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Биг Бус Васхингтон ДЦ Опен Топ Хоп-Он Хоп-Офф турнеја

Откријте легендарне знаменитости Вашингтона, ДЦ сопственим темпом користећи Хоп он Хоп офф аутобус и једини обилазак Националног тржног центра и Меморијалних паркова који је одобрила Служба Националног парка. Погледајте Меморијале, споменике и још много тога на обиласку Патриот (Црвена рута) да бисте укључили нове станице у Блацк Ливес Маттер Плаза и пристаништу. На броду, купци ће уживати у снимљеним коментарима, укључујући историју Вашингтона, ДЦ и чувене споменике и споменике нације. Купци такође могу испробати једночасовно бесплатно изнајмљивање бицикала од Унлимитед Бикинг-а и приступ мултисензорној дигиталној уметности у Артецхоусе-у
Цити: Васхингтон ДЦ
Mon 30 Sep
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Са почетком у $48.60
Mon 30 Sep
Са почетком у $48.60
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Коментара (1000)
Gill A
May 2022
Bus stop sign missing at Capitol stop. Different drivers stop at different places due to roadworks. Website and app out of date. No blue route running. No information on how to hire bikes.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Gill: The info for the Bike rental is printed on the ticket and on the voucher. The Rolling Thunder Parade caused route diversions however all of this was communicated prior to the weekend. This is the reason for your concerns is due to this. We are prohibited from placing signage on the Capitol stop via the local authorities, however, on our website/app we have a picture of the stop. Thank you for the review.
May 2022
There are many, many tours. We chose this one because they offered a hop off-hop on option and a 2nd day for just a little more. Here are pros and cons so you can decide if it's for you: Pros: - Can hop on and hop off as you want. - There's an upper level, front half is covered and back half is open. - Attendants (scanning your tickets, etc) were friendly. - Provide earbuds. - App shows you live bus locations. Cons: - Live audio was not available. Only the recorded one was. - Incredibly crowded despite two levels of seats. - Buses don't come as often as they claim - we waited 30-45 min. - Many reviews complained that numerous stops weren't available. The response from the company was that they don't control detours and road closures. That's true, they don't. But on our 2nd day the entire 2nd half of the stops were not available, and they claimed it was due to road closures. However, we took an Uber to get to the Lincoln Memorial area, and there were NO roads closed. We took the exact route the bus was supposed to take and all the roads were open. I'm usually sympathetic to business, they're offering a service and deserve to make a profit. But that experience left a horrible taste in my mouth. There are many options available, from other buses to small cars to Segways to walking tours. Next time we'll take a small car - we want a real person narrating, don't want to fight for seats, and don't want to pay extra for an Uber to take us where they claim to go.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Thank you for the review. Depending on the time of day you had the Uber, the roads may have opened up (After 3 pm on Sunday, a little earlier on Monday) however, with the early morning closures, we have to create a route that still allows people to see DC which we were able to do. It would be irresponsible for us to drop customers off at stops in the morning and then divert to our normal route in the evening. We would in effect be leaving guests at stops with no ride from us back to their starting place. We understand that this can cause some consternation, however, it is something we have to live with within the Nation's Capitol. Thank you for reviewing and giving us positive feedback and areas of improvement. It is all helpful!
May 2022
Greg provided AMAZING directions and truly walked us through the whole process! We’re soo thankful we came across him. Made our first day in DC perfect! Highly recommend Greg!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Thank you so much for the kind words! We appreciate that you had a great experience with us! Thanks Greg!

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