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Беионд тхе [Либерти] Белл Хистори Валкинг Тоур

Опис:<бр>Погледајте све главне локације у историјском Старом граду и Парку независности, али чујте све из перспективе која се често изоставља из мејнстрим туризма. Истражите калдрмисане улице америчке историјске престонице. Шетња поред Дворане независности, Звона слободе, Елфретхове алеје и више историјских места у Старом граду. Откријте невероватне жене, староседеоце, обојене људе и ЛГБТК људе који су учинили Америку оваквом каква је данас.
Цити: Пхиладелпхиа
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $49.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $49.00
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Либерти Белл Центер
Сазнајте више о Контроверзи Председничке куће и чујте о бекству Она Џаџ од Џорџа Вашингтона.
Велцоме Парк
Чујте о односу Вилијама Пена са локалном домородачком заједницом: Ленапе.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (57)
Mar 2020
I loved this tour - Rebecca was amazing. This tour as stated takes you beyond the bell. I learned so much in my solo tour with Rebecca - I learned surprisingly that the bell has nothing to do with US independence, I learned alot about the contributions of others who are so often overlooked in history or are deemed to be nothing more than a footnote - women, women of colour, Native Americans, LGBTQ. This is the type of tour that everyone needs to go on and I am happy to support this up and coming business. You will not be disappointed if you book so go ahead!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
Thank you so much exploring the city with us and leaving your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the tour & hope to see you again soon!
Mar 2020
Rebecca is definitely one of my favourite tour guides ever. I love that her and her business partner have created a tour that is outside the box. By that I mean that yes you get the general history of Philly and William Penn BUT...she takes it to another level and focuses on people who have made a significant contribution but are often overlooked - women, people of colour, Native Americans and even I will admit that I knew very little about the contribution that LGBTQ people have made. On the day in question it was just Rebecca and myself but she gave 100% and I came away feeling like I had really learnt something but more importantly as a woman of colour I felt that our struggles, challenges and our strengths were really recognised and I'm grateful that she is one of the few who has taken the time to acknowledge that. I do tours like this in lots of places and even in the south, tours are very "men heavy". Outside of that, Rebecca was chill and we found we had a lot in common about how much we love to travel - as the only person on the tour we found we ended up talking about our personal lives as well as covering things that we are supposed to on the tour which made for a better experience. Due to my limited time in Philly, I missed out on the Badass women tour but I'm planning a trip back to Philly and I will definitely be booking that tour. I like to support the small business and I hope that tours like these continues to grow - book this tour!!!!!!! Thanks Rebecca
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
Thank you so much exploring the city with us and leaving your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the tour & hope to see you again soon!
Feb 2020
Just completed a private tour of the old city AND beyond with Joey. He is an incredible guide. He gave us the history behind the history, fascinating anecdotes, and some unique insights into Philadelphia and American history. The tour was great fun and very informative. Having a private tour enabled us to have his undivided attention and the ability to get to get know him well. He is a genuinely warm and caring person, a great companion to stroll the city neighborhoods with and learn so much about our history. Joey and Rebecca also were very accommodating by letting us take our dog on the walking tour. Add me to the long list of their clients who highly recommend them!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
This is so kind! Thank you for engaging with the history behind the history and helping us put people back into the Philadelphia story. I loved getting to know you both & your pup! Hope to see you again in the future!

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