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Биг Бус Васхингтон ДЦ Опен Топ Хоп-Он Хоп-Офф турнеја

Откријте легендарне знаменитости Вашингтона, ДЦ сопственим темпом користећи Хоп он Хоп офф аутобус и једини обилазак Националног тржног центра и Меморијалних паркова који је одобрила Служба Националног парка. Погледајте Меморијале, споменике и још много тога на обиласку Патриот (Црвена рута) да бисте укључили нове станице у Блацк Ливес Маттер Плаза и пристаништу. На броду, купци ће уживати у снимљеним коментарима, укључујући историју Вашингтона, ДЦ и чувене споменике и споменике нације. Купци такође могу испробати једночасовно бесплатно изнајмљивање бицикала од Унлимитед Бикинг-а и приступ мултисензорној дигиталној уметности у Артецхоусе-у
Цити: Васхингтон ДЦ
Mon 23 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $48.60
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $48.60
Шта је укључено
Неограничена Хоп-он, Хоп-он услуга
АРТЕЦХОУСЕ ДЦ Бонус понуда
Једно, два или три дана неограничено хоп-он, хоп-офф аутобуска карта
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Услуга животиње дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Снимљени коментари су доступни на следећим језицима: енглески, шпански, немачки, Италијански, француски, мандарински, јапански и бразилски португалски<ли>Време рада подложно је промени без претходне најаве<ли>Класична једнодневна карта важиће за коришћење истог дана. Карте затражене после 14:00 важиће још један дан од тренутка куповине.<ли>Покажите карту за аутобус на улазу у АРТЕЦХОУСЕ ДЦ да бисте добили 5 УСД попуста на карте у било које време
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (1000)
Aug 2019
This was not my first Big Bus experience and surely not the last one. I see quite a few people complaining about petty issues and giving bad ratings. Unfortunately, most people do not understand how difficult a job it is to pull all this together. I used Big Bus in Dubai, in London and now in Washington DC. I was never 100% satisfied, but then this is not a self hired personal driver driven vehicle. It is being managed by human beings who are trying to serve and satisfy a huge number of travelers. I was standing with the tickets in my hands at Holiday Inn Stop on Yellow Loop. The bus came, stopped for a couple of seconds, I moved forward along with my wife expecting the door to open; but it did not. The driver shifted gears and moved the busy forward ignoring us. Now, I could easily pick this up and say it is a poor service but for me, he was a bad driver. I told my wife, "Let us go to the next closest stop". We walked for around 10 minutes and reached the next stop. Nothing of this sort ever happened again. The ACs were working and sometimes were not working. But, does that really matter? It is DC heat guys and buses are running 10 hours a day. There can be buses giving it up in such hot days too. Enjoy it at the top or take a new bus. Enjoy your trip. I would never say that everything was perfect but trust me it was as perfect as it could get. For those, who are saying, "We paid", I can only say that for almost all Big Bus tickets, you claw back a lot of what you pay. I got free Madame Tussaud Tickets. So, I paid USD 108 for two persons and got back around USD 60, there and then. So, the net payment made by me was just USD 48 dollars for multiple trips, multiple loops and multiple times. I even got a 3rd day as bonus, so frankly, I paid USD 8 per day per person in a city like DC. What else do you need? In DC you get 1 meal for this price not a bus service. Well done BIG BUS. I have already booked my tickets for New York. For 9th August :).
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Good Afternoon, Thank you for choosing Big Bus Tours as your sightseeing guide! We are pleased to hear that you enjoyed your touring experience. We will be sure to pass the fine accolades along to their management team. If you happen to visit again, please hold onto your tickets to receive 10% off your next purchase.
Aug 2019
Miserable hot weather in DC and all but one of the buses I tried was without air conditioning. For the price they charge I was expecting buses in better mechanical condition. I’ve ridden the Big buses in other locations and had excellent service, but not here.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Good Afternoon, Thank you for choosing Big Bus Tours Washington D.C., I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you experienced while touring with us, I will report this issue to the head of misManagement staff your issue, feel free to contact us directly at infodc@bigbustours so we can rectify situation. Regards, Willis B
Aug 2019
We were in Washington for 2 full days and have done city sightseeing bus tours before and really enjoyed them. So we booked a two day pass for family of four on line and dutifully went to the bus stop fir the first bus. Unfortunately after an hours wait and the guide at the stop advising that no buses had so far left the depot, we were then told the service was suspended indefinitely. With a chunk of our 2 days already wasted and no definitive advice as to when service would recommence, we took the action to buy an alternative bus tour and applied to cancel the big bus tour. We never used their tickets at all and heard back ten days later that they’d give us 50% refund. So 50% cost for absolutely zero service. Thanks big bus tour, absolutely shocking!!! Please be warned!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
I am very sorry you were not able to enjoy your tour with us. Please contact us directly at [email protected] so we can rectify this situation for you. Again I am very sorry for the experience you had while touring with us. Warmest Regards, Willis B

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