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Беионд тхе [Либерти] Белл Хистори Валкинг Тоур

Опис:<бр>Погледајте све главне локације у историјском Старом граду и Парку независности, али чујте све из перспективе која се често изоставља из мејнстрим туризма. Истражите калдрмисане улице америчке историјске престонице. Шетња поред Дворане независности, Звона слободе, Елфретхове алеје и више историјских места у Старом граду. Откријте невероватне жене, староседеоце, обојене људе и ЛГБТК људе који су учинили Америку оваквом каква је данас.
Цити: Пхиладелпхиа
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $49.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $49.00
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Либерти Белл Центер
Сазнајте више о Контроверзи Председничке куће и чујте о бекству Она Џаџ од Џорџа Вашингтона.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (57)
Oct 2021
I highly recommend this tour to anyone in Philadelphia, be it locals or visitors to the city. Rebecca and Joey provided an interactive experience that encouraged us to engage critically with the history, meaning, and display of the bell. They imparted a wealth of knowledge that was new to me and gave me a better understanding of the bell icon, especially being situated in the historical and political contexts that you don’t really get from walking around the exhibits. Additionally, they asked us to provide our opinions on display of information, and called our attention to sections and details that I would’ve missed otherwise.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for your thoughtful and engaging review! So glad you enjoyed the tour. Stay in touch!
Oct 2021
This tour lived up to its name for sure -- I learned so much about the history of the liberty bell that I didn't already know having a family from Philadelphia. Rebecca and Joey answered any and all of our questions and were honest and super knowledgeable.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for your thoughtful and engaging review! So glad you enjoyed the tour. Stay in touch!
Oct 2021
Rebecca and Joey of Beyond the Bell Tours were both extraordinarily friendly and extremely knowledgable about Philadelphia’s history. I thought they did a fantastic job of conveying the real and complex history of the Liberty Bell in a nontraditional way. Instead of having us go in to see the Liberty Bell, for example, they encouraged us to observe the setup of the area, notice where people were congregating and what they were paying attention to, and talk to folks in line about their reasons for visiting the site. It was striking how many people were keen to see a supposedly “important moment in history” without knowing the true background of the Liberty Bell. Overall, I was impressed with their ability to readily and thoughtfully answer any questions, their deep analysis of the Liberty Bell in relation to local abolitionist and Black history, and the way in which they enabled us to think deeply about accessibility and visual coding of aspects of the monument. I would absolutely recommend this tour to anyone who would like to visit the Liberty Bell-- after all, it is an iconic symbol— but who would also like to come away with a much deeper understanding of its local history and context. Fun, engaging, insightful, and extremely important— an absolute must when you’re visiting Philadelphia!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for your thoughtful and engaging review! So glad you enjoyed the tour. Stay in touch!

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