As an educator, parent, and person of color, this tour held in it the things that so many citizens, folx who believe in community, and those that hope to live with a sense of hope and justice should seek out in any experience. The balance of real talk, visual history, and humility of Mr. Clay was simply extraordinary. In addition, the named white privilege, role of whiteness and frankly, incredibly need for allyship was named unequivocally by Mr. Clay. My only suggestion is that folx be asked to tip at the end :) and that this tour stay alive, continue, and find a way to spread more widely. The history of our country, and in fact, our continued urgency towards a more inclusive, more intentional, and more loving democratic project requires that we face our history while navigating our own role (myself included) in what we do to both refute and perpetuate the history that Mr. Clay so gently, thoughtfully, and boldly shared.