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Биг Бус Васхингтон ДЦ Опен Топ Хоп-Он Хоп-Офф турнеја

Откријте легендарне знаменитости Вашингтона, ДЦ сопственим темпом користећи Хоп он Хоп офф аутобус и једини обилазак Националног тржног центра и Меморијалних паркова који је одобрила Служба Националног парка. Погледајте Меморијале, споменике и још много тога на обиласку Патриот (Црвена рута) да бисте укључили нове станице у Блацк Ливес Маттер Плаза и пристаништу. На броду, купци ће уживати у снимљеним коментарима, укључујући историју Вашингтона, ДЦ и чувене споменике и споменике нације. Купци такође могу испробати једночасовно бесплатно изнајмљивање бицикала од Унлимитед Бикинг-а и приступ мултисензорној дигиталној уметности у Артецхоусе-у
Цити: Васхингтон ДЦ
Thu 03 Oct
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Са почетком у $48.60
Thu 03 Oct
Са почетком у $48.60
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Неограничена Хоп-он, Хоп-он услуга
АРТЕЦХОУСЕ ДЦ Бонус понуда
Једно, два или три дана неограничено хоп-он, хоп-офф аутобуска карта
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Услуга животиње дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Снимљени коментари су доступни на следећим језицима: енглески, шпански, немачки, Италијански, француски, мандарински, јапански и бразилски португалски<ли>Време рада подложно је промени без претходне најаве<ли>Класична једнодневна карта важиће за коришћење истог дана. Карте затражене после 14:00 важиће још један дан од тренутка куповине.<ли>Покажите карту за аутобус на улазу у АРТЕЦХОУСЕ ДЦ да бисте добили 5 УСД попуста на карте у било које време
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Коментара (1000)
Apr 2022
Good audio tour guide. We has our tickets on the last Saturday and Sunday of the Cherry Blossom Festival so traffic was horrendous which meant the buses could not go the entire route. That meant we had to walk a WHOLE lot more than we planned!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Joe: It’s true. The protest from Saturday along with the rolling protests, along with the 10K run for Sunday made the tour fairly difficult. Thanks for leaving the review. We hope you will come Back again.
Apr 2022
On April 2nd we boarded at Arlington Cemetery on our return trip we waited 40 minutes before a bus came. it stopped once and we were told we had to get off and get on another bus. When we were on bus the driver Ida missed the turn twice then informed us we would have to get off because it now was 5 oclock and she could not take us to Arlington Cemetery where we started and our car was there. I told her my husband had a stroke and could not walk that far. She said get off. We were left there and had to get an uber which cost Another $22.00 dollars. We wll never use your Tour service again. It was a terrible experience snd she was so disrespectful.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Marleen: Sorry for your experience. Similar to another patron on the same day with a similar Arlington issue. No one is allowed to drive into the park after 5 pm. Our last stop is 4:37 pm inside the park. Due to the backlog of traffic to get in, we elected to bypass the last loop there due to the fact that it was going to take 30-40 minutes to get there via the bridge and still not be able to service the stop inside the park. Certainly, we hate that your husband had the inconvenience of having to walk that far and we wish that we could have taken your family there. Perhaps Ada was more insistent than the occasion needed. She needed to be adamant though that we could not service the stop, and that unfortunately, you would have to get off the bus in order to walk there. Thank you for leaving the review. I hope you will reconsider for the future.
Apr 2022
An absolutely horrible experience, they asked us to get off the bus because they missed our stop. Then Ida proceeded to tell us her management told us to get off the bus with my 80-year-old parents in the middle of a busy street, They informed us Arlington National Cemetery was closed, which it was clearly not. We had to pay an uber to drive us back to our car. None of the headsets were working. We had to wait over 40 minutes for a bus, and then had to transfer to a deteriorating bus that smelled of fumes. NEVER AGAIN would I ever book this tour or company.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Sorry for your experience. What Ada mentioned to you was that we would not be able to service Arlington due to the fact that there was a 30-40 wait to get into the parking lot via the memorial bridge. Ada offered you a chance to deboard the bus at the closest location she could. Your safety is your priority. We cannot force you to deboard, and yet, since you were insistent on going to Arlington since we could not get in and reasonably service all the other stops due to the gridlock of traffic, we believed in making an accommodation for you as safely as possible was the best choice. We are sorry that you don't agree and hope that you would reconsider your opinion of us and try us again. Thank you for the review.

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