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Откријте легендарне знаменитости Вашингтона, ДЦ сопственим темпом користећи Хоп он Хоп офф аутобус и једини обилазак Националног тржног центра и Меморијалних паркова који је одобрила Служба Националног парка. Погледајте Меморијале, споменике и још много тога на обиласку Патриот (Црвена рута) да бисте укључили нове станице у Блацк Ливес Маттер Плаза и пристаништу. На броду, купци ће уживати у снимљеним коментарима, укључујући историју Вашингтона, ДЦ и чувене споменике и споменике нације. Купци такође могу испробати једночасовно бесплатно изнајмљивање бицикала од Унлимитед Бикинг-а и приступ мултисензорној дигиталној уметности у Артецхоусе-у
Цити: Васхингтон ДЦ
Fri 04 Oct
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Са почетком у $48.60
Fri 04 Oct
Са почетком у $48.60
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Неограничена Хоп-он, Хоп-он услуга
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Коментара (1000)
Mar 2022
On 29 Mar 22, at stop 11 we waited in windy cold (23°) weather for a bus that was one and a half hours late. Driver was rude, only four buses running, and absolutely no Commentary history or places we passed (only patriotic music). Could not keep to any pre-planned schedule. We paid $100 and ended up walking more than riding. What a waste
Mar 2022
Staff was excellent and helpful. Four adults and two children in my party. Everyone loved it but me. I wear hearing aids & could not use the ear pieces provided and could not pair narration with my phone. No instructions that I could find on app either. Therefore I sat there in silence and isolated from everyone else the whole time. Not a pleasant experience.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
Thank you for leaving the review. We have always said that DC is so beautiful we are one city that doesn't need commentary. And yet, your review sheds light on the fact that isn't true. Your isolation was real, and I certainly validate that. I will raise this issue to the proper chain.
Mar 2022
I hate to leave reviews like this just out in the open but contacting customer service for the company was such a waste of time. So here’s the issues we encountered: 1. No actual physical site to meet at, just like a general area and no one at meeting site to “exchange vouchers for tickets”. 2. Bus was 20 minutes late on first stop. Wouldn’t be a huge deal if the customers there had any idea WTH was going on, or if there was a rep there to let us know. But that was not the case. 3. If you have a two-day pass YOU HAVE TO KEEP THE PAPER TICKET for the second day. No one tells you that and it’s a small piece of paper and it’s 2022 and you downloaded the app and have an email receipt so why would you need the paper, right? Wrong. The app is worthless. 4. First interaction with bus driver on day two, when we learned of the above was horrible. He was not polite and made no attempt to understand the issue. He also rolled his eyes at me. I was being very polite until that point, when I just straight up walked away so as to not release my inner Karen. 5. Called customer service to explain the situation and ask that they reissue me a QR code or another ticket, whatever they could do. Thought “this must happen all the time”. Nope! Had to explain on the phone 3 or 4 times until he understood the problem (waiting on hold between them). He told me to explain to the bus driver and show them my multiple proofs of purchase. I explained I had done that to no avail. Then he couldn’t get ahold of the local office, had “no supervisor available”, couldn’t offer a refund and would “call me back”. Never got a call back. 6. Simultaneously, I started a chat through the app with customer service as I could tell the phone route was not going to work. I’m waiting at the stop with a six year old complaining he’s hungry and a 10 year old whose injured her foot from all the darn walking. So same deal, had to explain it so many times until they understood. I turned into Karen (regrettably, I was hangry), I demanded at least a partial refund so I could get the money to rebook on my own. He was not able to do that, told me only the local office could refund me, that I should try to explain to the bus driver and he could only get back in touch with me via email in “a couple hours”. 7. Second bus driver looked at me like I was a complete idiot but said it was fine for us to get on the bus. 8. After that stop we got to another bus station and thank God, there was a rep there. I explained the whole deal to her (Lena). She completely without trouble understood what I was saying. She was so patient and understood why I was losing it. She called her boss, Tracy (in the local office) who also completely understood. They basically got me a hall pass but I had to explain to every bus driver thereafter. PITA but better than nothing. 9. After the next attraction, we walked to stop #7. A bus drove past us. I ran to catch up to it and asked to get on it. He said “you can get on but I don’t pickup at atop 7 until after stop 6”. What? Driving by the same corner twice? Just not picking people up or explaining it and no rep there. (PS Also, who cares? It’s hot and we’ve been walking all over the city.) 10. Air conditioning did not work on that last bus. Positive things: 1. The on-site reps were helpful knowledgeable and friendly. Half the bus drivers were very nice. 2. The prerecorded narration was interesting and sometimes funny. Also totally dug the patriotic tunes. 3. The buses were fun (not a ton of leg room for the 6’4” husband but he’s used to that) and clean. TL;DR Overall, I don’t think it’s worth the hassle or the money. We just wanted to educate the kids while taking in the sites. The service is too complicated with all the apps and receipts and paper tickets and only occasional reps at the stops. I would recommend finding a similar tour company with better reviews. Picture of the Spy Museum, because you m just meet the bus in front of it, there’s a 8x10” ish sign on a pole in the general vicinity but no real directions. Also, Lena is awesome.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
There is a lot here to interact with. First let me say, we apologize for your experience. WE appreciate the time you took to write us back and provide this review. Truth is, traffic this past week has been so tough with route diversions, protests and a marathon (Another race this weekend). This is why things seemed more complicated than at other times. We thank you for shouting at Lena and Tracy. I am glad they were able to at least make your overall experience a little more tolerable.

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