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Велико острво, Кона Манта Раи Нигхт Сноркел- Мала група

Обала Кона на Хавајима се сматра примарним местом на свету за посматрање манта зрака после заласка сунца. Током ове отприлике 2-часовне туре роњења са маском и дисалицом са стручним водичем, гледајте ова необична створења како се хране обилним планктоном привучена подводним светлима. Са распоном крила који може достићи више од 20 стопа (6 метара) у пречнику, манта раже немају зубе или бодље на репу. Укључује пића, грицкалице, одело, плутање, опрему за роњење (Рк маске су доступне у ограниченом опсегу и по захтеву. Додајте напомене у одељку за коментаре приликом одласка)
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $139.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $139.00
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Острвски сокови, сода, флаширана вода и лагани грицкалице
Опрема за роњење, уређаји за плутање
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ограничење тежине: 265 лбс<ли>Обуците купаћи костим<ли>Понесите пешкир<ли>Понесите топлу одећу коју ћете обући после роњења (може да постане хладно на повратку)<ли>Труднице НИЈЕ дозвољено на овој турнеји.<ли>Нема деце млађе од 5 година
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Коментара (411)
Mar 2020
Our guides, though English was there second language, did a wonderful job in communicating with all the people on the boat, level of knowledge about the Manta Rays, able to get everyone to the site and see some incredible moments and was understanding enough to drop off one of the passengers who was sick. The entire trip was memorable and the best that we had here at the Big Island...
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
Aloha Scott, so glad we were able to put you with our sister company last night and give you a great experience. Yes they are an excellent team and we so enjoy working with them. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience :)
Mar 2020
Made the reservation on Viator. Tour company tried to get us to change dates then confirmed date. Then changed time. Tried to contact them at site and still haven't heard back from then. Seems we were farmed out to another tour. After a few anxious moments we finally got going. Boat and crew were great. Quite a few Manta Rays and was great experience. Be prepared to hang on to board bobbing in ocean. Wouldn't recommend for non swimmer or inexperienced snorkelers unless really calm conditions. Great experience and really worth doing at least once. You get a really up close encounter with 6-10 foot totally calm and harmless creatures.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
Aloha Mr Spence, so glad to hear you had an amazing experience with the manta rays and crew. You went with us on tour as we met the minimum. We are a smaller company so yes we sometimes ask customers if they can adjust dates if it convenient so that we can confirm a trip. But we never did change the time on you....that was the same :) Thank you for the review
Mar 2020
I have to admit my expectations where not too high given the unpredictable nature of such encounters....close to an guarantee to see the Manta Rays...really? Do these guys control wild animals or simply know where to find them? My skepticism was about to be blown away from the face of earth. Chris and Budda (sorry if I got the names wrong) gave us a warm welcome at Honokohau Harbor and carefully explained the drill. After a 20 minute drive we approached the Manta Ray spot south of Kona. Many boats, yelling from the groups who spotted a Manta Ray, choppy sea and not easy to know where to place the surfboard and lights. Chris and Budda got us into the water and we all did what was been told, hold on to the surfboard, relax and be sure to float flat in the water with no movement at all. It took less than a minute until the show started. At most we had 4 Manta Rays circling the board, and twice we had the biggest one doing 5 loops so close to our board and faces is was terrifying fun. Never ever would I believe to experience such a thing, a few centimeters from my face. And it never stopped. Budda swiped his torch like a true Jedi and used his “force” to pull the Mantas toward our board. It was pure magic....our own personal Manta Ray master :-) Finally we had to finish off and get back to the boat. Guess we could have stayed there for hours, but time to leave the Mantas alone..or share them with the rest of the fleet. Off with the wetsuits, dry off with the towels and a nice calm ride back to the harbor...digesting the experience. Me, my wife and my son (he is 11) had a truly magical experience delivered by Chris and Budda whom went above and beyond to make sure it was a success. Thank you so much for an experience of a lifetime!! Now we are heading back to cold Norway with a GoPro loaded with memories only a video can prove is right ;-) Mahalo 🤙
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
Wow what a compliment ! LOL guide Buddha the Jedi... So true. They really do make an excellent team. Your review was spectacular and so glad to hear you had such a wonderful time with the manta rays. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. :)

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