This organization has several tours. My husband and I had done and loved the North Shore tour and wanted to do the South Shore when staying there. The regular tour was not available when we were so we took the farm to table tour. It was fantastic. We started at the Lihue Farmers Market where a number of vendors had food ready for us, including frozen ground pineapple (tasted like sorbet), all natural frozen bars, Persian based sauces and rice, and the most fantastic croissants I have ever tasted. All were great. We then went to visit the Go Farm Hawaii program at the Community College. It works to educate individuals wanting to become small producers, and helps them with beginning land, tools, and refrigeration to earn enough to buy land. It was a great education about food production in Hawaii. We then visited a couple of restaurants which are farm to table. I highly recommend this tour.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Aloha RobinF108! We are grateful that you and your husband had a nice time touring with us :-) Thanks for the high recommendation! See us again on your next visit :-) Mahalo!

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